Is he /ourboy/?

Is he /ourboy/?

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He's obviously not very competent, but he's well spoken and has a welcoming disposition. Not our/g/uy, but he's alright

Mark ass brownlee btfo

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Kek nice one frog.

he's pretty alright, i don't watch his videos but he comes off as pretty chill and not a clickbait slut like some *other* "tech youtubers"

Mark Ass Brownie is /ournig/

i expected this to be just an ebin pol joke but it really does fucking show him. oops

After the Youtube Rewind I went to check the channel from the "nigga who techs" and only found smartphone reviews. The state of technology right now, only smartphones matters. I guess it is somewhat nice to think that pc content will become somewhat niche in the future.

Subhuman pavement ape nigger that needs his skull crushed open with a big anvil so all the brains plop onto the pavement

Why shouldn't it?

Nigga he does car and some camera vids too. Stfu

He's highly incompetent and biased, doesn't review and compare anything affordable, sticks to Apple and pixel only. He's like Jerry, who's horridly biased towards Samsung.

Compared to these nincompoops Michael Fischer is much better although he's a blackberry fanboi

I made a thing

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Sorry that you're poor.

Genuinely - I hope things get better for you.

never watched him but i can already tell his mannerisms are far less obnoxious than LTT

PhoneNigger is alright, but not /ourguy/.

Technigger is alright

He is a biased nigger. He could review a Chinese phone that outperforms and wipes the floor with Samsung, Google, and Apple and he would still not recommend it or give it credit for outdoing American/Korean manufacturers. Guy is a big nigger American with the USA #1 mentality.

>mac faggot
>bass boost
please PLEASE kill yourself

You don't even have to google his name.

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stfu, utorrent is awesome

4 June 1989 - Tiananmen Square Massacre

Fuck china and fuck chinese "people"

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>all those gay programs
marques brownlee is black. you're a nigger.

not an arugemet
>mac faggot
Remind me who else makes metal laptops with metal hinges bolted directly to the metal frame?
Or, who did, in 2014 when I bough this, and have never needed to upgrade since, thanks to the fan and battery, the only parts that failed, being user replaceable, and the SSD being upgradable also
>bass boost
Nigger I didn't even touch the original audio
I may be a faggot, but I am no nigger!

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I do remember him stating in a video that he would love to do something other than smartphone reviews, but smartphones are really the only thing big going on in the tech world right now. He's a Mac user so he's not really qualified to do PC reviews, plus the market is pretty saturated in that department anyway.


>shills pixel camera
>shits on every other phone especially chinese
>picks p20 pro over pixel in his own blind test
He is a paid, barely-over-average-tech-knowlege nigger

>shills pixel camera
>shits on every other phone especially chinese
>picks p20 pro over pixel in his own blind test
He is a paid, barely-over-average-tech-knowing nigger with pretry shots.

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Hes a nigger

Sounds like you are a/pol/tard


He is carismatic and know how to talk, but he has no in depth knowledge of anything, he is just there for the WOW effect of a new gadget. That is what he does, gadget reviews, it is never a in-depth review of a technology. At least he is not like that Austin guy, this the male version of iJustine. every tech reviewer ever?

Not really...

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how can white boys compete

>Wanting a Chinese spyware phone
I’d rather be monitored by uncle sam anyday

Did someone bleach this nigger? It’s center looks worn off.

t. CIA
I'm American.