>the Zen2 chip running against the i9 9900k was a 65W R5 tier CPU
>the Zen2 chip running against the i9 9900k was a 65W R5 tier CPU
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The nerves on this guy. He got completely BTFO at CES and he continues to spew his fanfic and you amdrones keep eating it. Amazing.
>Jow Forums btfo
Every fucking time
what wrong for rooting for better cpu performance user? delid urself
>twice as fast
I want whatever this guy's smoking.
Fake charts man is surely lying as usual
yeah he was wrong on his initial leak that was based on older information, this new early engineering sample actually ran faster than what he said, adored BTFO for sure
Why does he keep messing with Tim? Is it jealousy?
because Tim said there would be no Ryzen 7nm shown in any fashion, he was wrong and his sources lied about that
Tim mindfucked him. Adored is a puppet and Tim is pulling the strings
Why do you mouth breathers bring up GPUs in CPU threads or vice versa
$200 dollars 4.6 GHz.
>Intel btfo
>7nm uses less power than 14nm+++++
Who would've thunk. Also brand shilling is fucking retarded.
Your empire of dirt
>yes he lies and makes shit up but that was only about gpus!
The package had room for another chiplet. It was a head to head preview.
Intel absolutely btfo.
tell me lies tell me sweet little lies duh duh duh duh
Amd said they wanted to give intel a fair head to head matchup. There will be a second die on that package that will be orphaned from the EPYC chips.
8core vs 12 core.
yeah lets just ignore that space and parts necessary for a second chiplet, 8 cores confirmed amiright
tell me lies
I bet they have enough room to stretch the price range to a performance per dolar near intel. Dont expect cheap this gen
this fucking guy
How could this happen to me? I made my mistakes
He sounds like an annoying cunt desu.
>report the video for spam or misleading
Based pajeet
No Navi test chips have shown up in any bench databases
No Navi dies have been spotted on any shipping manifests
Navi likely isn't anywhere near production right now
There was ever any chance whatsoever of AMD talking about Navi at CES
There was no "leak" about Navi, AdoredTV 100% made it all up
Zen2 APUs are still going to be monolithic designs, not chiplets
The next gen consoles are not using chiplets
Adored didn't "leak" anything about AMD using chiplet designs either, he copied a guy on Twitter/Anandtech named K. H. Chia who has been speculating and posting mock designs of AMD's enterprise chips for a year
The prices and SKUs Adored claimed as a leak will probably end up wrong as well since hes entirely full of shit.
He is a desperate welfare recipient making a pittance of a living from patreon donations.
I bet he doesn't kiss ya!
>brand shilling is fucking retarded
You're right, user. However, underdog shilling in an almost-monopoly isn't.
Nigger, you saw the photo of the Ryzen chip and EPYC didn't you?
the same underdog that is charging 700 bucks for their new vga? pfff your retarded
>yes NVIDIA destroy my ass, god I love the pain
Why are Nvidiots such fags?
I really would've expected it to cost more. 16GB of HBM2 and a monolithic chip built on 7nm where yields are poor? I would have expected $800
Prices are still shit and we can thank Nvidia for that
>thinks he needs a $400+ gpu to play gaymes
Also didn't you faggots say 2 rx480's is a joke? Yet AMD announces their top teir gpu near 2080 performance for $700 and all you do now is complain.
How do you expect a company to compete without R&D budget? When they could afford to price their chips low, gaymers fell for the "Meant to be played" meme and now we're in this mess.
You think it can't get any worse? Can you imagine market where Intel/Nvidia are without a challenger?
Exactly my point.
This pretty much killed my hopes of the zen 2 cpus being cheap.
Radeon VII isn't a part AMD released to sell at a profit, its a part they released to minimize losses for enterprise sales. They could have just thrown all these completed packages away if they wanted to.
wasn't the cost of RVII like 750$ while AMD sells it for 700$
the Zen2 CPUs are less of a problem
the chiplets are so tiny that yields won't be an issue even on 7nm, and they can bin almost every single part of the waifer, you've got almost all of the waifer going to sales and none for the scrap heap
you can't do the same with a large monolithic GPU that needs it's own dedicated VRAM on the board
>thinks Vega 20 = Vega 10
>thinks 7nm = 12nm
>doesn't pick a $700 gpu with lots of vram that matches a RTX ON gpu for hundreds less
Ok pal.
