Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Projects

I'm looking for projects to work with on my Raspberry Pi 3. My original plan was to create a radio station, but I feel as though there's something more powerful I can do with it. Any thoughts?

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Prostate messager

Ok but how though?

arduino may be better for this but as long as your ok with having it be internet connected then use the raspberry pi.

your gonna wanna use maybe a massage chair or one of those back massagers

figure out how to run the motors or at least figure out how to interface with the massager with usb. next you will stick it up your butt and have people across the world control the massager and they can watch via webcam. Charge them 5 sheckels for each action they can give the massager. the live stream should be on something like twitch or robotstreamer.com

Attached: raspberry pi.png (670x514, 260K)

Arduino may be easier but I have a Pi on hand right now. I know pin 25 and 26 work well with that but what programming should I use to make it work?

literally internet of shit

good point, but if I were to go with the radio project, how would I make live broadcast work?

use python ofcourse
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
gpio.setup(26, GPIO.OUT)
gpio.output(26, True)

26 will be hooked up to the relay switch or motor controller board that runs the prostate massager motors

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np user get some sleep now

Attached: comfy.jpg (279x300, 10K)

No rest for the dude using a fucking Compaq dc5100 as a prototype VPN network

>Compaq dc5100
good luck with that. you are also considering making a radio station behind the vpn or something.. im a brainlet beyond what I can learn from tutorials

Attached: big_guy.png (1514x836, 1006K)

Live broadcast FM radio is very very confusing, but I have the radio thing down, but it will only play pre-loaded songs.

>pre-loaded songs
as opposed to what. I've never made a radiostation before. Do you need any special hardware?

I once made a music maker that compiled songs in sonic-pi and played it over a flask based website!

Attached: SonicPi.jpg (300x168, 11K)

As opposed to live broadcast. I need literally one female jumper cable adapter and a length of wire. Pin 4 can send out up to 500-1000 MHz (I think) so sending out an FM freq. Should work. However, the project outline is quite easy with songs loaded onto the micro SD into the program I found.

I could be wrong but I think you need icecast. yeah there is probably a lot of configuring to do.

I didnt realize you could send out an FM signal that easily

Never heard of Icecast before. Can I get the 'ooga booga me no have computer' Explanation for it?

its something used for streaming over the internet so nevermind. I just came across it on my search for solutions to my music making website.

Alrighty. Live broadcast is difficult and I may not have enough processing power with just one PI. Considering taking a trip to 'The Dump' as we call it, and jurryrigging a satellite together to extend the range of the pi. But I still need to find out what kind of program I need

shoot me an email at [email protected]

I may or may not get back to you since i have school starting soon but it sounds like an interesting project.

I may, but the other challenge is the radio station while keeping Raspbian up and running.