/wdg/ - Web Development General

What's everyone working on?


>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
javascript.info - curriculum providing a strong basis in JavaScript

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS

>Learn anything not covered by the above tutorials
hackr.io - crowdsourced collection of tutorials from across the web for learning languages and libraries (ignore sponsored stuff, look at upvotes)
learnxinyminutes.com - quick reference sheets for the syntax of many different languages (generally not sufficient on their own for learning something, but very helpful)

>Asking questions
jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with PHP/HackLang

>PHP resources

Attached: wdg_social_network.jpg (600x706, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Crap, fucked up previous thread link, this is the real one:

What's the best way of letting users help out with bandwidth? It's a lot of videos.
Currently looking into creating magnet links and using webtorrent and then letting users seed those, but I'm interested if you know of alternatives.

Streamer gets 80%
Developer gets 20%

Yes, streamer gets a lot, but the developer gets to have their extension on many channels. There are several developers there that made an extension and were able to quit their jobs to work on them full time.

I'll come back in a month or two with my statistics, but I'm pretty sure mine is going to make a metric fuckton.

Also my wording was off. You get 20% of the revenue your extension generates. Streamer gets the other 80%.

You don't get revenue from other peoples extensions.

Riddle me this, batman.

I set cursor to none on html
I set cursor to none on a:hover

So why is the pointer cursor showing up for a frame when hovering anchor tags?

>What's everyone working on?
Building a twitch extension.

It's my first, but it should be done by the end of this weekend. My artist is finishing the art.

After that I'm building another extension in Phaser.

Having all kinds of fun.

How does twitch decide which extension generates the revenue?


works for me. although oddly enough on codepen at least you can see the pointer cursor appear just before it vanishes

>although oddly enough on codepen at least you can see the pointer cursor appear just before it vanishes

So the exact thing I was trying to solve? You're saying it's a codepen thing?

This is what I was making jsfiddle.net/5tseyhcw/

Posted the wrong one.


and I'm just going to make a div with a click event on styled text since this is annoying

seems to work when you apply the rule to both 'a' and 'a:hover'
also use 'transform: translate()' in your css
much better performance than setting top and left all the time

change a:hover to a and it works

>much better performance than setting top and left all the time

ha, now click the mouse


I shouldn't be doing this shit at work.

hm, don't have exact numbers right now, but generally transforms shouldn't trigger a layout recalculation unlike setting top or left. Though I don't know if it's different with absolute positioned elements.

Also much simpler without jQuery imo
const handEl = document.getElementById("hand")

window.addEventListener("mousemove",(e) => {
handEl.style.transform = `translate(${e.clientX}px,${e.clientY}px)`
passive: true

>user, you have been invited to apply to a job on Indeed
>10 states away
>Not my tech
Why is Indeed such a piece of shit website? Has anyone actually got a job from it?

fuck off poo

jQuery makes me a ton of money.

sounds interesting

how do you deal with devs around you at work who are absolute cunts that don't mind their own business?

they keep interrupting whenever im talking to a client manager and end up just repeating the same points we talked about turning a 2 minute clarification into a 20 minute conversation they'll keep talking about shit going on and on but will never touch the code and just waste your time not letting you get anything down

I just looked at the terms of service/use/etc for bits.

this is an example of 'good' use of bits:
>Broadcaster asks viewers to Cheer for a character the broadcaster should select in Street Fighter.

and then the 'bad':
>Using Bits as a bet or wager or soliciting or accepting Bits for a bet or wager.

while at the same time:
>Awarding loot boxes that include an element of randomness is permitted so long as contents of the loot box do not have a monetary value

The policies are contradicting each other. Fuck wasting my time on "we decided to remove your shit because lol" -Amazon.

Anyone has a good project idea?

You have to use the extension. Simply having an extension means jack shit.

Hi /wdg/
I'm creating a scraping tool for a specific forum that has about 300000+ pages. I want to index all of them, so I made a script with node to make http requests to the website.
The thing is at one point the server starts returning 503 and 408 error codes, like I can get the first 200 pages without problem but if I start asking for more the server doesn't answer some requests.

