redpill me on ultrawides Jow Forums
Redpill me on ultrawides Jow Forums
They are ultra wide
Great for productivity. Good for FPS games and platformers.
They are like REALLY wide, one might even say ultra wide
It's weird, you'd think they are shit until you try them.
I got one, replaced two FHD (one landscape, the other portrait) and it's been great so far. Now I basically have two 1:1 screens in one and feel more immersive in games. Basically what said.
Every time I use 16:9/16:10 now, I feel like it's 4:3 after coming from 16:9/16:10. A weird feeling. Also no bezels anymore in most movies.
Also go for a curved one if you're into games and movies and such.
Curved seems like it would be a pain in the ass for any kind of productivity work
they are that way cause their owners are thots
Waste of money
Like your mom? LOL
Agreed. Trendy now but the future may not be so good.
Their height is too small
Here comes this autist again.
What's the point of an ultrawide over a 16:9 with the same width? It's not even more cost effective since it's a more niche product. Correct me if I'm wrong.
My 27" 2560×1440 is perfect. If I tile an editor window to one half of the desktop then I can fit 80 columns at a comfortable font size. But I also get more lines than I would with an ultrawide. And 1280 for a browser window fits all but the most poorly designed websites. Furthermore, document pages end up being about 1:1 with A4 paper.
It soothes my autism to have all this stuff and an ultrawide simply wouldn't be able to compete. Unless it was fucking massive and I tiled 3 windows horizontally. Actually that would be pretty neat. Definitely far more expensive, though (I paid like $300 for this display 5 years ago since it's gookshit).
the opposite is true
if it's just you at the screen get curved derp
God tier for gaming (assuming the game supports 21:9) and watching film.
Pretty nice for productivity too, since you get the benefit of multiple screens (increased horizontal real estate) without having to buy another monitor, switch between screens, or do any configuration.
They're nice if you want to get the benefit of multiple monitors but have a small desk/workspace and can't mount, since you only have one stand to worry about.
If you like distortion and less viewing angles, get curved, but everything looks better on a flat monitor.
Dumb autist doesn't realize there's 21:9 and 32:9 ultrawides
>Less viewing angles
Yeah maybe if the curve was outward and the panel was TN.
>he doesn't know 32:9 is even worse
Just make a 3840x1620 resolution on a giant 4k tv, its pretty dope
>paying $1100 to remove the bezel between two $200 1080p monitors
this is how dumb are ultrawiders
>Good for FPS games
Name three (3) FPS games that don't just vert- half of your screen off and fuck you over on visible FOV.
meme tier
Any way to align a 3840x1080 picture on the bottom of a 4K TV so I can use the lower half as a computer monitor, but still use the entire TV for watching stuff from my couch?
>being poor
just get a job
>having money is an excuse to waste it on stupid shit when you could get basically the same thing for way less
This depends on the actual resolution and monitor size.
You can have ultrawides with more vertical resolution and size than a 16:10 monitor. The opposite is true also.
Yours is purple.
Less thicker than your mom.
That chart doesn't really even apply in the real world, 27" UW doesn't exist. A 29" UW would have a physical display width of 67.7cm, and the height would go up an extra 2cm.
From a gaming point of view UW's appeal should be pretty obvious, but from a productivity point of view the ultrawide has two roughly 5:4 halves where the 1440p has two slimmer halves. Combined with the lower pixel count and larger physical size on the UW I would imagine that screen halving is much more useable on the UW
Huh I remember the size difference a little differently. I suppose a 27" 1440p is pretty equal for productivity then if you like the vert.
>viewing angles
>desktop monitor
lolwut. It's not a TV where you'll watch it in different positions by different people where this matters. You only view it from one angle.
>he bought 29 inch ultrawide 1080p
I went back to 16:9 after a year of 21:9. Feels more comfy to look at.
They're not 16:10