So I have been trying to install this pos for about an hour. Work fine until I get to the fstabgen part

So I have been trying to install this pos for about an hour. Work fine until I get to the fstabgen part.
>sudo fstabgen -L /mnt >>/mnt/etc/fstab
permission denied....eeeh...dafuq??

Installing arch is a cake walk but this artix shit is a whole nother level of fuck.

I have done everything they told me to do in the guide

No systemd less system is worth this bullshit. Back to normal, functional, stable arch it is.

Attached: EEC5B70E-FA4E-4D88-947E-38835FD1910C.jpg (225x225, 8K)

OP, are you seriously trying to install an OS without root permissions?
If at all, you need at least to do
fstabgen -L /mnt | sudo tee -a /mnt/etc/fstab

I did everything the guide told me to do. And every command was done with sudo. Works when installing arch

And how the fuck do I remove swap labels? I have deleted the partition and it still stays it is swap. I am done with this joke of an OS.

Artix is great in theory but terrible in practice. Really needs some serious elbow grease to get it the 'just werks' approval stamp.

Use Gentoo you fucking moron

your sudo applies to the fstabgen command but redirecting it is done with the permissions of your current user, that's why the documents tell you to use tee nigger

Hours of compiling packages vs minutes of installing. Tough choice.

>being called nigger by a tripfag

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Slackware then, and before you say no packages, that's what slackbuilds are for

Worked with su

Put a space after the >> "fstabgen -L >> /mnt/etc/fstab" and use "swapoff" to remove swap. You might also need to delete it from the fstab you gen generated with a text editor

if you ran
su -c "fstabgen -L /mnt >>/mnt/etc/fstab" or su
stabgen -L /mnt >>/mnt/etc/fstab then yes it would work because the redirect is done with root permissions

Nigger you shouldn't be stuck on generating a fucking fstab.

Also are your partitions still mounted to /mnt?

It’s installed but this shit happens on login screen. Not a major problem but still fucking annoying. Is this a «feature» of artix? If so I don’t like it.

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Don't use garbage like NetworkManager and just use dhcpcd.

No pain no gain nigger faggot

I forgot to mention this, but you probably don't have a logger enabled so NM defaults to spitting out its messages on the login.

Say what you want about systemd but this shit never happens with it

Because systemd comes with a logger (journald) that is enabled by default? Don't whine about pointless things and just install syslog-ng or whatever. Also NetworkManager is still gay.