Linux (lol) gaymes run windows binaries via the wine wrapper

>linux (lol) gaymes run windows binaries via the wine wrapper
Why are linuxtards such pathetic cucks?

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b-but linux is better for coding

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Because it's not realistic to expect developers to recompile and bug fix every single game they've ever released. Wine also runs some games more accurately than Windows does, such as Deus Ex.

>more accurately than Windows does
Deus ex 1 literally runs perfectly.

It's an OS for autistic contrarians. To accomplish simple tasks you must bend over backwards. I genuinely mean this: Linux is a complete joke compared to a polished OS like W10 or Mac.

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I play Linux games via Steam. I haven't used wine in literally over a decade.

Yeah you just have to patch d3d/opengl backends with unofficial patches from random russians on the net or the game will run too fast and in low resolution. Perfect.

Only if you're fucking lucky. Most people need to install fan-patches.

That's because Steam now configures wine for you.

>Wine also runs some games more accurately than Windows does
What a load, I bet you swallow.

lmao imagine being this much of a seething Jow Forumsdditor that you feel you need to make and share an image like this.

Or uhh just turn on vsynch from my drivers. (Linux doesn support vsynch)

check the list of old games that need to either use a voodoo2 wrapper or a glide wrapper, they all work perfectly fine on wine because of the wine native implementation (translation) of directx. Also games that got their own unofficial directdraw/direct3d patches in order to work properly on windows like fallout 1/2, deus ex 2000, diablo2 and starcraft 1 until the recent 2018 patches. They need no configuration from wine to work properly.

>limiting frame rate causes the game to crash on La Guardia map
DeusExe devs already tried. Also the latency from limiting 350+fps to 60 using vsync is really great for a shooter.

(btw opengl backend doesnt have this problem and works perfectly on wine)


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>Damage control

he probably means proton and is too retarded to know that the only steam games that included wine before that were Enclave and System Shock 2

>why use your brain install our retard friendly bloatware
Trying to figure out where the superiority part comes from.

>but linux run old game
Old games that still run on old windows better than they'll ever run on neetOS.

its hard to run old windows if there is no hardware support. Hence the point that it runs better on wine than on new (supported) windows

>Old games that still run on old windows better than they'll ever run on neetOS.
Literally justify this without cherrypicking. Almost every game that I've played on Linux has run better on there than on Windows.


Because I don't want to be a normie and only normies use windblows

Normies, actually, are perfect auditory for Linux. Because all they need is a browser.

I can't wait until Microsoft completely locks down the OS so that you can only install software from their store.

Keep fellating proprietary dick.

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And that is one of the reasons why i don't likey the windgay

Doing that is pretty gay

>what is proton

>no configuration
Apart from wine itself huh. And having to download winetricks configs

As opposed to what, running same proprietary software only through copyright infringing compatibility layers

As if, show me some benchmarks

those are platinum rating games, they run on base wine configuration. Btw i never used winetricks in my life.

running free open source OS with proprietary software > running proprietary OS with proprietary software

>copyright infringing compatibility layers

Doubt, but even if that's the case, I couldn't care less about MS patents and licensing shit.

>only through copyright infringing compatibility layers
If they were copyright infringing, M$ would have shut them down years ago. Remember how hard they tried to prove ReactOS was using stolen code? Remember how they completely failed to find anything, even after auditing all the code?

you're not smart for installing piece of garbage that is memenux

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