is this the best keyboard you can buy in the current year?
Is this the best keyboard you can buy in the current year?
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why does the delete key look photoshopped
a thread died for this dogshit
That archaic piece of shit? Bwahahahaha!!
>cuckling spring
I've got the same keyboard. It's alright, I don't use the trackpoint as much as I do on my thinkpad.
is it wireless?
>is it wireless?
>trackpoint on a fucking desktop keyboard
Whats the fucking point
Just use your mouse nigga
Theres a reason trackpoints are put on laptops instead of desktops
trackpoint/mouseball for moving windows to other desktops
mouse for menu/ui navigation
No, the molds are from the 80s and worn as fuck. At this point they are more loose than your moms snatch and the keys have 3-4 cm of wobble.
I got one a few years ago without the mouse nub. It was alright but not great, kinda cheap. I didn't like the switches and the shell cracked when it fell once from a few feet off the ground.
Not really worth it, tbqhwy familam.
I ugly laughed.
>he still uses a wired keyboard
You can pick up a realforce on yahoo auctions for essentially the same price
Switches pretty much identical to an actual Model M but the housing is shitty plastic molding with noticeable blemishes all around so it doesn't have the same durability. Don't understand why Unicomp won't release an actual space saver Model M because that will be an instant buy for me.
I got the trackball one a few months ago to replace my Spacesaver M. This or the PC 122 will be my next
man i'm not even mad but is it really worth it to you to have to manage the battery of your keyboard, on top of everything else in your life, just so you don't have to look at a cable?
It's just a fucking keyboard.
Grow the fuck up.
They are surprisingly power efficient. I have to change the batteries like once a year, and it takes 2 minutes. Totally worth the extra convenience of being able to sit back in my chair, or go lie on the sofa/bed, etc.
I guess theoretically it has higher latency. I doubt a human can notice it, and it's only relevant to gaymers. Which shouldn't be using this type of keyboard anyway.
>not an original Model M
neck yourself, Jow Forums is not for poorfags
>dissing on buckling spring
fuck off back from where you came from fagface
>fuck off back from where you came from fagface
I just came from your mom's house, nigglet
t. alps switches master race
>not a new model F
that's actually a pretty good point. i always try to practice good posture at my desk, so it's not very useful to me, but i can see it totally being worthwhile if you like to recline etc
I want one so pad
What's that weird red dot thingie in the middle?
a 20$ red clone TKL from taobao
but that isn't a battlecruiser
no, unicomp are just notoriously shit at legend alignment
Is the max doing on your mouse fucking 3?
But that lacks a Trackpoint™
How do you even misalign legends when you've got the original IBM tooling that produced excellent legends? Was the dyeing equipment not part of the deal? Or does dye-subbing require manual adjustment rather than just being an automated process?
>How do you even misalign legends when you've got the original IBM tooling that produced excellent legends
Hint: tooling wears out over time
imagine spending so much money on a keyboard that doesn't even have backlit keys
the best keyboard money can buy is a:
> FC660C
> Domeswapped to medium-weight BKE Redux's
> Hasu's controller
Imagine not being able to touch type
sorry, I don't speak ESL
This is
if you don't get the Lenovo 54Y9400, you're doing it wrong
but he wants the /best/
pic related
just get whatever the fuck mech feels right to you and lube it
There's your good enough "bang for buck" meme rec
>no middle trackpoint button
>no arrow keys
lol get on my $400 USD level bro
how much ??
No. If they were IBM grey label or better then yeah, but Unicomp hasn't been prodicng them at that level. Leopold is probably the best you can get stock nowadays, that or
Came here just to post that
I emailed them about if they had any models that had more than 2-key rollover, and they said that they simply didn't make them. So rip
brb getting a panic button for my keyboard
so what did you get that made for
or did you grab it second-hand
>blocks your path
>mass reply
biggest faggot ITT
better than any gook shit on the market
if it wasn't so loud it would be my only keyboard for everything
Outta my way kid!
Aunt used to work for a defense contractor in '93. She quit and took the keyboard home. They called and made her return it.
whaaat that's fuckin lame
there's no way it had anything proprietary that they couldn't let a civvie have is there?
If you aren't an accountant then this is the best keyboard. It avoids the 60% cancer keyboard autism and saves more space than a TKL keyboard. The only keys that aren't immediately available from the nav cluster are Print Screen, Scroll Lock, and Pause Break.
