Why does Jow Forums have such a low opinion of women who code? Anyone who thinks women can't program just as good as men should give this a watch:
Girls who code!
Other urls found in this thread:
A) This isnt instafuck or fagbook or whatever shithole you hail from where your post can consist of WATCH THIS 8 MINUTE VIDEO xDDD. So fuck off with that.
B) Plenty of women are competent. Most are not. And the forced diversity ONLY HELP LE WOMENZ LEARN initiatives are what infuriate and insult most of us.
my fucking sides
>And the forced diversity ONLY HELP LE WOMENZ LEARN initiatives are what infuriate and insult most of us.
This. It's also extremely damaging to young white males. They get nothing while told they are privileged evil assholes.
I want all of them to show their cunts!
>I-If i defend then maybe they want to be my girlfend
ls code
user pointed us to the end.
He just wanted to show these robots dancing. But they really don't have the hardware to do that and the software didn't try to synchronize them in any way.
I don't understand how this talk furthers anyone's abilities though. Even JS programmers.
But he's not even doing a defense. He's just not being an unfounded extremist.
>dumb whities getting btfo by literal woman
God damn your people are pathetic
No one is telling them that. Losing your privilege isn't the same as being oppressed and this childish reaction simply proves the privilege existed in the first place
I'm a girl and doing a PhD in CompSCI at Stanford. I could out-code any boy here.
Because you women won't just fuck off with your implications that you're somehow oppressed.
Nobody fucking said women can't code. I bet the first person in the world to ever say the words "women can't code" was a fucking woman implying some man thinks women can't code.
You know men in the workforce weren't just born 30yr old men working programming jobs right?
We were kids once, and we remember going to school and talking with our nerdy friends about computers and no fucking girls thought that was cool. They thought it was dumb and wanted to go do each others makeup or some shit
and now here we are 20yrs later and I'm calling bullshit on these implications that I'm somehow oppressing you because I saw it first hand. Women in general are not as into coding as men.
You are not oppressed. You are not being "glass ceiling'd". Your gender is just not that into computers.
I'm sorry, but get the fuck over and quit trying to blame it on me and say that I'm implying "women can't code" just because I know 90% of women don't give a shit about it.
Anyone that uses "code" as a verb should be executed on the spot.
I think you're trying too hard.
That's been the vernacular for the past 10 years minimum, sorry it "offends" you grandpa
Plenty of solid women programmers and comp sci peeps, though, not as many as men due to statistical anomalies between the sexes' brain physiology.
The problem is that the horse-shit narrative that men and women are exactly equal, and that any differences between each are merely socially created, is where the bullshit line in the sand needs to be drawn. It's objectively not true that men and women are physiologically the same, neurophysiologically or otherwise.
There are more men on the extremes of the IQ distribution, meaning more idiots and more geniuses. Women cluster more towards the mean on the distribution. That means there will be multiples more genius men than women. Sorry if reality sucks. Get back in the kitchen.
the day of sunburn couldnt come soon enough
one or two max.
Pls be in Palo Alto
Probably, but you're also statistically likely to be inferior to the best of the best, period.
> On all levels except gender, I am a programmer
Lucky transitions, cheer!
Very sad most PhD barely code.
until women become like militarised men, femininity will be oppressed by toxic masculinity.
this makes as much sense as the general public learning how to WAR TECHNOLOGY for money, or a hobby,
But we earnt the privilege. See everything around you? Absolutely fucking everything? Women aren't to blame for a single brick. Waiting until something has not only been built, but is now safe and easy to do, and then stampeding in and demanding half of it, is the ultimate in entitlement, and ruins any credibility.
>inb4 lotsa women in what we now call it in the 60s and earlier
No, they did what men told them to do - put this card in, run that cable over there, pick that moth out of that valve. No more brain power involved of your grandma getting identity-thefted by a Nigerian scammer: sit there and mindlessly do what the man tells you.
>losing your privilege
you're retarded
I think the best analogy i can think of is it's a bit like Thinkpad users, female techies think every other woman should be techies too, and they can get really annoying about it. Plus an opportunistic minority who want to gain fame and brownie points to hide they probably aren't that good at it which ruins it for the ones who can.
