Guys, about 10 days to go. Any advice?
No Nut Advice
oh god I'm done
It's like any other addiction. Simply stopping all of a sudden always leads to relapse unless you have superman-tier willpower, which you don't. Space out the days at first. No fap 1 day, then fap. No fap 2 days, then fap. No fap 5 days, then fap. And so on until you reach a full stop.
Go outside, hang with your friends, and don't come back in until you're ready to go to sleep
don't look at sexual images for starters?
also don't touch your privates, much less edge, that's retarded (though it feels awesome)
no nut november fucking based 9gag meme ;d
I need a white gf now
I have no friends . Plan B
Stop joining in on mainstream trends you mongoloid and go fap. If you don't have a girlfriend and still decides to join in on this no fap shit, you're a fucking loser.
Do not masturbate or look at pornography
>hang with your friends
>go to sleep
Losing to your urges is the very core of failure
Are these piss bottles?
How is that not consent, wallah.
Cut your penis off.
I have a bunch under my bed so my mom doesn’t see
Watch Hillary campaign videos. You might never masturbate again, ever!
Stop browsing 4chink
White girls have no ass or tits. Repulsive
You want advice? Ejaculate so your body will produce testosterone. You've been t-depleted since you stated this nonsense ten days ago. Or don't.
Better than Asians. They are the second hand model of white women. They lack tits, ass, and eyes
Started 19 days ago, only 10 left
A whole month ahahahaha not gonna happen
Im doing no fap but physical interaction with my gf is fine. I didnt even hear about no nut till this year. Maybe next year ill do no nut.
Have sex with a woman you fucking incel faggot.
I disagree, prolonging and systematicizing quitting is a great way of falling off the wagon. There is no guarantee that because you managed to stay 5 days away from porn, you will now manage 6 days with little effort. For all you know, you could fail again at 2 or 3.
Instead, just quit cold turkey and try to last as long as you can. Accept that you will keep relapsing. As long as you keep trying your best, the relapses will become fewer and fewer.
Ask jesus for help
Its always the same thing. Stuck up selfie ass or tits down in the corner somewhere...has no idea how to cook or clean...hates Trump etc...
I asked Muhammad. It’s his B-day
You can't make us do shit you degenerate fuck.
yes. Jerk off and stop listening to this propaganda designed to give you prostate cancer.
This user gets it.
>Jow Forums blindly following a reddit cult
>the male sex drive is bad
smells like a feminist
By not thinking about it.
Simple as that.
Got a bit of an ass
>several years back
>move to new city
>decide not going to be lonely fuck anymore
>decide no more fapping before no fap stuff
>go out and meet women as much as possible
>bars, dating sites, dating apps, going up and talking, whatever
>rejected hundreds of times
>don't fap for a year and half
>have sex dreams
>get rejected even in those
>or something always happens to stop the dream
>finally give in and have a fap
>it was the most amazing orgasm I've ever had
>pulse pounding, temperature went up, whole body aching, amazing
>got laid like six months later but it's been another six years now
>will probably never bother with no fap again
Urges towards living women are good and sex with them is good.
Having sick urge to jerk yourself off while watching other people fuck is just cucking yourself. Perhaps it's too hard for you to understand?
Can someone tell me the point of no fap November?
What does one get form not fapping?
>having the sick urge
[citation needed]
you can jerk off without porn you know
I agree a lot of it’s bunk, but I wanted to test myself. I also was masturbating 5 times a day on the weekend, 3 times on weekdays
Their time, energy and motivation back.
Is this one of those Coffee shop hos that Americans were talking about in a thread once?
I never understood the concept of buying a really expensive coffee just to get sucked off.
Read virile powers of manhood by macfadden from 1900. Or keep fapping daily and bald early
They don't even suck you off, it's just a regular coffee shop with girls in skimpy clothes
Don't worry finbro, these are just paid kike shills from xhamster and the likes, desperate to get the white man hooked to their degenerate filth yet again. Their pocket's already hurting so they're seething.
>from 1900
ok grandpa
stop being a fucking kike by killing yourself would be my advice. you will not break me.
You're a pathetic cuck if you masturbate to porn now on the other hand if you go on omegle and start masturbating furiously to some 15 years old then you're alpha as fuck and there's nothing wrong with that brother
Her body could easily pass as a 12 year old boys. White girls have no ass or tits aka curves
>jacking off every day just magically prevents cancer lol
>i called you kike first
>male sex drive bad
d&c isn't obvious at all
this. and it's not a meme
>magically prevents
>33% reduction
>implying complete prevention
wew lad.
