What went so wrong with Firefox?
What went so wrong with Firefox?
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Firefox is a microcosm of western civilization
I have 33 tabs open and it's currently using 6gigs of RAM
>What went so wrong with Firefox?
YOU tell me
Turns out diversity isn't really our strength.
Shit browser that only exists anymore because google gives them some shekels
Mozilla found it easier to suck google's cock than remain independent. Plus dropping XUL.
it stopped supporting apps like DownThemAll
Its only future is death then
True - there are many people working together for the good of everyone, and then there are people like everyone ITT who REEEEEE about all this progress while contributing nothing useful.
When they stopped of producing their 64-bit version of their browser.
Meritocracy is a joke. Merit is subjective, and is not objective. Beyond that, meritocracy does not take into account the fact that people are fundamentally unequal due to conditions that they cannot control, conditions that they were born into.
You cannot help being black, or having been born poor. One might say that education can totally elevate your status, and that would help, but even as a Harvard educated individual making 100,000$ a year people may still look at you and say "Well, he sounds poor" or "he's a fucking n*****", despite even relative success.
Too fucking bad nigger, learn how to code well or get the fuck out of my software.
Sjws took over.
Chrome happened.
I am sorry. I was talking about their 64-bits windows version. For nearly 3 years we only had 32-bits version of the Firefox.
Firefoxs HR department does not affect the fact that it is the most customizable, privacy focused, and best performing browser on the market.
firefox is non-profit, and yet they paid you huh
kill yourself loser shill
They didn't. I just don't see why sjws writing retarded news pieces somehow slows down my browser or makes multi account containers stop functioning.
Your metric is also subjective, you can't quantify privilege anymore than merit. The difference is merit is actually relevant to a project, privilege isn't. You being an Rwandan immigrant changes nothing. How good you are at your job does.
>most customizable
irrelevant to normies
>privacy focused
literally serves you unsolicited ads on your home page and sends telemetry including your IP address to mozilla by default
>best performing browser
chrome runs better
It does when they fire the literal inventor of javascript and author of the modern browser.
Except it's not the best performing browser which is exactly why everyone has switched to chrome
Are you a normie?
Do you not know how to disable home page ads and telemetry? Do you fucking not know how to make it privacy focused?
Chrome does not run better. Firefox quantum is objectively faster than Chrome.
Prove it faggot
Don't claim that Firefox is privacy focused when it collects all that shit by default, dumbass. Quantum runs like hot garbage compared to Chrome.
I switched to Chrome because Firefox crashes.
is chrome still borderline botnet or has it gotten better?
I'm tempted to switch but I recall it was terrible privacy wise
Use ungoogled chromium or brave
"By default" means absolute jack shit. Firefox is the only browser that comes with the ability to become completely privacy focused. Chrome doesn't and ungoogled-chromium is only a solution for Linux users.
>ungoogled chromium
unusable for normies
botnet with shit adblocker and some weird numale reward system
It's better than ever
That's a good way to put it
>November 22, 2012
Who the FUCK cares about normies? Normies should use a Chromebook but that doesn't make chrome the best browser you thick headed faggot
>ungoogled-chromium is only a solution for Linux users.
has ungoogled for windows. I dont use it myself because its not better than Firefox and too much of a hassle. Turns the autism up to 11 for no reason
you can LITERALLY go to the Firefox webpage and download 64bit Firefox right fucking now
What sort of company would put out a statement that says they won't hire the best people for the job?
>Fly British Airways
>Our staff are a bit 'meh'
After that shit, everything still keeping tumbling down.
Mozilla Corporation is very much a for-profit venture.
Yes, that's the one.
I hope your mother kills you in your sleep.
If they ever want me to use their shit browser they have to improve the adblocker for other languages than english and get rid of that weird adreward system.
>there are many people working together for the good of everyone
Ok, lol.
No, that's not what went wrong. Firefox started going downhill back around 2010-2011 and it's either improved nothing or gotten worse every version since.
All the SJW bullshit and drama came later.
Firefox is a slightly more privacy focused browser though that claim has over time moved from meaning something to mostly marketing propaganda. Chrome is worse. That's a valid argument.
But saying Quantum is somehow better than Blink is just silly. Try both on sites who run more than trivial JS like Tradingview which pulls a stream of ticker data and presents it as a live chart. You'll quickly notice that Firefox is laggy dogshit garbage and Chromium handles it just fine. It's just slower on all the more demanding sites I use regularly. For sites like this on the other hand.. doesn't make a difference which you use, performance's the same since there's no JS constantly calculating and drawing stuff.
Firefox could have made up for being slightly slower by having the configuration options and extensions it had 10 years ago. Options have slowly either been moved to about:config or eliminated. It used to be possible to not only see what sites have set cookies but also the cookies themselves. Now you can know a site has set 10 cookies but being able to view their names and content is .. no longer possible. That's a random example, I'l just saying that all the little reasons for using it are gone.