I know I could delay each request but that would make the whole thing take a huge time, I'm wondering what would be the best way performance wise. Ideally I would like the script to adjust himself dynamically when it would detect that server load is too high.

How would you do this ?

Attached: 51ziQCPk-DL.jpg (358x500, 40K)

Bitch what's wrong with this?

I spent 75% of my day reading through the code I'm supposed to be adding to (15+ year old MFC monstrosity) and I didn't write a single line

Was just assigned today and it is due next monday

This feeling is bad

>I shouldn't be doing this shit at work.
I shouldnt be browsing /wdg/ at work but I do it all day anyways

>I know I could delay each request
you aren't already?
how many are you sending per second? (and what's the time for those 200 requests?)
literally every server that has been halfway set up will rate limit you after a certain amount of requests in a specific timeframe

I guess start slow and slowly ramp it up until you hit the limit, then you know.

>fixed typo

how does dispatching a custom event work in javascript? can't get my head around it

I just started and I'm beginner with js/node so far it's just a for loop with a node http.request call inside with a callback outputing the status code, the for loop going from page 1 to X.

I'm thinking about using async queue to manage requests and slowly increasing concurrency to see how far I can without getting an error code. Do you see any other way to do this ?

What GUI framework can I use to get a proper treeview?
It should preferably play nice with Vue
Do I have to write it myself?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-12 00-28-30.png (388x682, 80K)

Some http request library like 'axios' will probably make your life much easier for a start compared to directly using Node's http module.
Do you basic understanding or experience with JS promises and its async behavior?
Looping through everything is fine, but you probably have to either use setTimeout() or some sleep function to slightly delay each request.
And of course also prepare something, where you save the pages you have gotten so far to disk, so you can pick up where you left off in case of an error or if things just take a longer time.

Not sure how concurrency would help here unless you are sending requests from multiple servers/IPs.

That shouldn't be too complicated to write yourself.
Basically a bunch of nested arrays you loop through to create the elements for the folder structure, right?

Don't feel bad, just tell your boss there isn't enough time. I've failed to deliver in time before and literally nothing happened.

> trying to work on our react-native mobile stack
> Android won't run on my phone unless it's in debug mode
> iOS won't run unless it's not in debug mode
> Can't run iOS on a simulator
> Ambiguous errors for days
> MacBook keeps freezing
Kill me, who needs mobile apps when web development is so good nowadays.

Attached: 8a4.jpg (316x202, 30K)

C++ projects

Any reason why you're not using an emulator?

I need something to do..
I have a full time job outside of webdev, but I want a side project to do cause I'm bored.
I'll even help y'all with school projects if its interesting enough
Or I'm open to contributing to an open source project, but I haven't found one that's the right fit as yet

Start a business.

How many computers/laptops do you have?

One laptop for at home, which contains all data.
One laptop for outside, which contains no data.

What type of business? I started a clothing brand last year, it gained some traction then failed spectacularly.

A competitor for cock.li for 1 dollar a month.

Hmm, not quite what I was looking for but good suggestion.
Along that same vein of though, what other services could I create a free version of?

>eloquent js
>you don't know js
are those 2 good books to learn js?

idk about eloquent, but "you dont know js" is a pretty good book in my opinion.

thoughts on adobe XD

Why not just set the cursor as a URL in CSS instead of creating an for it in HTML? Seems pointless.

cursor: url("transparentpng.com/download/hand/hand-transparent-clipart-6.png"), auto;

Just realized chrome and firefox say different css selectors and now im not sure which one to use

Just use both. A ruleset can have multiple selectors (separated by commas):

selectorA, selectorB {

Maybe it will help if I explain what I am doing. I am using php and python to scrape a page of its content that I want and assigning variables based on CSS selectors. For example, on the same page, firefox says the selector is '.blog_post > h1:nth-child(1)' and chrome says the selector is '#left_content > div > h1' and now I am unsure which one to use

you're right, I've just done some search and found eloquent js is not for beginners. thanks user!