>tfw no cute coder tomboy childhood friend
>the first person in the world to ever say the words "women can't code" was a fucking woman
You can bet the life of your firstborn on this.
Best response to a perpetual bait thread I've seen so far.
You do realize this is posted by the same troll over and over again right? You realize it's basically a consensus building shill thread right? Ok just checking.
I'd definitely say the peer pressure to not be into computers, especially at an early age definitely came from other girls.
But i think ironically girls today who might not be into computers are being peer pressured into doing it by all these organisations and educational institutions, and when they get older i can see a LOT of burnout happening.
Only women have privilege. You can get a high paid position which you are utterly unqualified for and you don't even have to do real work or have any sort of responsibility for being incompetent or dangerous even if it means losing a lot of people money (Theranos) loss of important and sensitive information of millions (Equifax) or even loss of human life (Florida bridge collapse)
Even if that's too much effort for you, you can use your hole on some millionaire and have the entire legal system work for you and drain 50% of their assets risk free (Amazon)
That's just what happens when people get paid to just stare at charts and statistics all day.
They put 2 numbers side by side, see that A!=B and then proclaim "hey, are women being oppressed? Let's create 100 new organizations and social movements to get more women into STEM fields just so we can make A=B"
There's no real intelligence behind any of this stuff. I was actually a physics major in school and it was the exact same shit.
>oh no, there's less females majoring in physics, we MUST make this number go up!
They should be required to submit thorough and rigorous academic papers with years of study and psych profiles on men/women before they're allowed to make such claims. Otherwise it's all a waste of time and energy.
>oh no, there's less females majoring in physics, we MUST make this number go up!
But where's the
>there's less females in garbage disposal
>there's less female linesmen
>there's less females in boilermaking
>there's less female farm laborers
When seen through this lens, you realise the whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with "equality".
>All this effort on a bait thread.
Damn, user. Everything you say is right, but the OP is probably not even here anymore.
Nothing has to do with equality, outside of some outliers we've already reached an extremely equal society. Instead of crack down on the outliers, people act like everything is the outlier.
This is an excellent observation.
Thanks user.
A girl (male)
I know. It's just been building up for a while and I felt like venting.
Because seeing these threads on Jow Forums also reminded me of my undergrad. Never mind that I was a good student with a real love of science, I wasn't as interesting as a special unicorn female or foreign STEM major. They had easier times getting into programs even with lower scores than me on things like the GRE.
Of course I could never vent like this to those people in the real world, only online. But it always felt like a whole gender or race was just in on some scam.
It's like if some homosexuals started making videos about
>Hey, faggots can code too you know! Just cause we're gay doesn't mean we can't into computers
and then you just watch as every university will scramble to start filling faggot quotas, and you're just there scratching your head like, "honestly did anyone actually say faggots can't into STEM? Is this just some big strawman charade orchestrated by a few faggots who wanted to guilt their way into an easy ride?"
That's basically what all this stuff like what the OP posted is to me.
I judge people solely on the merit of what their works presents
For instance, OP is a fag
based and redpilled holy shit, user
I can't be bothered to watch it but you can automate anything using JS with simple modules that abstract absolutely everything to simple commands.
Same with python.
The people who make the libraries that enable this behaviour should be the ones talking about it, kinda useless to (basically) just say you npm installed solution
What the fuck is she talking about? I've watched about 3/4 of the video and I don't understand he point
I don't know why some of these people seem to think equality means everything must have a perfect 50/50 ratio. How about a campaign to have more male nurses or something. The vast majority of K12 teachers are women, should that become more equal?
>Anyone who thinks women can't program just as good as men should give this a watch:
Why is this thread still alive.
Also, all these Women X projects will die in the following year, and I know OP belongs to one of these, so you better give up now or else you're gonna be broke.
cd code
cd ..
A girl with a penis. OK...
There's actually loads of male nurses already. And in my experience past elementary school most teachers are male. There's a focus on women in tech just because tech is the "big thing". If plumbing was the big thing there would be a huge push for women plumbers. It's literally all virtue signalling in a high visibility environment.
