How can you drug somebody with a wrench?

How can you drug somebody with a wrench?

Attached: security.png (448x274, 26K)

>drug him and HIT him with this $5 wrench
Learn to read, nigger.

Do you also make inclusive or responses on reddit and buy extra milk because they had eggs?

But it literally says >drug him AND hit him

drug him, and hit him

btw, the comic is a reference to a guy who his friend stole him 1.8 million USD, he didn't had to crack his private password, he just used a $5 wrench, beat the hell out of him and forced him to transfer the money.

I see a flaw in this...

OP has a point. Ppl need to lurn 2 use commas to demarcate clausal and phrasal domains of sentences.

>itt op fails to understand boolean AND operation
dont write if statements pajeet


XKCD is for retards who fetishize being nerds.

If you can drug a wrench, you can drug a ball.

t. brainlet

Oxford comma MASTER RACE

I forgot to wash my hands before eating once and had a bad case of wrench poisoning so that's one way.

Op has zero fucking point, none. Op is exactly whats wrong with the fucking internet, all of it.

$5 wrench + syringe with drug of choice + zipties
what? never worked security at ben gurion before?

Attached: DA7UjS5.jpg (360x1936, 186K)


This - again, and again.

As demonstrated here.

Attached: 1544173895213.gif (387x248, 1M)

t. brainlet

youre retarded

>How can you drug somebody with a wrench
This would literally be a perfect response in Reddit after someone says "le relevant XKCD XD" and posts it

Off yourself.

This is the objective truth. XKCD is unfunny.

I did not say "not funny". It is _unfunny_. It has a negative humor value, to the point that if you were laughing at something immediately prior, XKCD will undo that fun and stop your enjoyment.

Oh and reddit has a gigantic hard on for XKCD. That should tell you all you need to know about how unfunny, self-aggrandizing bullshit it is.