Firefox: select h1 if it is a direct child of blog_post class and is the first child of blogpost ( seems redundant)

Chrome: select h1 if it is a direct child of div, and div is a direct child of element with id "left_content"

What logic do you want? Is the div in the Chrome version of class blog_post?

You Don't Know JavaScript is outdated and way too tutorial based. Kyle Simposon's books are shit. You'll learn a bunch of recipes from it, but will miss out on the deeper theory and semantics, which is the most important part. Eloquent JavaScript on the other hand is one of the best programming books I've ever read. It is definitely a tougher read and some of the examples seem overly complex for the point they're trying to get across, but I suggest going with it anyways. For parts that you feel you're struggling on, reference the sites JavaScript Rocks and The Modern JavaScript Tutorial for more details and clarification.

Yes the chrome version is within the div blog_post

thoughts on using firstore/mongo for server and only using js?

I liked your suggestion, specially after skimming through YDKJS first book of the series (up & going). I'm not a total beginner, I know some java, algos & ds, also I'm not afraid of a difficult book, actually I believe when a book is difficult it helps its reader to build a solid knowledge. thanks user!

>For parts that you feel you're struggling on, reference the sites JavaScript Rocks and The Modern JavaScript Tutorial for more details and clarification
I've read a few posts this week of an user recommending JS Modern here in /wdg/, I'll definitely use it, thanks

Chrome and Firefox are just making a CSS selector that uniquely identifies that element. There's an infinite number of selectors that could be used to identify a given element, and those just happen to be two.

So for actually styling your page, you shouldn't use either of those values. You should use what makes sense in the context of your web app.

For example, you might have
.blog_post h1 {
color: blue;

to indicate that all H1 elements within a .blog_post will be blue.

Or, you might have
#left_content > div {
font-family: "helvetica";

if you wanted to specify the font for any div who is a direct child of your #left_content section. (Although generally you don't want to style by id; this is just an example.)

you need to put on your blackhat

learn to multithread
learn to proxy

look for patterns and shortcuts

you can do this

I know this general is obviously biased, but is mobile dev generally easier to learn than webdev? I'm liking webdev and don't plan to quit forever, but I have some personal project ideas that would work best as native apps, plus I want to put mobile dev on my resume. The thing is, I feel intimidated by the fact that I'd have to start from scratch learning a new language, new framework, new environment, etc

>new framework

Learn react. Its by far the most popular JS framework (library, technically) now, and it is mobile ready via react-native.

Mobile dev here. Been lurking this general as I've been experimenting with back end stuff for fun. Depends what you're looking to do. Android apps in general are much easier than iOS. There's a ton of resources and documentation is way better. I have less experience on iOS but it's definitely the bigger learning curve between the two.

Compared to web dev? Maybe about the same if you know Java, maybe slightly more complicated if you're new to the platform.

But every time I ask about React Native people tell me you have to know both Swift and the Android SDK to be really efficient in RN, which defeats the point as a solo dev.
Damn, I know Java, but I was thinking of learning Swift/iOS due the support for audio/music related apps. I've also read iOS pays more, guess that must be why.

Using Flask, I've been creating my first website and am now trying to make a simple login form and account creation system so that only users with accounts can access the site's main features. I was recommended this guide: codeburst.io/jwt-authorization-in-flask-c63c1acf4eeb

Unfortunately, it's incredibly complex. Is there an easier way to go about such a thing, rather than painstakingly following through with this entire process? From a security point of view, is Flask-Login secure enough to be used? I've been googling, but I'm still fairly new to programming and haven't been able to find a good answer.

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I'm interested in book recommendations. I buy more than I read but it's hard to find actually good software books.

Design patterns was meh. I maybe didn't give it a proper chance. Definitive JS has some good parts but is also a monoloth and old.

The book I would recommend the most is " User story mapping". My copy is at my desk at work because it's so good. It's less about programming and more about the communication aspects of software. Still a must read though, accept no substitutes

Attached: IMG_20190112_000411.jpg (2688x1512, 1.08M)

i liked gameprogrammingpatterns for design patterns.