They removed alsa support. :-(
I was retarded and referring to ungoogled chromium. I'm sorry for being retarded.
>Thread full of Firefox spyware shills spewing lies.
Toxic desperation.
Do they think post-meritocratic when picking their abortion doctor?
Let's investigate this spyware claim.
What if I go to about:support and..
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled => false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled => false
toolkit.telemetry.enabled => false
toolkit.telemetry.unified => false
browser.newtabpage.directory.source blank
browser.newtabpage.directory.ping blank
extensions.pocket.enabled false
Is that even enough? What else do I have to change there?
Why is minimizing spying choir which requires guides and howtos if Firefox is such a "privacy focused" browser, eh?
and yes, I'd really like to know what else I need to change to stop all the firefox spying
>Firefox is spyware! Use Chrome instead!
Fuck you
Firefox as main browser
Brave as a normie browser if anyone ever uses your PC
> not using firefox profiles
> not having guest accounts
> giving meme browsers to normies
Normies are not allowed to touch my Firefox REEEEEEEEE
I don't bother with any of that.
>GNU/Linux with full disc encryption
>128 GB SSD just for normie Windows
>reboot into Windows before opening the door for normies
they can do whatever they fuck they want, if they want to view "my" (previous normie's) browsing history then that's fine by me
privacy focused my ass. fuck firefox and fuck sjws
What's a good alternative to Firefox that isn't google chrome/chromium/ungoogled-chromium/any fireforks/vivaldi/brave/opera?
There are none
>Let's investigate this spyware claim.
Ok, install Firefox, it spys on you.
Threat level: Spyware, PUP, Trojan - they can/have secretly installed and run code and hidden it from users.
>What if I...
That's still won't do it but what will happen is Mozilla decides to ignore those preferences (not settings) and collects data on you anyway like they've done before, multiple times.
>I'd really like to know what else I need to change to stop all the firefox spying
Firefox is in no way about privacy, your option is to uninstall if you're just naive and didn't know or to keep shilling.
>t. incompetent queer
firefox died at version 57
Chrome being adopted by the majority is what went wrong. They want the market share back and thus cannot help but trip over themselves and make poor decisions. That and trannies.
i dont care about botnets,
1,2 yr ago FF was performing better than Chrome so i switched
Now it has become slow and buggy so im using chrome again
they just need to address the issues and theyre fine
deliberate mismanagement
Nothing. Fucking state of browsers in 2019. Pick your poison or use whatever default browser comes with your OS. For me, it's Chromium Edge from here out.
>try free as in freedom browser IceCat
>comes with 30 pre installed aids addons nobody needs
Back to Firefox it is
So remove the addons. You can also try Librefox if you want it free-er out of the box.
Already tainted by aids. I dont want it anymore
>firefox profiles
Why would I want all my browsing data stored on a server somewhere?
You absolute fucking bellend, I'm talking about local browser profiles, not the Firefox account.
clever mind in Jow Forums, this is new
Of course, why would you install something tainted with aids like Firefox. Oh...
Hey, remember when they fucked with their addons support?
I remember
Mr robot shot ui "performance" fails to top any benchmark shill
It died at 4.0
What purpose does this role serve to the bottom line? Why do companies entertain this bullshit?
killed all it's superior addon and extension support with a new engine
new engine isn't as good as chromium
I just use Iridium now, all the good chrome extensions work and it's not a botnet like the basic chrome
Firefox fucking removed RSS feeds because "hurr durr not enough people uses them", what's the fuck is wrong with these people? what's next? ribbon interface?
i use it as a secondary browser, it's decent but OF COURSE the latest update had to simply fuck up the UI
how's seamonkey?
>I have 33 tabs open and it's currently using 6gigs of RAM
I currently have 635 tabs open and it's using 2.4GB memory. Where did you do wrong?
its great, but buncha faggot sites keep telling me to "update" my browser to firefox or chrome
you got a browser, I bet it doesn't render gmail huh
618 of those tabs are inactive and have to reload when you click on them
Yeah, me too, I'm back to Firefox since quantum and back to Chrome like week ago
This shit can't even save settings on Jow Forums
Next Browser.
It's the Emacs of the Internet.
just install icecat
I've noticed no slowdowns in FF whatsoever
Only on Windows.
People switched to chrome for the convenience of the google botn-- 'integration'
Its worse. you think google is interested in less data collection?
He never stated that, but go on with your strawman dickhead.
wtf i hate Firefox now!!!!
Off-topic but, which addon do you guys use for dark/night mode?
Qutebrowser, epiphany, Lynx
>meritocracy does not take into account the fact that people are fundamentally unequal due to conditions that they cannot control, conditions that they were born into.
Neither does the x86_64.