Two monitor

>two monitor
>one really big monitor

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big monitor good because big

> 4 medium sized monitors

>6 medium small monitors in a 3x3 grid that is made to surround you

>9 monitors in a Bunch

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>VR headset


>a bakers dozen of monitors placed in a thin cardboard box with a cellophane window in the front

1 1440p monitor

I'm thinking of buying one 4k

>two monitors
>one breaks somehow
>you still got one to fall back on

>many monitors for all use cases

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That sounds delicious

Dream tier:
>one Sony FW900
Poorfag tier:
>one 27 inch (minimum) 16:9 (up to 4:3) monitor
4:3 is optimum. I hate anything wider for anything that isn't a video. But, my preference is very heretic, so I'll just have to suck it up and deal with this subjectively awful norm.

That one LG 43" 4K monitor that can function as 4 bezelless 1080P monitors or one 4K monitor.

>that monitor that supports window managers

You can plug 4X HDMI into it and do pixel-perfect PIP.

The advantage is that fullscreen programs and shit don't need to be.

>several million one pixel monitors

1 monitor 1 thinkpad

sixteen phones

That just sounds very impractical. Anything you would have fullscreened would demand unequal attention to the point where you wouldn't want it in just a single corner and you'd probably want bigger than 21" per screen anyway. Just get a good 27" 1080p and three shitty screens for free and wire them all up.

Also learn to window right and you won't notice that your windows are not fullscreen. I played 2 Runescape accounts, watched anime, and lurked Jow Forums all windowed on a 17" laptop and so can you.

one big one. its glorious.

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HDTV master race

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TCL 55R617 55-Inch 4K Ultra HD Roku Smart LED TV (2018 Model)

How are those TVs? Ive heard those are good

*starts a house fire*

I have
>one big ass monitor
>one little monitor

2 of the exact same model to match.

Ultrawides would be cooler if everything supported them. I'd probably still use 2 separate monitors, though.

im the guy with the 49" monitor. The aspect ratio is a ridiculous 32:9. I've had the monitor for about a year and a half and I can honestly say, the support for the monitor is there. I very VERY rarely have any issues whatsoever with the resolution not being supported (not including videos)

this is my dream

I have one huge one, 38 in I believe. I want a smaller one for when I wanna watch videos while gaming in borderless window mode.

Am I working? One large ultrawide with my laptop as the secondary.

Am I at home playing games? Just one reasonably sized monitor.

>2 27in
>1 1440p main monitor
>1 1080p vertical monitor

55" is a bit big for a 4k large format display, at that resolution you probably want at least 5k for desktop use. Above 48" 4k starts to dip below 90dpi and to avoid scaling you really want to be between 90 and 110.

I've used 40" 4k screens as my monitor now for quite a while. It can do the 4x inputs trick, but that's really just a bandaid for people who don't have a video card with modern displayport support.

I'm thinking about this and adding a giant 4k monitor on the other side.

That's something your local nigger Jamal would steal

Why not two big monitors?

55 inch 4k curved television as a monitor is the only way to go.

Two. Having to minimize is pretty gay. Same with having 2 large black bars on the sides whenever you go fullscreen.

Nice black line going down middle, retard.

I want the same thing just with a proper monitor, not an ultrashort one

>10 triangular monitors shaped monitors arranged as a dome as you lie down