>guise I didn't claim anything
>It was the intel shills doing
This is what they are doing with EPYC. The chiplets are getting speed binned.
I like how AMD is flaseflagging and sandbagging. They do this a lot. They will have a 12 core part that is 50% faster than a 9900K at half the power and a 16 core part that will be twice as fast at the same power.
>the absolute state of flanker
No, he was responding to adoredtv's fake leaks by saying AMD wouldnt announce the next gen ryzen. They didnt. AMD didn't even have qualification samples. They just teased some of Zen 2's performance, they didn't announce jack shit. AdoredTV had a chart of models and specs saying they'd announce products at CES, he lied end of story
The Zen2 logic dies around 70mm2 aren't small for the node. Look at the xtor counts of Apples latest part. Its like 7billion at 80mm2 or somewhere in that neighborhood.
AdoredTV has absolutely no idea how defect density works. When you yield 30% known good candidates out of a wafer, that doesn't mean 30% are perfect, it means only 30% function at all. It means 70% of the wafer is going straight into the garbage.
So will AMD but they will have higher clocks at a smaller node even if 10nm finally ships.
EPYC chiplets are the Ryzen chiplets. Binning is happening for sure.
The more I read the more I dislike this guy. Can you stop? I'm not in the mood to be annoyed.
Retard they showed the engendering sample at the event. Clocks are getting narrowed down.
>they didn't announce shit, they only showed it off on stage without the IHS and benchmarked it and played games on it
the absolute state of retards
Perhaps there will, but probably later down the line because 7nm is more expensive than 14nm and wiring dies to interposer is difficult and if failed ruins all parts involved.
But fact is AMD only had a performance teaser for us. They dont even have QS with final clocks and Lisa seemed concerned about crashing so it's nowhere close to final silicon. Adoredtv heard 16 cores and made up models and specs to bait viewers telling them AMD would announce new ryzen 3000 models at CES when they didn't
Everything on AM4 is going to be significantly lower power than the i9 9900K at peak load. It typically pulls 140w~ under non AVX load, if you put an AVX load to every core it'll suck down just over 200w at totally stock clocks.
A 16c/32t Zen2 chip on AM4 could easily have moderate clocks, more aggressive single core turbo pstates, and stay under 125w.
>wrong speculation = lying
wtf i hate adoredtv now
I calculated based on the 2700X score + 13% IPC uplift and divided that by 4.6Ghz (all core stock 9900K) then timed that by the 2057 score and it came in at around 4.4-5Ghz. I feel validated.
He told Navi would do this. Vega 2 isn't Navi. It still far fetched, yeah, but when they announce the new lineup of GPUs we can confidently call him a liar. For now he still isn't wrong. And when it comes to CPU he's actually right. No, missing that they didn't announced the release at CES doesn't count as wrong because the date is the least important part of the information. Of course, if they end up not releasing a 12 or 16 core part he'll be wrong. If they brand this new chip a Ryzen 7 but it matches his leaks he will also be correct. He got no crystal ball and the product may change. Why cheer against PROGRESS IN TECHNOLOGY so fucking much?
8GB of HBM2 was $150 only when Hynix stsrted producing it solo. Samsung joined and like tripled production. Theres no way that HBM costs anymore than Vega 64's stacks did at the Vega 64 launch
Tell me the price, specs and launch price like listed here
Oh wait noting like that was announced.
enterprise is gobbling that shit up as fast as it can be made, even with Samsung in the picture
It was put out as a leak to test the waters on what price people will likely pay for it. By people saying it is too good to be true they can now safely put the prices up.
The dammage control you do for this scottish subhuman and his fake hype vids is hilarious.
Now it was a prediction. Fucking gold history revisitionism. The retard literally said that CPUs are coming and nobody should be buying ryzen 2xxx or anything intel.
