I love to make people happy, but sometimes they say that I am too kind for them

I love to make people happy, but sometimes they say that I am too kind for them.

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What is the purpose of this thread? To make us happy? Then give me a handjob

shut the fuck up retarded incel


make me happy

Call them smelly then

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how was your day then? Was it good, or bad?

What is it with poland and making people happy?
Not that i mind tho, just curious
Hope you having a nice drink user, safe travels

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it was alright like any other, nothing unusual

Everyday is special! There are just small details that make them special.

better question: what's with you and posting samples?

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yeah no
every day is the same

I don't know about other people, but for me it's simple. I've seen lots of people being sad, so I want to take some time and talk with them.
What do you mean by posting samples?
Hey, just think what you did today. Maybe you overlooked something?

I woke up, went to work, back home watched some tv show and i'm posting this rn

i forgot to direct it to the right poster. Sorry for the confusion.

Haven't you talked to any friend today?
By the way, this day is now a little diffrent from others, just because we can talk now

i don't really care about making people happy

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When an image has the word “sample” in its filename, all autists will jump at you for posting a low quality image from its original source. But in this case, the leaf went full retard and mistook you with Brazil.

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You are something else my friend, surely are
I post the sample, slightly smaller resolution image from danbooru because i usually don't notice if im fully opening the pic there

Also other people could include Happy Day poland user and Polly the cute yuru yuri poster

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Most important thing is that you are making yourself happy, not other people. Don't forget about yourself!

I didn't
I don't really talk to anyone outside this site except my family

Why is that? You don't like to talk or maybe you don't have anyone to?

I don't have anyone but i also don't like to talk
people don't like that

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henlo can u pls make me happy

lol these are great

but that means that others don't have you.Why don't you like to talk with others? Don't you enjoy talking with me?
So, what's troubling you user?

I'm tired all the time and I'm so autistic I can only communicate through shitposts

other don't want me, I have nothing to offer, I never have anything to say
talking with you is easier because you keep asking questions, and yeah i enjoy it, it's always nice to chat here

grow a pair

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shitposting is fun, why are you worrying about something like that? When you are tired just think positively! What about your hobbies?
Oh everyone have at least one thing that they can offer, this thing is your time. If someone enjoys talking with you, they will not worry about that.
I keep asking questions, because I am curious about you. I want to know more, so I am asking questions. When you like someone, why don't you ask them just "So, how it's going"?

why would i enjoy making other people happy when the ones getting the benefits would be them and not me? you have improved someone elses life but you are still miserable, how would that make me happy?

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sure it's fun, I just feel like it's replaced actual communication for me, I don't go out much...
Also my only hobbies are shitposting and following the 24h news cycle, I am hella boring

>If someone enjoys talking with you
I haven't met someone that liked me enough to keep talking to me or someone who would make me feel comfortable even while sitting in silence
>When you like someone, why don't you ask them just "So, how it's going"?
I never know how to answer that and i don't know how to start conversations, these simple questions never cross my mind

making others happy also makes me happy, this is really big benefit. Everything is not only about getting something. It's also about giving the happines to people you like. When you see their luck, you can also be happy that you showed up and talked to them.
Finding happiness don't require you to go out, you can do what you enjoy doing without going outside. What about music? Do you like listening to some good tracks?

yeah well, the spiritual reward lol. the dude you've helped has now a ferrari and lives in a 3 floor house while you can't even buy a car and you live off the state, pretty nice.

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and ofc he doesn't want to help you back

no I have poor taste in music, I think

would Ferrari make you happy?

i'm not into cars so not really

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you cant have poor taste in music

so what would?

also yeah making others happy makes YOU happy

Well I like you enough to keep talking.
Just answer what you think, and if you want to start a conversation, then again just say what you want to say.
Happines is not only about having money, it's about doing what brings you happiness. There are some people that don't know what can bring them happines. Try talking to others. You should try to do what they like to do too, and maybe you will find a thing that brings you happines (and also maybe, you will get a friend!)
Just say, what you are listening to. There are not bad music tastes. There are just people who don't like that music.

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i don't know what to say

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Oh! You listen to classical music! And you said that you have poor music taste.
I listen to touhou groups, like Marasy or Melodic Taste, you should check them out.
Yes, then what makes you happy if not helping others?

I'll do that, thanks user

usually i can't help or don't know how
makes me feel sad

Thanks, maybe you will even get into touhou music haha
Be honest with others, when you are tired and don't want to talk, say you need a break. Also ask about advices! There are lots of good people with their own advices that can help you in conversations. If you are being sad, the best medicine is of course a calm talk.
We all know what life is, but the biggest part of life is happening in our minds. Have you heard about meditation or lucid dreaming?

i'll help myself first and then MAYBE i might help somebody
i tend to think about my needs before paying attention to others needs
a huge library

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I want to make people happy by changing their way of looking at the world, life and all else, but they don't want it.

And am bit rude but that's beside the point.

it's not that I'm tired, I'm always like this
i keep asking for advices but they don't seem to help
I'm scared of lucid dreams, I've heard they can fuck you up, haven't tried meditation yet
I'm gonna go to sleep now desu

That is not really wrong, why would you help others, when you need to help yourself?
Huge library you say? Then how about inviting other people there?
Oh, good night then user! Lucid dreams can't fuck you up, because you are in control (I am a lucid dreamer for a long time, sometimes I don't understand how a dream can harm someone). Haven't tried? If you feel tired then this should help you! Try meditating for like 25 minutes per day, or 10 if it's too long. It's not hard to find techniques, just avoid these youtube videos where you need to look at screen.

I dont know where you live, but most people here dont really care about reading and the ones who do read pretty commercial and empty stuff. Kinda sad desu, it makes you feel pretty lonely

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