Install a bloated or retarded wm like i3, openbox, awesome, bspwm, herbslutwm, 2bwm etc etc

>install a bloated or retarded wm like i3, openbox, awesome, bspwm, herbslutwm, 2bwm etc etc
>Spend hours or days configuring it
>then install a retarded bar like lemonbar or polybar
>spend hours configuring that retarded shit
>spend literally a week just making your bloated shit look nice
>keep adding retarded shit, keep ricing endlessly like a retard

why do this when you can just install dwm, make a few changes and install slstatus. This takes 10 mins.

Attached: brnsqfko9s821.png (1921x1079, 415K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>recompile your WM every change you make

>install a minimal twm like dwm
>you have to compile it every fucking time
>spend hours or days configuring it to actually be useful
>you have to compile it every fucking time
>spend hours configuring that retarded shit
>you have to compile it every fucking time
>spend literally a week just making your "it's so simple" shit actually do what you want
>you have to compile it every fucking time
>keep adding shit, just endlessly adding features like a retard instead of using sane software
>you have to compile it every fucking time

>implying i make 1000000 changes
at most i probably make 6 changes and i never change it again.

also compiling dwm takes 3 seconds, retard

it compiles in less time than some wm's start up

nigger no
i dont add shit, i don't add patches.
no no nigger lol

you are fucking SEETHING, ricenigger

I didn't rice shit. I just installed i3, changed a couple things in the conf file, and used it. Stay mad, compile fag.


>having a bar
Why? Just use the keyboard and then open up a terminal if you need to check any system statuses
If you can't keep 10 workspaces committed to memory then you have no business using a wm that incorporates them.
Also there is no reason to use linux besides ricing honestly. It's literally the only advantage over windows it has
>inb4 muh botnet
All of your information was sold a decade ago and everything you do is already known and recorded. Security is a meme and actually has no basis in reality.

get rid of the gay colors though

Attached: 2019-01-13-1547434029.png (2646x1024, 3.59M)

Use xmonad with xmobar instead

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 327K)

Just use a real DE like the rest of us normalfags.

Why not use a modern OS with a modern GUI that is actually functional in 2019?

don't you get tired of making this thread? is this a false-flag campaign to make dwm users look bad?

>Spend hours or days configuring it

client.focused_inactive #333333 #666666 #000000 #484e50 #666666
client.unfocused #333333 #2f343f #cccccc #292d2e #333333
workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders smart
# assign [class="Gimp"] 10
for_window [class="feh"] floating enable
for_window [window_role="About"] floating enable
# bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%+ unmute
# bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%- unmute
# bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 +1%
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 -1%
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle

there you go

dwm doesn't even xcb

>Spend hours or days configuring it
I wouldn't be using openbox if I'd want to waste time configuring.
openbox + lxppearance (with obconf plugin) + Adapta window theme + Breeze icon/cursor theme
That's all I need and it takes less than 10 minutes to set up.

>Also there is no reason to use linux besides ricing honestly. It's literally the only advantage over windows it has

t. Absolutely based redditor ricer zoomer fast-and-furious fan gamer


Based and red pilled

>tfw when your laptop is old/low specs and you want your desktop looks nice and functional

Attached: 1527077811109.jpg (500x334, 100K)

dwm is the choice for you, lad

>adding literally anything else than datetime
>Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Thats why

Attached: 1547070006730.jpg (248x459, 18K)

polybar - king of status bar scene.

also try this

new bar, highly customizable like suckless shit

The white man uses KDE
>muh compile
takes literally less than a second. You're not building Chromium

>Security is a meme and actually has no basis in reality.
yeah, right, you clueless gamer fag

Use i3bar + luastatus

Attached: ci.jpg (850x1197, 161K)

they don't need a false-flag campaign for that

retard haskell nobody uses

Holy fuck you are so out of touch with reality. Why are you trying to argue with the people that run the less bloated shit on earth?
Do you realize any Linux DE is 10x more bloated than any WM?
Do you realize that any Linux DE is 10x less bloated than Windows out of the box.
Also, we live in 2019 in case you forgot. Most people have over 100GB worth of storage, and a totally decent processor. Do you think that there would be any big speed difference or that a few more or less MBs actually matter?
A 5 wpm speed difference would have a bigger impact on productivity, rather than what WM you use.
If you think such a little speed difference makes a difference or a few MBs, you are incredibly stupid.

Attached: 1547453623760.jpg (340x565, 46K)

I use i3 and I've never done any kind of "configuring" on it, I just use a preset.

>Why do people spend time and money on the things they like?

fuck off and just use linux how you want to use it. this is a garbage thread (per usual).

>use gnome
>everything just works ootb

>install dwm
>want to have X, Y, Z
>install the patches and compile
>use a customized system you like for ever

>Use xmonad
>Can have any feature you want from a huge library of features
>import XMonad.feature.I.want

dwm is more memory intensive than herbsluft and 2b you moron

you mean the gayest bar?

Looks nice, user.

>Use xmonad
>Have 500mb Haskell compiler just for WM

watch the webm, if you look close you can barely see me recompiling. So there is virtually no difference between compiled configuration vs dotfiles (except better code).

Attached: ricetoddlersBTFO.webm (1366x768, 782K)

>He doesn't have a Haskell compiler installed for his Haskell projects
user I...

Well, I like writing algorithmic and heavily-optimized code.
I'd choose Haskell if I wanted to have an expressive language to play with.

