This board may be a bit slow but it's one of the few without cuck and trap posts riddled throughout it...

This board may be a bit slow but it's one of the few without cuck and trap posts riddled throughout it. Thank you Jow Forums

Attached: 220px-Shinzō_Abe_Official.jpg (220x299, 13K)


this board is full of trannies, traps and faggots and cuck always gets used in brand war threads
good joke OP

this board is the home of programming sock mental illness what the fuck are you talking about

You're welcome my yakuza associating, war crime denying, embezzling tax payer's money friend.

How do you even type while having a plastic surgery and collecting gutter oil?

There are, but coded. Windows and Intel threads are secretly cuck threads and programming discussion is trap thread.

Sorry could you repeat that minus the 3 inch cocks in your mouth? Might want to stop shaking so much too.


it's true tho