Terminal is so pretty. It's so functional. Show me your pretty terminals. Stories about terminals? Thoughts on terminal...

Terminal is so pretty. It's so functional. Show me your pretty terminals. Stories about terminals? Thoughts on terminal? Why won't Windows provide a decent terminal? Terminal thread.

CMD != Terminal
Powershell != Terminal

Attached: file.png (800x600, 132K)

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How would terminal-chan look like?

Attached: loli_being_cute_talk_gif.gif (250x263, 308K)

hyper has the best themes of any terminal

Attached: 38218958-10045f10-36ed-11e8-8eb8-2ed03045558e.png (1073x592, 23K)

>Why won't Windows provide a decent terminal?
It has two [less than] half-assed shells, it gets a [less than] half-assed terminal.

That said, I guess ConEmu is probably what you want.

how do i tab between terminals in ubuntu?

Attached: good_news_putricide.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Brainlet here
How is powershell not a terminal?

Attached: e.gif (370x281, 1.98M)


how do i watch youtube in the terminal?

>using a slow as fuck electron terminal to save 30 seconds of copy/pasting a theme file

powershell is a shell language
the terminal is a graphical display software

thanks but no thanks.
that only takes me to the last terminal used. it doesnt allow me to actually switch between any of the terminal windows.

Is that really a thing?

when you say windows I think you mean to say tabs, different terminals have different hotkeys for switching tabs, if the terminal has docs you can look it up

alright ty

there arent any good terminals for windows, I dont consider iTerm on Mac to be good, it has a lot of hotkeys that interfere with vim

hyper github.com/zeit/hyper
makes me want to die


Attached: C31FB0E3-9A48-4B1E-A428-CE98730EDD2A.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

>bash instead of zsh
you only use linux for ricing, don't you? confess

I use bash at work so I use bash at home

Attached: 6F2878E3-5EFF-4833-A238-A6302CFD7013.jpg (300x435, 19K)

>not just using xterm or a fork of it

Attached: winterm.png (1600x1200, 96K)

Kinda stumbled upon mlterm once. Now it's my go-to terminal emulator (even though I don't need any of its language features).

Attached: scrot.png (804x493, 68K)

Hyper is a specially shitty electron app.

You can open Visual Studio Code and use its built-in console and it will consume less ram than Hyper.

Maybe you should use a real OS.

Konsole is korrect, but
>install fish



like this, because its terminal cancer. its why desktop linux will always be shit.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (618x412, 78K)

Attached: CPM_CLUB15.png (1028x1280, 98K)

st + this

/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {

/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#2d2d2d", /* black */
[1] = "#f2777a", /* red */
[2] = "#99cc99", /* green */
[3] = "#ffcc66", /* yellow */
[4] = "#6699cc", /* blue */
[5] = "#cc99cc", /* magenta */
[6] = "#66cccc", /* cyan */
[7] = "#d3d0c8", /* white */

/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#747369", /* black */
[9] = "#f2777a", /* red */
[10] = "#99cc99", /* green */
[11] = "#ffcc66", /* yellow */
[12] = "#6699cc", /* blue */
[13] = "#cc99cc", /* magenta */
[14] = "#66cccc", /* cyan */
[15] = "#f2f0ec", /* white */

/* special colors */
[256] = "#2d2d2d", /* background */
[257] = "#d3d0c8", /* foreground */

* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 257;
unsigned int defaultbg = 256;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 257;

* Colors used, when the specific fg == defaultfg. So in reverse mode this
* will reverse too. Another logic would only make the simple feature too
* complex.
static unsigned int defaultitalic = 7;
static unsigned int defaultunderline = 7;

Since Windows 10, cmd.exe is actually a pretty competent terminal emulator. It had to be, otherwise WSL wouldn't really be possible.

can you tab complete commands yet, winfag?

This, except with some will to live.


Attached: ss.png (1366x736, 83K)

try Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDn

>actually using xterm or a fork of it
Imagine being this deprecated


>Stories about Terminals?
Installed ganoo/loonix, a site told me to run a command to update Nvidia drivers, reinstalled Windows

Not sure what kind of sperg you have to be to run this stupidity on a PC

mpv --vo=caca or --vo=drm in tty

have you seen his nose now?

Never got this meme. While it is practical maybe to debug ore code or to access remote servers, or doing shell scripts, for any other application is way more uselessly complicated than usiing a graphic interface.

It all depends on your work and how familiar you are with the tools. I'm not someone who does everything via the command line, but I don't want to miss it either.

Do you even understand the difference between a terminal and a shell, you retarded fuck?

>recompiling every time you want to change settings doesn't suck

Attached: 1538271017448.jpg (645x729, 48K)

there aren't even that much settings to change
iirc i did only font size and colours

Attached: Untitled.png (933x419, 37K)

Consider that as you accumulate more programs on your computer, identify cooler things to do with your data and work on tasks which involve more than a single step, it is quite likely that the terminal will save you significant amounts of time.

Examples off the top of my head:
> I need to rescale this video and send it via email. I also want to copy information about the movie stream to the clipboard to paste into my email client.

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "scale=320:-1" output.mkv && ffplay output.mkv && nautilus-sendto output.mkv; ffprobe output.mkv | xclip -selection clipboard

> I want to split the pages of this PDF, take pages 8 to 10 and convert them to images. I want to zip the files and send them to an external hosting service, then copy the link to clipboard to send to my friend.

pdfseparate -f 8 -l 10 input.pdf output%d.pdf && find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'output*.pdf' -exec convert {} -density 300 {}.jpg \; && zip out.zip output*.pdf && transfer out.zip | xclip -selection clipboard

GUI applications come and go, but basic terminal tools are ubiquitous.

Did not proofread the second one, it was of course supposed to say: zip out.zip output*.pdf.jpg".

Attached: terminal.png (822x388, 23K)