What is Jow Forums's opinion of pic related?

What is Jow Forums's opinion of pic related?

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Cringe and bluepilled

Terrible field to major in.

Fake and gay

Mathematics is the only discipline where you’re allowed to solve theoretically uninteresting and practically useless problems.

pseudoscience, right up there with gender studies

I mean, it get's the point across that you want to talk about mathematics, but I don't really like the white stroke or the font to be honest. I don't really like the background color either. It's not a great pic.

Wow, and I thought Jow Forums was supposed to be smart.

demonstrate your vast intellect to us so we may bask in its glory

Sorry this board is for actual real physical science
Go to /sci/ if you want to talk about psuedointellectual and useless topics

>which graphics card gets more FPS is actual real physical science

I'm gonna try to not go off on a tangent here, so give me a sine if i did, but I feel Math in general really divides people. While it may really add things to our society/knowledge, it can also multiply our problems.

Considering this board is full of 66% brainlets, probably can't even formulate an opinion on it.

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>can actually see and observe fps and use graphics card to do useful tasks
>have to come up with dumb abstract thought puzzles to describe useless math shit that is useless in real life

And knowing the answer to this question helps us how?

It shows us where you are on the IQ bell curve.

>Man my equation is so close to working, but it needs a number to equal the square root of negative one and we all know there is no possible number that can satisfy that
>*inhales weed smoke* dude just like make a new fake number up that equals whatever you want.

The absolute state of Mathematics.

And we're supposed to believe that?
Prove it first.

The ultimate pleb filter.
Humans need not apply.

Extremely inspiring

Thats not how this works, sweetie.

Wtf, how can anyone get this wrong?

if you study math people respect you
if you study CS people call you asking for help installing wifi and downloading RAM

If you study math people ask you to help with their child's math homework.

>respect you
No they likely stay far away as you math nerds often have nothing interesting to say and cannot provide any utility to the average man
Everybody uses a computer nowadays, but high level math tards are studying niche topics that only like 6 peopleinthe world even know/care about and will never be used outside of jerking Each other to see who can cum out the first published journal on it

good shit

easily my lest favoritw subject a school

>Terrible field to major in.
What's incorrect about this statement?

The pic and you get it wrong so...

Unnatural marriage of letters and numbers

They'd ask anyone with a STEM degree to help with math, you dumb idiot

Mathematics is a language.

Someone should create a Mathematics programming language. Someone else should create a compiler for the Mathematics programming language.

Liked basic algebra and trigonometry back in high school. I always liked biology better, and still do.

Lisp is better than math.

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Math is cool as fuck.

Good opinions.

It's ironic to claim to hate math while asking for proof of something.

Found the retards.

Found the retard.

ugh fuck it statistics is the gayest math

I've met people who still rigidly refuse to accept that it's better to switch doors in the Monty Hall problem even after you show them a simulation where it gets a roughly 66% success rate over several thousand trials by switching vs. a 33% success rate by staying, the power of intuition over reason is strong in the same way that people stubbornly trust personal anecdotes over mountains of data that clearly contradict them

Can be fun, can be frustrating, always useful to know.

>implying an imaginary number is literally imaginary

>I can't divide 3 by 2
>I know! I'll just make up a concept called fractions!

pretty bad if taught by dumbass educators in public schools

elevates thought through epiphany if read directly from the originators' texts

its not science, dummy

Lol everyone shit posting in this thread sucks at math. Math is good and essential.

>when you realize that numbers are constructs compatible with structures assembled from cells constituting your sensory processing organs

>Math is good and essential.

Cs, chemistry, physics,... Without math none of those would exist.

Because about everything that we are creating in our modern world would be impossible without it.

Do you think anyone could build a modern car without some serious mathematics?

Yeah. I literally built pic related without the heavy use of mathematics. Just electronic engineering, software engineering, chemistry, and a bit of physics.
It's not finished yet yes but soon it will be.

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That's an absolutely retarded post.

>Mathematics is a language.
No, it isn't, first order logic is a language and in that language mathematical statements are formulated in, but the statements themselves are independent from the language.

>Someone should create a Mathematics programming language.
This means nothing.
Practically every computer language implements some mathematics already...

>Just electronic engineering, software engineering, chemistry, and a bit of physics.
None of these fields exist without mathematics.

Practically uselessness is not a joke. Imagine you are getting funded to produce Hegel-like bullshit which only handful of sectarians could decipher and appreciate.

Topology and K-vector theories is exactly that. Category theory is another utter bullshit.

There no such thing as higher dimensions, or dimensions per se. It is just a Hegelian abstraction, a product of a deluded mind.

BTW, no numbers exist anywhere outside your head.

It's just a generalization of metric spaces, which are enormously important.

>There no such thing as higher dimensions
Meaningless statement, as the prediction of real world things requires theory about many dimensions, see the entirety of numerics as an example.

>BTW, no numbers exist anywhere outside your head.
Obviously, it is a human construct.

I honestly hate doing anything beyond simple mathematics. I've been mediocre at math all my life and avoid doing it when I can.

Mathematics PhD here, there's torrents of nonsense and misinformation bullshit in this thread.

There's oodles of money and virtually no unemployment with a mathematics degree.

>the prediction of real world things requires theory about many dimensions

Such predictions are fraudulent, since they are not based on "what is". An abstract model cannot be explanatory, it is only a model, and correlations are not causation.

There is no dimensions in reality whatsoever, so a model which relies on them is by definition wrong (but obviously usable, especially to bullshit investors and to earn a high social status of a math-guy).

why should it be, there were no unemployment for theologians either. bullshitting of those in power is the second oldest profession on Earth

Someone with a mathematics degree is a qualified and trained problem solver, who has been working and studying it since the age of four.