I have never heard of such a thing
>its not a meme
>posts a meme
fucking kek
>oy vey keep giving revenue to rich jews destroying the youth and creating a vacant debt slave consumerist caste
fuck off solomon
You can still fuck women, you absolute mongoloid. You just don't beat your meat while looking at the interacial midget handicap porn garbage that you kikelords push. That shit poisons your mind, which is exactly what you israeli fucks want. Kill yourself.
............did someone say 12 year old boys
Go jack off to Kim Kartrashian
>i called you kike x2
>no evidence for my claims just ad hominem to distract you
oy vey. kvetch some more feminist
male sex drive bad
>fucking women
bro im already laughing from the other posts
The study is misinterpreted. The only thing they found was that people who ejaculate more tend to be more healthy. Guess whether high libido is correlated with great or poor health? Sick people have low libido, sick people get cancer, this is nothing new.
porn is the problem and not masturbation that's what half of these retards don't understand
they probably all still watch porn but don't jerk off so they think they've succeeded no fap
Still a shitty business model though. Spend five times as much on coffee just to see some tits.
It's the very definition of thotry;
>yeah I know I got my tits all hanging out and knickers that are basically dental floss, but I'm only here to serve coffee right.
>sick people have low libido user!
>ctrl + F
>0 results
straw man much?
absolutely, i assume their main clientele is boomers
Then why is everyone on this board obsessed with Asians. And there is a little booty there
And you will forever be a nigger
>Me after a week of no fap. Couldn't imagine the load I'd have after a month.
t. seething two digit IQ
Read the study. Try to understand what you read and what is implied. There is no link between not masturbating and prostrate cancer, only prostrate cancer and low libido. Low libido is a symptom of bad health, just as cancer is. Correlation is not causation.
wtf is her teeth?
fucked up
You will require less sleep, be more energetic, socialise easily even when you don't want to, you'll even start liking people if you're not careful.
The pictures are a meme, the text is not.
I'm actually gonna print it out and strike off each day, hang it up above my monitor where I can see it.
Pornless is the point of the challenge, and much harder to achieve.
"No nut" is just a side quest.
It was something I misread in a thread, which a leaf has corrected me on in this one.
Why I asked is because there's a barista machine in the background of the pictures, so just assumed you were advertising these Thot shops.
Must be all that cold weather in Viking land
>porn is the problem
>buy magazine with nude models
>which is 100% porn
>to you this is bad
>be early mankind
>women were naked 24/7365
>this is porn
>the text is not
>''the superpowers...''
Stopped reading there.
>I'm weak and cannot even exercise the same discipline over my body as an animal but here's this groundless study!
no nut isn't healthy at all, your body will actually release on its own during your sleep after like 2 weeks if you don't jerk off
There is nothing wrong with masturbating. Masturbating to porn is the problem.
Nigger or a Wigger?
>calls me seething two digit IQ
>claims the people who fapped less HAD to be sick in order to be that way
>no evidence for that claim
strike #2 bud.
read a biology book. ID = hidden
Guess she is from the UK
Unintentionally failed No Nut on day 10. I shit you not, I came buckets from just scratching my balls while being semi-erect. God fucking damn it, oh well.
Don't look at porn or images of women.
bro you're not contributing to the discussion. you're like that drunk that yells shit from the gutter while people on the bench are trying to converse.
no, we only sexualize breasts,ass and vagina so much because we are conditioned that they're sexual and your example proves that
if we all walked around naked every day for the past 3000 years then it would be as innocuous as seeing someone's nose
look at nigger tribes in africa, they don't wear clothes and they aren't constantly aroused 24/7
>read a..
ironic. Yes ID hidden. You are dismissed.
The best part is using you guys as an example.
Far more people read these threads than respond. They see you kvetching and ''reeeing'' while providing no evidence, meanwhile I am.
You make it very easy, thank you.
Starbucks is the capital of thot-dom, that is true
Read mindbreak hentais on nhentai
>always sexed up in the kitchen
good girl.
They are both problem.
No. American stove.
If you're not advertising Thot shops and don't even know where she's from...are you literally just posting images of a woman you're stalking online?
That's the problem with your no fap right there, don't stalk women online.
Pics come from here, thus the machine