Why is i3 so popular among normalfags?

Why is i3 so popular among normalfags?

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besides awesome wm it's the only sane option for people who have a job

>takes minimal effort to setup
>looks good
>binds are the easiest to learn

Dunno, I use MATE and don't give a fuck about autists who apply their autism to their fucking desktops 24/7. Do something productive you fucks

i3>any ayymd shit

Pretty sure the i5 is more popular.

dude it's about window managers not processors

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the state of g

Not the most ramwhoring wm. Sane defaults. Ease of configuration.

Basically that. A lot of people don't want to spend time configuring everything to it's last detail.

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Windows 7 was based and redpilled.

it's a bmw and it's electric.
so they can still say they have bimmer and they protect the environment

So titlebars?
Windows 10's works for me. Though I have to admit I have a soft spot for Win 98,

Openbox reigns supreme

>be you
>tried to install i3
>"wow wtf I have to learn key bindings"
>"i3 bad"

>Be me
>Use xmonad
>Configure my own wm in Haskell
i3 is a nu-wm for normies who want to look like "le ebin hax0rs"

cwm masterrace

>twitch emotes

Have you ever, even once, seen someone using a laptop on a train or cafe or other public place use i3? Have you seen a friend or family member use it? A co-worker? I've seen screenshots here on Jow Forums and that's it, that's the entirety of the i3 userbase. That's hardly being popular amount the normal people.

Don't know about i3 but awesome is comfy.

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based bait poster
imagine calling other people normalfags and you use brainlet NPC epic wojak reddit memes lol just use whatever works you autistic lil faggot

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Not op. A few of my friends use i3/awm, but I know a lot of freetards

There are many people who are really happy without the need to expend more money on a computer. It's just that they don't need more.

The sad thing is all those who expend a lot of money on their computer without having a need, and they are not even happy.


nice bait glitterboy

Because it's babies first wm. The config is easy, it looks decent and all the widgets are easy to get working.

I used i3 for sometime when I first started on Arch but eventually found it to be lacking and switched to awesome wm and haven't changed since.

The absolute fucking state of Jow Forums shills.

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>implying GNOME isnt objectively more normie friendly than i3
U sure are a faggot

because i3niggers can't compile a simple C program

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Fuck restarting for a simple config change, though.
And fuck patching.

the fuck

Use xmonad with xmobar, DWM bar font rendering is garbage

The real question is why use tilling manager shit.

This. It might be babbies first tiling wm (rightfully so) but no normie is going to use it.


>i3 is lacking so he changes to awesome
what are you on nigger

>btw I use arch

I've been on i3 for a while. Been wanting to try out xmonad cause haskell.

Only a fraction of Linux users, an OS with only 2% marketshare, use i3. Most people have never used desktop Linux on their computers and many have never even heard of Linux to begin with, so why would they be called normies?


>needing to recompile a program for mere confoguration
Fuck off. dwm is the single worst piece of software I've ever used. Shit tiling layouts, bloated, overly complex bar info configuration, not to mention that the source code itself is an absolute mess. Plus, it requires a full blown C compiler to configure. Literally the antithesis of minimal, bloated as shit. More like suckass software.

Seriously, selling "configuration via source code" in FOSS is literally snake oil. You can do it for any FOSS program, so dwm offers nothing new.

i3, bspwm, awesome and xmonad are all fine in my book, with i3 being my favorite overall. But dwm is inexcusable. Haven't tried other wms, so I can't comment on those.

Sell me awesome. Why should I use it over i3?

You're talking about a custom window manager for Linux right?
I don't know what you consider a normalfag but I doubt most would know what i3 even is.

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Why do all redditors who use Linux use i3 then?

I dunno, I don't browse reddit.

well thank you for coming here and telling you about your ignorance then

You're welcome buddy.

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holy shit dude

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>the redditfag cries out in pain as he hits you


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>not using based fluxbox all these years

because it doesn't really have any issues?
the config for it is stupid easy and it has the same or more features as other tiling WMs.

despite the name, it's less of a meme than i3. you'll find yourself actually getting things done

where the fuck do you live that normalfags use i3? i dont know a single person irl that uses anything even close to a tiling wm.

imaging being so insecure that you have to use lesser known program for windows arrangement on screen solely for the purpose of appearing more obscure and abnormal for other people rather than just to have a comfortable workflow

>you'll find yourself actually getting things done
...and what killer features will allow me to?

cuz it's comfy

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You configure and compile it once. How often do you need to fuck with your WM?
You're an idiot. The layouts are all useful and if you had such a problem with them it's trivial to add your own. You should already have a C compiler installed. The bar info is literally setting some variables with sed and shit and just displaying them with xsetroot. Much more simple than shit like polybar or whatever the i3 zoomers use these days.
By the way, the source is simple enough that even a person like me that doesn't know a lick of C can easily modify it.