I invite you to look at the sorts of jobs employing commercial/industrial mathematicians, and see the sort of difficult and complicated problems they need solving, together with their renumeration packages.

>Such predictions are fraudulent
Have fun living in buildings which are based upon that, using computers which are based upon them, using cars based upon that etc...

>so a model which relies on them is by definition wrong
Neither mathematics not engineering cares about the truth of a model...

>An abstract model cannot be explanatory, it is only a model, and correlations are not causation.
I guess you should take that up with the physicists, because that is irrelevant to math or engineering.

It's like saying "mathematics doesn't tell you how to make pancakes", which is true, but also irrelevant.

kinda cool but kinda annoying at the same time. studying electrical engineering so calculating shit is like 95% of the stuff i've been doing for the past few years

ITT brainletism

It depends on what stage of you career you're at. It's probably not the best major to start from because you will be hard pressed to find many employers searching for maths graduates.
On the other hand, if you're an adult student and already have work experience and are fully employed, getting a maths degree will be a massive boost to your career.


For real, if you were lucky enough to be hired without a degree and demonstrate you know your shit, it is utterly pointless to get a diploma in the field you already proved being good at. You need to go for something broader to beef up your CV.

>all these seething cs majors

math is fun!

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All the mathlets in this thread are coming out of the woodwork. Based OP.

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Lisp is better than math.

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No, it is not. Mathematics is by perceived view of modern theory of science the sum of all theories build up by the deductive sciences. Deductive sciences do as by definition construct formal languages to conduct axiomatics. There are numerous such languages in mathematics alone, the most prominent being first order predicate language with equality sometimes labelled THE language of mathematics because of its importance.

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That is actually discrete probability not stats

I read about a study during the last lottery where it was around a billion dollars or something.
A lady stood next to a newsstand waiting for people to buy lotto tickets.
She would then offer to purchase the ticket from them after they bought it. If they declined she would offer more money until she reaches double the ticket price.
Only about a quarter of people accepted this offer.
The other three quarters were convinced they would win

I'm not even from STEM (psychologist), but I am disappointed after seeing so many people involved in Programming who don't like math. I thought this was a problem at my Uni only but it seems like you CS people desire mediocrity. Unless you get really good at math you won't be able to come up with really good, new code.

What is worse is that you'll become increasingly dependent on technologies and frameworks. I agree that academic maths are cold and Grey and sterile, but there is SO much more to math than that.

I ask you: what are you doing in CS if you don't like math? Basically half of it is pure math, maybe even more. Really, what the fuck, people. Don't you have any sense?

Great degree IF you do applied math as your Master's BEFORE getting employed OR are a top-ranked academic and aim for academics (unless you won IMO or something, tough luck).

For example, friend of mine did a BSc in Math and a MSc focussing on geo spatials and computer vision; very sought-after skillset in highly specialized companies in the geo sciences, mobility (lidar, etc), and robotics fields. He has a very good job. Applied Masters like this are ways to salvage Physics degrees too.

But it is not a degree for medium to low performing students. It doesn't have a failsafe built in.

Applied math is cool.
Theoretical math is a joke. All useful math is derived from applied fields anyway, theoretical math's only use is to formalize the math developed in the practical fields and to do what amounts to puns endlessly.

Lisp, Rackett and everything even remotely similar should be purged and its inventors banished to venus

Orange man bad

It's what god looks like.

>useful math
Numb nutted engineer/economist who denies mathematics for it's own sake detected.

Theoretical physicist, acshully. Keep projecting though, mathinbred.

Good I wish I had to use it for work more

Extremely gay and boring, also useless

>math is useless
Why do I share this planet with so many retards? It's seriously depressing

>theoretical physics
Found the faux physicist who did the course for brownie points.
Good look being a number cruncher for your life, I guess.

What's up with these /sci/-related pissing contest threads on Jow Forums lately?

keep copy-pasting the work of actual useful people and pretending it's new, 30 years late. That'll show us!

What is that even supposed to mean? Are you seriously retarded or some shit? You probably never got past Calculus and now you hate math because you're too stupid to understand even the most basic concepts.

Every undergrad goes through a phase where they need to let the world know that their particular major is the best, once they graduate they stop giving a shit

love math

Nothing is more pathetic than bragging that you're some theoretical pissicist on an obscure Somalian potato farming forum which isn't even recognized by the scientific community.

Is it is, 99,99% of what mathmeticians do is extremely abstract shit with absolutely zero contact with the real world

That's not tumblr, that's sigourney weaver she was in the movie alien and aliens

I agree with this

Mathards, even more retarded than cniles.

t. sub-80 IQ retard

No one gives a shit about your opinions. Keep using tech brought to you by smarter people than you and use it to fap all day long. You're doing all of us a great service, you absolute faggot

Must be why they're so high in demand and get paid ridiculous sums of money to solve problems normalfags can't solve on their own, you dildo

>What is that even supposed to mean?
Nothing. He is just a retard who's knowledge about mathematics is practically zero but somehow he is well informed enough to argue that math is pretty much useless.

Its kind of easy to show how flawed not switching is when you expand the problem to 100 doors with only 1 winner. You pick, Monty comes by and removes 98 wrong answers, then you have the option to switch. Pretty fucking stupid not to switch considering Monty has perfect knowledge of the system.

More like 50/50, depending on where you look.

>All useful math is derived from applied fields anyway,
Blatantly false.
Applied math is what once used to be pure math, the examples are practically endless.

Pure math is necessary for applied math to exist in the first place.