2 months until NSA open source their reverse engineering tool Ghidra

>2 months until NSA open source their reverse engineering tool Ghidra

Will it topple IDA Pro?

Attached: ap,550x550,12x16,1,transparent,t.u1.png (413x549, 211K)

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If not immediately, soon after.

It wont support as many CPUs as IDA.

>Is it going to be open source?
"We do think that the reverse engineering tool to be released could be made open source. Even though there is no official confirmation mentioning “open source” – but a lot of people do believe that NSA is definitely targeting the open source community to help improve their tool while also reducing their effort to maintain this tool."


How good is ghidra?
Can it be used to rip apart proprietary software?

Lots of articles are leading with "open source" but the quoted source makes no mention of it




Are the fake news journos at it again?

Ok after my initial post, I did some more research. There's a good chance they will open source it. The reason is that they get free contributions by the community if it's open source and "hopefully it will suprass ida".


The NSA has open sourced 32 programs of theirs and they have a github too. Crazy stuff.


>>Ghidra supports interaction with OllyDbg.

Unsure if it would topple IDA Pro, it sounds more like something you'd add IDA Pro interaction into, as a plugin.

too bad the x64 never happened

IDA has the only competent debugger now, disregarding WinDbg/VS which are totally uncomfy for reversing without symbols

are you prepared to be hacked while you hack other programs?

Attached: 2019-01-13-15-17-03.png (640x480, 11K)

i'm pretty sure it doesn't do everything ida does, there's no tool comes close to what ida does.

>Ghidra requires Java. The current version requires Java 1.7
it's trash

>there's no tool comes close to what ida does

>IDA has the only competent debugger now
>what is x64dbg

What, you don't see the beauty in AbstractAdressFactoryFactoryManagerFactorySingletonFactoryControllerFactoryModelFactoryFactory?

IDA supports hundreds of CPUs and weird microcontrollers.

seems like shit desu, does it have something like hexrays decompiler?

i didn't even see any information on interactive disassembling, which ida primarily stands for.

Why ia the nsa giving shit away for free? Is this a psyop to gain trust?

nah, they just want free devs an maintenance.

See you should help them hack you.

So does radare.
You can use any decompiler you want.
It doesn't have any good GUI like IDA that i know of. In work we have our own GUI, but i still mostly interact with r2 through the terminal. We replaced IDA completely in our shop with r2 (apart from the usual, we mostly deal with AVR controllers), it took about 4 months of boilerplate and the GUI has been in development for about a year (it still sucks, mainly because there are only two people working on it and only few new hires using it).

Have you tried cutter?