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>You should already have a C compiler installed.
Why? I am not a programmer.
>The bar info is literally setting some variables with sed and shit and just displaying them with xsetroot. Much more simple than shit like polybar or whatever the i3 zoomers use these days.
In the mind of the suckassfag, this is "simple and easy".
>By the way, the source is simple enough that even a person like me that doesn't know a lick of C can easily modify it.
A program should be feature-complete without needing you to fuck with its code. FOSS already allows you to do so by definition, so being *required* to isn't a feature. It's a flaw.

Stop using deliberately crippled software. No one here thinks you're cool for it.

>A program should be feature-complete without needing you to fuck with its code.
Sure, if you're some kind a basic bitch with needs so simple some guy can predict what you want, but the reality is that you're such a cuck you adapt to software rather than adapt it to you.
dwm gave me a good base to build a system that works the way -I- want it too, because no one out there can know what I want.
Actually, not only is it exactly what I need, it fucking installs itself too because I also have several install scripts for multiple distros that set everything up for me without needing input. Working on OpenBSD now. Sure you can copy le dotfiles from shithub, but it's important for my shit to be as offline as possible.
And no le 'FOSS' doesn't already do that, shitty unauditable code does nothing for you even if it's available, that's way people hate garbage like systemd and gnome so much.
Also, if running a simple command like pic related through xsetroot in a bash loop is complicated to you, I really don't see why you're using linux or why you're even on Jow Forums.

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It's shitty design to require someone to recompile an entire program just to make a configuration change.

At least use .ini parser or plugin system

Notice how my setup is distro/OS agnostic. Again, how often do you need to change shit once you have it setup? Are you some kind of spastic?
Also you're in the fucking directory to change the config either way, you can't just run a make install before you exit the terminal?

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>Recompile an entire program
Recompiling dwm takes as much time as refreshing an i3 config, dipshit

Please tell me you fags are joking

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>Sure, if you're some kind a basic bitch with needs so simple some guy can predict what you want, but the reality is that you're such a cuck you adapt to software rather than adapt it to you.
>dwm gave me a good base to build a system that works the way -I- want it too, because no one out there can know what I want.
Yes big boy, you have such special needs that no existing software can fulfill them without modifying it. Fuck off.
>Actually, not only is it exactly what I need, it fucking installs itself too because I also have several install scripts for multiple distros that set everything up for me without needing input. Working on OpenBSD now. Sure you can copy le dotfiles from shithub, but it's important for my shit to be as offline as possible.
You can do it with literally every wm.
>And no le 'FOSS' doesn't already do that, shitty unauditable code does nothing for you even if it's available, that's way people hate garbage like systemd and gnome so much.

>discussion about wms
>brings in systemd and gnome

>Also, if running a simple command like pic related through xsetroot in a bash loop is complicated to you
>pic related simpler than a config file for any other wm
You have Stockholm syndrome, user.

>I really don't see why you're using linux or why you're even on Jow Forums.
You do realize technology != programming, right?

>supporting configuration files is bloat
Some suckless fag please explain this one to me.

It's still shitty design, as it effectively makes the program depend on an external program, a compiler, for mere configuration.
It's not self sufficient.

config.h does the same thing and it makes the program more efficient because it doesn't have to check the file on every start up. They also say they want to keep the usebase small and elitist so it's to scare normalfags away.
nobody who uses suckless doesn't have a C compiler on their computer.

>the program more efficient because it doesn't have to check the file on every start up
Are you fucking serious? It takes like 0.0000001s to read a config file.

>They also say they want to keep the usebase small and elitist so it's to scare normalfags away
That's fine, but the fact that it's a tiling window manager on xorg scares normalfags away.

>Yes big boy, you have such special needs that no existing software can fulfill them without modifying it. Fuck off.
yup. I have very exact expectations for my setup that I didn't find in any other DE/WM, so I made it myself with dwm as a base. I'm sorry you're too dumb to know what you want from a computer.
You seem to have poor reading comprehension too, makes sense that piping a command into a parser is too complicated for you. Again, why are you using a unix-like os if you can't handle the terminal?
>You do realize technology != programming, right?
Congrats for having the most retarded statement I've read all night.
configure it, install it and never touch it again, why do you need to have a fucking configuration file? What the fuck is wrong with you people? What is there to change so frequently that requires you to be able to change it on the fly?
I still don't this? Why do you not have a compiler installed?