That's not what engineering samples are for u tard. They're for physical validation and development, usually for partners to make sure their chipsets are compatible with actual hardware and shit. They should be almost as capable as their production counterparts but they're not clocked because they outright have yet to decide on a final clock, the decision simply hasn't been made whether to trade off power and heat for performance and how their early production versions bin. Literally the decision hasn't come down so how the fuck are they announcing products
Yeah, they didn't announce shit retard. They already announced zen 2's existence last year and gave us a release window well before CES. This was a teaser for a line they already announced and they didnt announce new models
The point here is that adoredtv was wrong. His whole leak was fake and fanfic.
>Got told today that Navi needed a respin so they've had to release this Vega 2 instead.
Faster Navi GPU's incoming!
>mfw looking at his tweets
>liking memes and doing damage control
He's lost it
how so, his leak was based on old information and the chip that competed with the 9900k on stage was .2 ghz faster than what he'd been leaked, the core count and TDP was spot on
This. Zen 2 is still going to kick ass but adoredtv is a hack. Also rtg sucks ass, I bet David Wang will quit and go to intel too.
>that fucking thumbnail
Hey Jim, didn't know you browsed Jow Forums
wasn't a vega refresh always in the cards though?
How will Tim respond to this?
fuck,that picture reminds me of early dos,pc adventure games where you had to click on things
>rtg sucks ass
Because Rajeet fucked it up. They're only going to recover next year
GPUs take 5 years to develop. they're fucked until 2023
That's because he guessed it fucking dumbass, it's not a "leak" it's just a chart made by himself calling it a "leak" to get more attention. Even the troll reddit guy did the same.
I would be fine with him if he called it a speculation of his and not a leak.
Even if he is right in the end, he just guessed it and it was never a leak because the reveal at ces didn't happen
Jim needs to shut the fuck up with the insults. Using the word 'cunt' is not professional at all and makes him seem petty.
Intelotards BTFO once again
He was Absolutly right
this is based on what? your own speculation? fucking dipshit, everything we've found out so far leads toward adored being right and you fags being wrong, even his speculation that there would be two chiplets with an IO die was spot on
his 'leak' fell apart the moment the cpus were announced at ces
and today, when it was confirmed that the apus wont be chiplets, killing the 3x00G cpus from his list
*were not
>believing anything on Jow Forums
it's been doctored, retarded nigger.
>HIS speculation
You mean the speculation of everyone across the internet after AMD revealed epyc uses CPU and IO chiplets? He's trying to claim legitimacy by saying that he received the leaks before anyone, including the redditor with the fake chart made that claim, too bad he's a piece ofnshit with 0 proof. the worst part is that he latched onto other speculation, added skus, clocks, prices, etc. And now he's trying to take credit for it and any claim that he was copy other people is met with "my leaker told me before anyone else posted it even though I only made my claims after everyone else and I have no proof my leaker even exists so hah"
He's a piece of shit parasite.
the only issue so far is that it seem like ZEN 2 is
slightly delayed by 2-3 months, as even adored expected it to be released around april-may so a "soft launch"/announcement at ces would've been realistic.
in terms of specs, surprisingly, it seems to be shaping up to be true. i've never expected clocks to go this high. pricing will probably be a different story as well.
>To Be Announced
>CPUs weren't announced
>B-But b-but .....
You nerds are pathetic
You must be clinically retarded to not be able to still comprehend why it's not a leak after all these comments. Either every information about a leak is true or it's not a fucking leak.
how old is Jim? He talks like a 26 year old but looks 56
TBA was a column header in his spreadsheet, he filled in the rows with dates. He lied. He has no leaker. Hes full of shit.
Adored shills are beyond pathetic.
I bet that package can take a GPU too. It puts the 3600G squarely as an option. Obviously higher core counts means no iGPU. But the 3600G is entirely possible.
oh look, another adoredtv ad thread.
I wonder what Hiro does with the money.
Paper master literally told us last year 7nm would push performance aka frequency up to 25% higher than 12lp. If you didnt expect it it's because you weren't paying attention
Welp. How is this adoredtv fellow still doubling down on his delusions?