What PC parts instantly make you respect the owner when you see them in their build?
What PC parts instantly make you respect the owner when you see them in their build?
Nothing, because i'm not some faggot child that respects vanity instead of another mans character.
Hey, I also got 650w Titanium Seasonic PSU, are you revering me now?
Let's see it.
The appliance case with fake brushed aluminum and audiophile feet.
So this whole thread's gonna be a Ryzen/Vega/Meshify/Noctua/Seasonic circlejerk?
Actually yes.
When people build powerful machines without sticking their shitty LEDs everywhere
I hate the RGB meme, fucking waste of electricity.
Hardmode: Motherboards
Cigarette butts in the case.
Outside of AMDshit those brands are well-regarded for a good reason.
except most people don't have a choice since RGB's are integrated to the Motherboard , the GPU , etc...
comes at a price of not having a smartphone with a camera, still on my trusty philips dumbphone with the most terrible camera that can keep a charge for two weeks.
Nowadays every single high end GPU and motherboard has RGB shit and turning it off requires some shitty software. Better to just leave it on with default settings and bite the bullet.
But I use a CM HAF 912 with a Corsair RM750x, an Aorus Gaming 7 motherboard, RGB gaymur RAM from G.Skill, an MSI 1070 Ti Titanium and they're all top shelf components?
Meshify is ugly
let me up you one more - I got HGST NAS hard drive with 10 year warranty. Redundancy is the word I went by to build this time around.
I fucked up though, got a gigabyte motherboard, VRM and build is good, support is terrible.
Also the i7 8700, non K.
if you want to bake your components in it, sure, it's the best
Anybody with HDD's in 2019.
>front air intake is some shitty tiny grille on the sides
Post a stock image then.
when someone ghetoo modded their PC in a useful way
Case Badges.
That fan controller is pretty cool.
>not understanding air pressure
This board requires a minimum IQ of, 110. Please go to a board that is more suited to your intellect, like /v/
me , 2TB firecuda
SSD's are too expensive.
This or someone who literally doesn't give a shit about looks but only performance.
Mmm I prefer the styling of older models. Not sure what they are doing these days.
When it is well done for the purpose needed such as an old 478 Pentium 4 with AGP DVI graphics used for retro-emulation. Cheap and makes sense when I see people building DDR4 machines for the same thing with no advantages
I see too much normies with under-used over-powerred PCs used only for Youtube, Micecrap or Facecunt
I put a 1 TB HDD in my last build despite having a 500GB SSD that I never filled. I just liked listening to it.
eeeee you mad gweilo? I paid $270 for it, before the prices shot up.
At least he cares about airflow over looks
what? my modern HDD doesn't make sound. they do not click anymore.
Autism: the post
you can have peak performance with aesthetics, I hate niggers who jerk off over function and think form is something disgusting or useless. Fucking braindead autists who are incapable of enjoying things
wish I could garrote you, you fuck
It's difficult to respect someone that doesn't overclock.
its a silence focused design, not looks
if it clicks , it's dying.
AIO > Tumor Heatsink
>see them in their build
Why are you able to see anything in their build in the first place? There should be a windowless case around it. If you can see inside it with the cover closed then the entire thing needs chucked out the window. If he's such a drama fag as to want to show you his build and open the cover then pour his soda on it.
You should never be able to see into a build and never allow anyone to ever see it. If you do you are the lowest tier of gearfag scum there is. Nay, the person wanting to see inside is the lowest tier of gearfag scum there is.
All HDDs click. Get your hearing checked.
eeeee dew ne low mo! All I do is game! Why pay extra by $120 for the privilege of an unlocked chip when it won't be obsolete for a long time? eeee the 8700nonK is ideal, just lol
yes they do but you shouldn't be able to hear it in normal conditions , if you do it's going to die.
>inb4 i stick my ear on it to listen to it : autism
All the shit ones. Get paid fag.
i-9 9900k
any Nvidia™ GeForce™ GTX™ product.
Honest answer is if they have an nvidia + amd combo for gpu + cpu
I care about asethetics but probably in a different way than you do. These include buying objectively the best components, the best case and doing the best cable management possible. The way it physically looks literally doesn't matter.
