Wheatpasting is legal in my city and I have enough paste to hang about 2,000 of these, plus a free printing source. What is user doing to promote 2019 as the year of FOSS?
Year of FOSS
Other urls found in this thread:
get a life senpai, nobody cares except you and some basement dwellers
Have you ever genuinely looked up anything that you saw on a flyer?
I don't know, user. More and more people are leaving social media. Apple and Samsung stocks are both crashing from not selling enough new phones. Normalfags are trusting big tech less and less. Privacy scandals have been on the front page of the news for a year now. Now is the time to capitalize on that fear and to help it grow. Normalfags follow the trend. Make the trend fear. Make being on social media seen as something shameful.
>More and more people are leaving social media
More and more people are leaving Facebook; Instagram and Snapchat are as popular as ever.
They just move onto to something worse. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Not unless you have the time and money can you actually do anything what you are describing.
You'd be surprised the effect 2,000 posters wheat pasted onto every bus stop and train station in the city can have. It might not do much, but it will incite that fear and shame that is growing in people over social media. I am only one user, but Anonymous together is a legion.
Thank you OP, you made my day.
>be autist
>become billionaire
>marry asian
It just doesn't make sense!
If something happens, then let us know, but I am only warning you that people don't pay attention to those flyers more than the typical "Hmm".
Do it OP.
Do not listen to these demoralizing contrarian faggots on this board.
How can you submit when you're already owned? Seems like you could be making your point a bit better here instead of this extreme edge
Perhaps you'll like the other version more then. Also, just because someone says they own you, doesn't mean they actually do. Saying, "SUBMIT," along with, "WE OWN YOU," could simply be a tactic of manipulative persuasion to get someone to believe what you say is true.
This is better
t. 12 year old
Name a single person oppressed by any tech company. Maybe spend your time and resources affecting actual issues in your community, I suggest you look up whatever political group matches your ideologies and see if there is a local group you can attend. You'd be surprised at the number of people you can help when your a part of an organized effort that focuses on tangible results rather than emo kid posters that people will just laugh at
Even copying and reposting someone's lost dog fliers would make a bigger difference
if you're in despair all the time does that mean you believe in everything?
>join a political group
~t braindead boomer
You really think politicians give to fucks about you? They don't even know how to use smartphones. They think the internet is a series of tubes. All politicians care about is getting enough money from lobbyists so they can stay in office.
t. sheep
You've clearly never been a part of a community or contributed anything to society besides wage slaving
You realize local politics is very different from national politics and that not all work done in local groups is tied directly to politicians?
Sometimes it's fund raising for a politician you support, sometimes it's funds for your local library, sometimes you're fixing brake lights, sometimes you're protesting some fucked up shit you don't want in your town. Very often you actually get tangible results for your actions when doing things at a local scale.
Also very few participants are boomers, college age people are tend to be the most politically active
Bitch, I've:
>Helped run Food Not Bombs in four cities
>Lived in the woods for nine months fighting old growth logging
>Helped run a community social center in my neighborhood
>Done volunteer bike repair with a coop that ships bikes overseas to nations that could use free bikes
>Done actions that successfully shut down two coal plants that were smack dab in the middle of a heavily populated city
>Worked at an almost free bike shop made out of a shipping container in the hood
>Done a ton of way more heavy protests and actions all over the country that I won't talk about through electronic communications and been arrested for as results a variety of times
>Worked with a prison support organization, sending books to prisoners
>Helped crack, establish, and lived in squats both for punks and people being thrown out of their buildings from predatory landlords flippping buildings into yuppie kindoms
>Provided free community classes on using linux and open source software
>Been poor as fuck the whole time doing so
And you're going to tell me I should fundraise for politicians? Maybe once you get out of college you'll see that the rosy fantasy world you live in where you can rely on the state and good will to fix everything is an illusion, but for now, you are delusional. People are much more selfish than you realize and the state is corrupt as fuck and only a representative for money and their own jobs, not the people. Go white knight for communities you don't represent elsewhere, filthy SJW.
awesome effort mate, thank you.
"we own you. we CONTROL you."
you have officially earned your mad on the internet licence
Do it, OP. It's a good message that needs to get out there.
Hell yeah. What privileges does the license give me? Does it come with a free fedora or a sword or something? Do I get a free whipping boy from Gaia who I can lock in my closet and take out and beat every once in awhile when the rage builds too heavily?
attacking each other is just bad when the real tyrants are fucking all of us at the same time.
Fuckbook does mind-control experiments on people. It is illegal.
Fuck them and fuck the CIA for being a half-assed croney agency and a congress that doesn't even know how Fuckbook makes money!!
They've also been getting hold of people's medical records. There's really no point in having a society when the people at the top refuse to follow such plain and simple rules. Rules like HIPAA that are meant to protect the average joe. I want to see Zuck the cuck hog tied, doused with gasoline, and lit on fire. No fines or even prison time are enough to quell my immense asshurt. I want their blood.
Put up the signs, OP. This is the first of many steps towards spilling blood for the blood god and taking skulls for the skull throne.
New thread theme:
the fuck is wheatpasting?
the fuck is a search engine?
fucking botnet is what they are
>they do it for free
America is being infiltrated by communist, it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
>They've also been getting hold of people's medical records.
>No fines or even prison time are enough to quell my immense asshurt.
Bingo: the other day my private fucking dentist appointment ended up on CORTANA, Microsoft's assistant. When I spoke to the phone provider she said FACEBOOK can be a problem like that.
I don't have Facebook but maybe the dentists does. Either way...
Death row is the satisfactory response for what Zuck has done to everyone and it is so bad I can't even.
Mind-control and manipulation. exploitation of minors (illegal), SCAM user agreement, SPYING and RECORDING private conversations the list goes on.. they are also responsible for advanced event-triggering leading to deaths.
Mark Zuckerberg's MENTAL ILLNESS is not something that should have ever become a social network governing 2 BILLION people.
You're going to get caught.