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>why do you need to have a fucking configuration file? What the fuck is wrong with you people? What is there to change so frequently that requires you to be able to change it on the fly?
Maybe I might want to make/change/remove some keybindings? Or change my default layout? Or a million other things related to window management?

because stapelberg is a g

Why would you want to waste time recompiling shit?

wasting an extra nanosecond on bloat is against the suckless philosophy.

dwm changes layouts on the fly. and if you're going to change a bind in i3 you have to reload the config either way, you might as well also recompile since it takes a fraction of a minute on even the slowest of my shitboxes.
Also, after you have everything setup, having a config file hanging around is worthless and does nothing but slow you down. A perfectly configured binary is a much more elegant approach.

>in i3 you have to reload the config
Takes a fraction of a second

>you might as well also recompile since it takes a fraction of a minute
A fraction of a second is much quicker than a fraction of a minute. I'll go with i3.

>I'll go with i3
I think you're confused. I don't give 2 shits whatever garbage you use, I was just addressing your retarded points.

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I would have to recompile to change keybindings correct? i3 obviosly reloads configs way, way faster than dwn could compile. You argument of "you might as well also recompile." Makes zero sense.

>yup. I have very exact expectations for my setup that I didn't find in any other DE/WM, so I made it myself with dwm as a base. I'm sorry you're too dumb to know what you want from a computer.
It's hard to take you seriously here when you've only shown at most a couple of floating windows with fetches, some random womyn pics and a game.
Damn, wow. Such a perfectly tailored, extremely peculiar desktop. Woe me for not having such specific and refined needs.
>You seem to have poor reading comprehension too, makes sense that piping a command into a parser is too complicated for you. Again, why are you using a unix-like os if you can't handle the terminal?
It's also funny that you accuse me of reading comprehension when I don't remember mentioning I'm not confortable with the terminal.
>Congrats for having the most retarded statement I've read all night.
Sorry that revelation was too great to bear.

Also, fix whatever editor you're using. It's leaving leading spaces before a newline.

dwm compiles in less than a minute on even my slowest of shitboxes.
Well I can't show my work or anything with any actual information so what the fuck do you want?
here's a shitty webm I made more to show off demnu scripts. I don't think I show off any layouts, a scratchpad etc.
If you're fine with the terminal then you would realize you have much finer control over what goes on when you have simple scripts doing shit for you.
Also if you're talking about the border around st, that's what it is, they're not leading spaces kek. st can do that dynamically btw

Attached: dwm-2019-01-07_23.54.26.webm (854x480, 2.53M)

>Also if you're talking about the border around st, that's what it is, they're not leading spaces kek. st can do that dynamically btw
No, he was probably talking about your posts here.

>less than a minute vs less than a second
I'll go with less than a second.


It was years ago, and because it was missing widgets that I wanted for monitoring CPU load and CPU temp, awesome had all of these and they were easy to get working and add to the app bar. Haven't tried i3 since so no idea if its changed now.

>What is there to change so frequently that requires you to be able to change it on the fly?
Seriously? New keybind for running a program in a new way or maybe the program itself is new to you. Similarly, adding stuff to autostart. I don't believe you can't think of such examples, so I suppose you're prepared to explain why they're stupid.

we may be on an anime website, but I don't think anyone brought it up in this thread

Personally I have all my core programs bound anything else or new I just run from dmenu.
My browser runs from dmenu for example because I usually launch it one every couple weeks or whatever.
But again, if you're already in the directory, is running sudo make install that big a deal to you? I really don't get this argument against dwm.

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Please share your dmenu scripts user.

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single core performance of i3 is faster than anything in amd line up

cuz it's a great tiling window manager senpai


for a FHD display two copies of terminal or two emacs frames cannot hold standard 80 character lines without wrapping in any of my favorite 16pt size fonts!!!!! there is always an overlap

15 is crap

All of these wms depend on Xorg, a separate program and a bloated and poorly designed one at that

no one in this entire thread even mentioned sway
>the absolute fucking state of Jow Forums

Yes. dwm depends on that AND a C compiler to boot.

why should we, gnome-shell users, mention this crap?

>Self sufficient
Please tell me you are joking faggot? DWM is for people who have work to do and have a compiler installed and are not gaymer or anime jerkkkg faggots

Let me get your background, desu