About suckless software. How to get your programs up to date? Isn't downloading new versions and reapplying patches, changing configuration a bit tedious?

opinion disregarded

god, you also use a terminal browser for Jow Forums. you're such a try hard faggot

>install Bunsenlabs Linux/C#++
>run the install script
never touch anything except maybe a hotkey or theme

Attached: 1541175970035.png (300x250, 47K)

Pretty based.

>opinion disregarded
Those are floating windows placed with a gap for presentation purposes. If your eyes couldn't pick up the uneven spacing between windows at first look go see an optician. Anyways, I didn't give any opinions in the clip, I just demonstrated that the compile time of dwm fits in 5 frames of a 30 fps video.

lol u mad??

>having to waste space on a compiler and toolchains just for your WM

>Not using cinnamon DE

Attached: 1542119515815.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

imagine not having gcc and make.

Curious question, where do you store your dwm fi or other suckless programs in your computer?

Spotted the brainlet

>imagine not having gcc and make.
Is that hell?

default awesome is perfectly usable

>not using gnome just to trigger edgy tiling script kiddies

though the default awesome is absolutely disgusting

Attached: shock2.jpg (431x431, 26K)

>floating windows
how do you put them there automatically? what a faggot

>why do this when you can just install dwm, make a few changes and install slstatus. This takes 10 mins.
I prefer to listen to Jow Forums as little as I can. There are always people who will shit on whatever you do or like here, i3 is fine for me.
I wonder what kind of device you use if you consider something like i3 too bloated for it.
Are you trying to use linux on a fridge or something?

OP is retarded

Just run LARBS :)

>git pull
>sudo make clean install

But that doesn't apply patches.

where does git pull search for the repo? Which file is it?

what's wrong with i3wm?

Attached: 1521362439283.png (1000x1024, 599K)

nothing. it's fine. use it if you wanna. don't be swayed by shitposting so easily...


And getting pre riced setup is for faggots and defeats the whole point.

The little bit my bloated DE takes is nothing when I have 4 JVMs chugging messages

Or I could run KDE and have features.

How do you do this? I'm new to Linux. When I tried to use dwm I would kill the whole thing and startx.

>error: patch does not apply

>how do you put them there automatically?
I manually placed them. That was clear in my previous post. So you must be baiting at this point.

based chink

yes use tcc. his point was probably that most distros include gcc by default even if you don't intend to compile anything.

run dwm in a while loop. So when you kill it, it'll restart the dwm without quitting X.

>I'm a retard who can't check if the patch is the same release as what I have

It isn't contrarian enough if more than 5 people use it.

Are you just supposed to use an outdated release, then?

Nice pic of Urinal, faggot. Are you a time traveler from 2004?

Openbox is easy to use, has buttons, and themeing is easy I can just find Mac osx buttons and change the colors in .themerc and I'm done

Overall none of the wms are bloat

how tf is 2bwm bloated

nice reddit image OP

you fucking add shit moron
i know you fucking install lemonbar and shit nigger

>X11 wm
>Not bloated
Pick one.

a patch is nothing more than just taking lines and putting them into the file. If I (brainlet) can manually patch dwm anyone can

why are you on 4shit via w3m?

fuck off

I tried. I couldn't figure out how to tweak anything.
Being a brainlet sucks.

presumably the suckless repo you cloned it from

I guess I had trouble because I tried to use vimdiff.

literally just open the patch file and add the lines starting with pluses in the right spot. That's all a patch is.

Fuck that i would rather use the cde desktop environment :D

Kill yourself

>install i3
>set up keybinds for multimedia keys, mess around with colors and gaps por 5 minutes.
>use default i3 status bar and even remove some of the bloated info on it

Takes me literally 10 minutes to set this up, fren. The defaults are sane enough, and it works well with st so i don't have to use tmux.

Want minimal? You can have it. But i3 is pretty much the sanest defaults without being KDE levels of bloat like AwesomeWM.

Yeah, I know. I'm retarded about doing things "the right way".

The sanest defaults would be windowmaker's

this takes 0 seconds to install because it's all scripted

Attached: 2019-01-11-1547246917.png (1366x768, 1.56M)

I could have a piece of software that had the world's most sanest defaults. I'd still mess around with it a bit. I like getting to know how things work and how much i can alter them.

It's not a competition. People use what suits their needs, be it something less config-heavy, be it something bare bones.


>needing all this bloat to configure your WM


This is the worst shit I've ever read. I want my 5 minutes back.

> I have to memorize key combinations
> uses emacs
> You can't use the super modifier key anymore, which fucks with important apps (emacs).
> continues to rebind all F keys with frivolous shit to switch between windows

I stopped reading at that point.
Also: i3/polybar, store config in git, pull to new pc when required.
I haven't reconfigured anything in ages.

Attached: gulag.jpg (500x614, 46K)

>fails to understand how to use workspaces
>arguments on false symmetry since he thinks all tiling wms work the same way
>does not understand that it takes time to constantly move and resize floating windows
>thinks the very concept of twms fails just because it does not suit his usecase
>esoteric key settings complaint despite using emacs, a modal editor known for esoteric keybindings
>favors heavy mouse usage which is objectively slower if you used both keyboard centric and mouse centric workflows

He consistently fails to make a generic and functional argument that leads to the conclusion as to why twms fail, instead he makes up a bunch of reasons based either on personal preferences or lack of information.

Might as well change the title to "Why i don't use/like tiling window managers", would make him sound less of a slow fren. Not liking something does not make it objectively useless or bad, generic cases based on logic (not preferences) must be made if you intend to prove something isn't as good as it seems.