What does Jow Forums's Jow Forums look like?

What does Jow Forums's Jow Forums look like?

Attached: 2019-01-17-130501_1920x1029_scrot.png (1908x927, 233K)

I just browse in firefox with the tomorrow theme perma-enabled

Attached: file.png (1771x1264, 235K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-17 g - Technology - 4chan.png (1904x990, 1.16M)

looks like ass, terrible contrast
see me after class


Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 796K)

what do i put in the custom css box. help a dumb nigger out please

Attached: 4ch.png (1582x801, 167K)

Attached: 2019-01-17_215839.png (1375x1078, 761K)

>using mascots
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-17 (0) g - What does g 's 4chan look like - Technology - 4chan.png (1334x1717, 304K)

This is hilarious

I have, I am, and I will.

Attached: 2019-01-17_220735.png (1375x1078, 1.06M)

How do you look at those huge anime titties and not want to fap all the time?

Custom CSS

Because i've been desensitized. Unless I will it, the boner will not come out of the house.

Attached: 2019-01-18-000049_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 468K)

Attached: scrot_2019-01-17-17:01:50_1366x768.png (1366x768, 605K)

Doesn't opening an image wider than the post boxes create an overflow?

>nobody uses lynx to browse Jow Forums at work so nobody peering over your shoulder in your open office workplace can tell that you're browsing Jow Forums, and no images will display that will get you fired

Overchan, Amber theme

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-18-05-28-19.jpg (1080x1920, 471K)

Not if you remove the sidebar. The image is in the background behind all elements including the quick reply.
I'm using Oneechan though. Don't know how it is with Appchan, i moved from that because it's broken and absolute dogshit with mascots.

Attached: 51529cc2-7a26-4776-9337-4e2cf22eac32.png (944x1019, 202K)