Get your hearing checked, gramps.
Use bcache of StoreMi if you're on windows.
My "shit" one has 2,5k days on power, how much do your have?
even my 2011 built WD black doesn't click. modern HGST makes less spinning sound than my low speed case fans.
had a Radeon GPU + Intel CPU before , the GPU was so shit it was barely working , only the Intel integrated was working 100% of the time , all the PC's of this model had the same problem , i don't believe the Radeon memes , their GPU's are expensive and shit.
I look forward to seeing it on Kijiji Vancouver when your study is over and you go back to China.
they got it built by a professional instead of wasting their own time building it
AIOs are literal zoomertech.
>My "shit" one has 2,5k days on power
your HDD is dying , mate.
don't come complaining when you lose your data.
I had i72600k+r9 390 in 2016.
Now I got R51600x+1070, I want to go back to Radeon, washed out nvidia colors is not a meme.
I had a 290X up until last year and apart from some annoying quality of life issues (loud as fuck, hot as fuck, power hungry as fuck), I only had one major problem. Was trying to setup EDF split screen across two monitors using the AMD eyefinity thing and as soon as I clicked on it, my computer crashed. After rebooting it would keep crashing so I had to boot into safe mode to uninstall the drivers, but windows couldn't get them uninstalled. Ended up finding some driver removal software and that did the job. Me being a naive dumbass thought that the installation may have been corrupted initially, so I installed the drivers again only to have the same issue. Had to roll back in the end.
Ever since then I've switched to a 1070ti and the experience has been angelic in comparison. Low temps, low noise, low power usage, and amazing performance.
Ryzen is definitely fine though, haven't had any issues with my r5 1600.
It's been "dying" for a decade you imbecile.
and they paid 2x more money , money that could be put on better hardware.
could've simply run DDU in safe mode, it would kill any leftover settings
if you say so...
Very Zen of you/
thanks :))
If someone buys pre-built either A) they are stupid and wasting money, or B) their time is so valuable it's not worth it to spend a few hours building and setting up a PC instead of spending a few hundred dollars extra to have someone else do it.
If they know their shit when it comes to computers and still buy pre-built, they're probably in situation B, in which case they earned some respect.
>Paying for a house fired
Yeah, sure, I'm the jelly one.
using this thing for so long the temp sensor went faulty
Nowadays you can just buy a building service for 50-100 euros at retailers, at least here.
>8700 runs at 29c idle/55-60 load on a hyper 212 evo
eee sure, AMD shill! Housefire indeed! Very warm and toasty !
I bought my current Windows-PC pre-built because the components were good and the sale was an actual sale (in this day and age that's pretty rare) so it was cheaper than the actual components.
It was just before the release of 2000-series, so it's a 1080, otherwise it all checks out spec wise.
The cheapest AsRock Motherboard the store had.
That way I know it's a person that doesn't fall for jewish tricks. And gets out the cheapest so he can follow new tech, without niggerflexing.
it takes a man of character to install gentoo
i5 1500k
RX 480
I can't respect Asrock I'm sorry
What a dream job. I'd spend two hours on cable management and get fired probably though.
You got an aftermarket cooler for your locked cpu. Cute! He thinks he's one of us.
Deals like this do happen. Though I'd be so embarrassed. Imagine someone saw your prebuilt.
I feel you. The one bad thing is a glass side.
Hate having the guts show, especially when the GPU has L33T-GAMER-RBG.
eeee stock coolers are garbage especially the Intel ones! dew ne low mo on all gweilos!
Any high-end rig that doesn't have RGB lighting
It's not like I respect people for using certain parts but I respect them a tiny bit more if they don't use RGB, tacky cases, ASRock boards or Seagate drives.
what about i5 2500k and gtx 1060
>shizuku edition
Mein nigger. I prefer Literature outfit though.
You got me there.
> Seagate drives
What is actually the point of an expensive motherboard?
Better VRM allows for better overclocking and more features like PCI lanes, SATA ports etc.
Cheap motherboards can't overclock for shit
more features and better power delivery