
Speccy thread because I didn't see one in the catalog edition.

Attached: Chinkpad.png (835x633, 55K)

Attached: file.png (724x568, 72K)

Do you think you will upgrade your processor soon?

What's a good alternative to Speccy that actually detects shit right, etc?

no it does the job

Device manager


Wish Speccy would actually show that it's a 9600k.

Attached: Capture.png (743x558, 92K)

>i5 9600k
>kaby lake

Yeah, Speccy doesn't detect it right for whatever reason.

Attached: Capture.png (499x29, 2K)

have an x370 board and 16gb lpx 3000mhz ready just waiting for ryzen 3 or a 1700 to dip below $100

Attached: speg.png (718x441, 41K)

y u need the moar cores?


Attached: Capture.png (1019x713, 738K)

whats up with the ching chong name

upgrading to Ryzen soon

Attached: speccy.png (787x745, 48K)

cut down on render time
yeah speccy sucks

what are u rendering?

Have you tried updating specct?

Yeah, it changes nothing.
It's the latest version.

rhino or revit files for architecture studio

Use neofetch

Hiro's gayer ching chong tripfag brother

Picrelated took about an hour and a half to fully render. Looking to do final renders in 4k.

Attached: 06_render 1.jpg (2300x1124, 1.43M)

Attached: speccy.jpg (810x563, 52K)

The people in it look really good. Almost like they are real looking. Good render, user. Very impressive.

Why wait?

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