I'm losing my google+ page as it closes in April so I've been looking into registering a domain and using a Web builder. The ones that come up often are wix, ionos, weebly, squarespace, godady, jimdo, uKit, strikingly. I'm spoilt for choice and not sure which one the choose. Or I could only pay for hosting and code it myself which would be basic but have a quirky home made element. What to do.

Is there a book or a guide on frontend development that isn’t targeted at neanderthals with zero coding experience? I already know a few languages and worked briefly doing android dev.

I own that exact OReilly JavaScript book. Nothing makes me feel more like a literal wizard than flipping through that volume, and invoking it's arcane secrets of callbacks and event loops.

Uncle Bob's Clean Code is by far the best programming book I read so far. It's very opinionated and one doesn't have to do everything exactly like he recommends but at least it's not as vague as many other books.

Attached: clean_code.jpg (552x680, 54K)

Attached: 01-big-nerd-ranch-guide.jpg (350x506, 44K)

do you use an IDE or do you just save it all manually?


buy hosting install wordpress

No, that's really rubbish. .,.,. Everybody uses wordpress

Modern forums have APIs. Contact the forum owner and ask if he could give you an API key if that is required.
If there is no API check the forums sitemap.xml usually found in the robots.txt. That should give you a list of all threads at least.

Also don't spam requests. Worst case scenario your IP will get banned. If you have a small server on which you can scrap, who cares if it takes a week or so.

I'd still just contact the site owner and ask for cooperation. Especially on large data like this.

0 0 0 09 01/01/2019/1/12 Kalimantan Island Sekkusu? Welcome family? Namahage Shikohage
0: 06 ● Shikohage moved on time! Namahage did it! Sizil in Dogeza? Over there?

● 2019/1/11

The original Kapoid of the adverse influence of idle is coming from Kalimantan Island! 2019/1/11 at 23: 57
Sacrifice a raccoon! Shikohage Codex? Needle? Rubaiyat (4 verses poetry) 1: 11

● Shikohage is still eating people! A good person for me! 2019 / January 11 23: 57 ●
● Shisho-Hage etc is a devil's kind 23: 13 ● In my left butt, there is a battle of Sisil (cistol; resurrection)! 21: 01 ●
● Pochi of a house dog is nue? 18: 56 of 2019/1/11 ●
● Galariya Nyamuhi (Spanish) struck two Hottent's injections on my hips with Belo's life! 2019/1/11 at 16: 53 ●

2019/1/11 23: 57 The idol's negative influence Kapoid is coming from Kalimantan Island!
23: 57 Shikohage * 2? Pastrami? ● Shikohage is still eating people! A good person for me!
23: 13 ● Shisho-hage etc is a kind of devil! 23: 39 Shikohage * 2? Sōzuma Boy Pastrami?
22:58 Left, image of Ai! Zoltbalita? Tosho? Sushi Misu Hotentotsu?
22: 49 Richard Sushimi Needle? Hippocamp? 22: 35 Needle? Aka
21: 14 Niobium (brain scammers) declined? Koshimino? 21: 51 Is Pochi Nigro? Akaname
21:01 Hippolyte Tea (suicide)? Akaname ● There is a Battle of Shizil in my left butt!
20: 31 Shikoshiko? Hotentot? Shikaku (Goole: Hottentot)? Arranger? 21: 01 ● Shishiru in the Battle? ! Sistrum (Resurrection) 5: 26)

>2019/1/11 at 23: 57

Attached: data v2QXPGvdWHb-wdYs4WaBlVotbPAQt-_5ppCialJ61aFTErMb8zLupUBnDvUJzWQ0qcBEpuFIo6GuOZrE9pLsVSA8fSTYSlp (480x110, 7K)

hello /wdg/!
can someone help me out figure out the framework used to animate these product showcases? is it completely custom?


I need to make something similar but less complicated. i tried looking at the source but it's all a bunch of functions named a, b, c, d ,e, etc. etc. it's making no sense to me.

if someone else has some other ways of animating this they would recommend personally i would also appreciate any input. it can be using svg's or png's or whatever really.