The only negative thing about this keyboard is the nonstandard Escape and Delete keys.
You got the wrong caps tho
>The only negative thing about this keyboard is the nonstandard Escape and Delete keys.
That, and it's missing half of the fucking keyboard.
do you buy your keyboards from Toys R Us?
This one. Honestly could hardly imagine using anything else.
>knocking buck springs
do you own a comfy keyboard or have a job that justifies having a comfy keyboard? Or do you just vidya at your parents house after school?
I have a PC 122 and I love it
I never got this argument. Why can't you just admit you're willing to sacrifice utility for this particular aesthetic? I'm not an accountmant. I'm a chemist. Even before I was a chemist I greatly preferred a numpad for whenever I needed to enter numbers. Do you have such a tiny desk that an extra 5"x5" is out of the question?
>The only negative thing about this keyboard is the nonstandard Escape and Delete keys.
How's that considered a negative thing? Looks comfy to me.
The only negative thing about that keyboard is the fact that it cost like a motherfucking IBM Thinkpad. Sell me that keyboard for 30$ and I'm an happy guy.
This looks like a perfect GNU/Linux keyboard. Just need to set bash to vi mode and the lack of arrow keys will be no problem.
Even the fact that there's no QWERTZ option is okay when the entire point is to use it for writing arcane incantations for an obscure system that's desperately trying to emulate a bunch of American systems from the 60s.
>German "abmelden" button
>Word symbol that looks more recent than 1993
You're full of shit.
This looks almost perfect.
This really depends on use-case.
If you are administrating Linux/Unix machines, that keyboard will be perfect.
Most of your text input will be done in vi, where keeping your hands on the home row is a massive virtue, and the small size is perfect for when you are using desk space for a bunch of other stuff, like test setups or initial setups of systems.
The moment you got more than three keyboards and/or notebooks on your desk is when you start appreciating smaller keyboards.
*blocks your path*
I got a Corsair K70 MK.2 Rapidfire with MX Silvers on sale for $78. Did I do alright or should I return it for a Ducky One 2 TKL RGB for an additional 50 dollars?
i have this keyboard, the clit mouse on it sucks dick compared to a thinkpad keyboard. not worth it
There's more programs than bash. Lack of arrow keys and page up/down makes it almost unusable on a terminal. To say nothing of delete et. al. But at least you get a windows key, a menu key, and capslock, lovely.
Quite seriously, what is there besides vi and bash for system administration?
At most, all I can think of is the Informix frontend, but you can use hotkeys and type script names there instead of using arrow keys.
I honestly think the HHKB layout is the best layout ever.
In fact, I've been waiting for the model f kishsaver to finally ship out which I got in the HHKB layout.
Only modification I make to the HHKB layout is that I swap the SUPER and CTRL key locations.
I don't know why people like the DSA/spherical profiles. I find them incredibly uncomfortable.
Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.
Dell SK- 8115
If it is overall better than the chicklet keyboard Lenovo sells, then I can forgive a lackluster trackpoint.
That enormously depends what software you use. I guess most software I use like "less", you technically can get by with hotkeys for page up/down. But I do use the extra keys so much it's hard to imagine life without them.
why not both?
why don’t erryone use them control over caps lock placement tho
no please, do tell us about why buckling spring is so bad
That but with backlit keys, rechargeable battery, detachable USB cable and a volume button.
I'd pay serious money for that.
WASD custom keyboard.
>being this delusional
alps aint that good
when does it get there user?
Because I want both features in one package? I like the HHKB for layout, the silent topres are nice though, and the model f for the switch.
I have no fucking clue man, I've been waiting over a year on this model f project. I don't think it's a scam but there's been a lot of delays.
This is fucking retarded it's missing every important key
wtf do you do with all those extra keys?
I've never encountered a program that made use of scroll lock, pause break, or print screen.
thats a terminal layout my friend. I got that baby hooked up to a freebsd xeon box and I love the shit out of it.
why no ps/2 options
>scissor switch
its /thread like you stupid reddit fuck. aint no closed /closed
>that feelerino when I actually have this keyboard and am typing this post right now with it
>that feelerino when I swapped it with 55g domes for maximum comfy
I'd buy one of those if they just made them with normal arrow keys.