Whoever says I'm coding instead of I'm programming is not a fucking real programmer.
>wasting time on phd
Sure you can "outcode" on fizzbuz/adventofcode style tasks that are irrelevant in real world. Show me your maintainable code that is used by many people kid.
If a PHD is lucky they can get into a company and largely not be expected to do much because the company just wants the prestige of hiring PHD grads and expect all the underlings to do the actual work.
you know the rule. prove it.
>Chad Stevens
>literal Chad
Also can't a business be sued for limiting applicants to cis women?
The problem with all these women stem initiatives is they ignore the fact that most women when they hit 19-21 realise they don't have to do Amy thing in life other than look atractive regardless of their efforts in their teens .
Like not to hate on them no its not "women's" fault but the way our society is that women in their early 20s realise this and make social stuff priority at this age
No one wants to talk about this thou as its too dark a concept and not PC
Women should only take care of home and children.
Technology is for men
Bitch dream on
nigger you're fostering the idea that if you're a white male you gotta work hard for what you get, keep it close and fuck other people, they get free gibs by the same society that shits on you monday to sunday.
It's the future you're helping build with this talk about privilege and shit. Privilege you're born in cannot be removed, only fought, and fighting leads you down the path of attrition
the microsecond it turns into open aggression we're back to people dropping thermite down fiber wells and people damaging millions worth of infrastructure currently left with little to no protection.
> out-code any boy here.
Hints you're either very clueless or super infantile.
Even veterans who have written entire operating systems don't come off like that.
Godspeed Terrence Andrew Davis
I miss him
Just think, with the right medication and treatment he could have been a respected software engineer at a decent company like MS or something
cd code
cd ..
ls code
cd ..
cd ..
Because the ones that do code actually keep quiet, and don't come acting like they're hot shit because they did an Hello World.
>Plenty of women are competent
That's funny, I've never met one.
please be in
make me your programming socks wearing, pig tailed, cosplaying super trap sucking your feminie penis for the sole purpose of procreation
I didn't eat all that shit in school as a turbo nerd just to lose a position to a diversity hire
mostly because Jow Forums can't into programming themselves, as 99% of Jow Forums are /v/ and Jow Forums tourists.
the notion that a single woman on this earth actually can into computers, while they can't, angers them. it's kind of funny, since they could just accept that single woman as a statistical anomaly and move on with their consumer electronics shilling.
>Tfw companies will be required to have a certain number of females on the board of directors by law soon
oh look, 2 pixels
imagine needing reactjs to make anything
less than 1% of women who force themselves into a field better suited for men (anything not involving making babies) are competent enough to be considered above mediocre. women are a drain on the economy no matter how you look at it and when they're not making babies and raising children they're degrading society in general.
their low opinion is earned. the proof is in the pudding. women cant even make pudding anymore
the absolute state of womens who code
dont forget cunt code is 90% comments if she writes it herself
My wife works IT, if women wanted to code, we would see it. Not my fault my classes were all men, nobody pulled a gun on these women and told them to drop the class.
>no source
the micro aggressions and sexual harassment is why they dropped the class
Devon Lindsey
ffs op, be carefull next time
Of course.
>falling for obvious bait
just FYI, in Japanese you would write 賛成 to agree with a statement
i bet you have a femenine penis
OP here, sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion by linking to the end of the video, youtube does that automatically now or something?
I'm suprised literally anyone took this post seriously, I just wanted to show you guys this piece of pure, concentrated cringe. She doesn't delve into the actual code, at all, but sniffing bluetooth packets and hacking together anything can be interesting, no matter how small, and yet her absolute nausea inducing cringey mannerisms make it literally hard to watch.
A man comments
>This is the code, this is its function
A woman comments
>This is the code [emoji emoji], this is its function [emoji], this is why girls are good coders [emoji emoji emoji]
so is literally everyone except the single best person in the world
Women can code, but not those attention-whore 'muh women rights' faguettes.
Top kek.
This shit gets really tiresome. No one but a few turboautists have a problem with women who can code, the problem is women reminding us constantly of their vagina while their code. Is it really so difficult to stfu about your sex for a few moments and maybe use the spare energy to code something useful?