Based on the source they seem to be using greensock.com/products/ and fullpage.js

>back from bahamas
>bunch of bug reports from beta client during vacation, fun fun fun
>Built inventory management base layer, needs more love, pic related
>Push notifications are going in today and then a lot of polish and UI shit.
>Also need to expand driver functionality so dispatch can see all orders assigned and how much money they should have.

Marketing website is live, dedicating a bit of advertising budget to it soon.

Had a monster company come in as a competitor but still have a better offering even though they got clients like Coke Cola, Burger King and much more.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 9.08.14 AM.png (872x1504, 169K)

>they got clients like Coke Cola, Burger King and much more.
I wasn't aware Burger King sold weed.

They're a corporation with a wide array of product offerings in the logistics sector.

I wish burger king sold weed tho

Is there a service yet that lets you order both food and weed?

That would be an amazing app.

btw, those delivery apps are hard as shit to make. You finally get the stripe integration and inventory management section for the restaurants then you have the whole driver app to do and after that have to find the contractors to actually drive. I was working on one for about a month and a half before a competitor launched in my area. rip

I'm making a Picross game using Vue and Electron.
It feels really good having everything I've learned these past few months coming together so easily.

I own a delivery company for marijuana.
We already have drivers, product, infrastructure in place there, I initially started developing it as an internal tool to make things easier.

It's been about 4 months but we have a pretty crazy feature set and nearly ready for marketing launch.

The main niche is it is tailored and built from the ground up for marijuana delivery companies by a marijuana delivery company instead of a repackaged/repurposed existing solution that only suits 70% of needs.

Attached: routeoptimizationactuallyworking.png (846x1478, 362K)

So your goal is to have the different delivery services utilize your app instead of create their own?

I'm not from that area (we just legalized medical marijuana) so I don't know how things operate in rec areas(countries), but if I owned a marijuana shop in a place that allowed marijuana delivery then I would have a delivery driver. Seems like your app gives them a leader place to operate from.

I like it better than I would a "postmates for weed". It's more like a grubhub for weed before they contracted drivers and the stores took care of it. Neat.

You got it.

There are 4,000 delivery companies in Canada PRIOR to legalization, 99% have the same workflow:
Send a text message or call them to place an order and they text you when close and how much etc.

Very unprofessional, difficult to scale and manage and a nightmare for drivers/dispatch.

So my package allows all of them to instantly, overnight transform into a fully fledged operation with inventory management, driver management, an online storefront for customers to place orders, auto SMS, customer order tracking, proxy sms server, etc etc etc

And the sales pitch is easy af, since I built my own delivery company I already know all of their issues and problems and have live proof of my platform working as I dominated my local area of influence.

Plus can sell to the massive US market as it fully legalizes.

Attached: flippyfinal.gif (320x558, 3.47M)

thank you!

>that gif
how did you made that?is that a simulator or something?

not him but
>capture video
>export as gif

That's just a gif recording of my app, each order is a card that you can swipe through left or right.

Tap the card to quickly get access to various features like quick SMS, directions, etc etc.

This is for SMS marketing, filtering out customer base to send to based on a few criteria

Attached: filtersmscustomers.gif (424x742, 2.99M)

>starts programming at 9
>13 years of exp
>26 yo
>possibly building a million dollar app
damn nice

slider is alright, make the number be an input field so you can edit the number as well

yeah thats a good idea thanks

>25 years old
>8 failed companies & filed bankruptcy already once

I fucking hate sales demos and got 3 next week, I should hire some autist for this.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 11.04.39 AM.png (2792x1678, 1.89M)

>8 failed companies & filed bankruptcy already once
so what? Trump has filed for chapter 11 dozen times and has multiple successful companies.
You just need 1 company to succeed big to make it

>sales demos
what's that? do you have to make a power point presentation of your app and live demonstration?

Is it possible to build a custom API on my free wordpress.com site? If not, does anybody know a painless place for building a small api for free?

depends on the API
what's the API about?