How does this not look better than Windows 7?

How does this not look better than Windows 7?

Attached: desktop01.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

You do know that the start menu replacement has been discontinued, right? The moment a Windows update breaks it it's gone forever

>coloured transparency
I don't understand fags who do this.

Classic shell discontinued development. There are forks if I am ever forced to seek an alternative.

To be fair classic shell doesn't need active development.

It's beautiful

So fucking comfy

Attached: Képernyőfelvétel (7).png (1366x768, 631K)

Why embedded?

Tried Pro and other versions before, but this is faster, and more stable also comes with less bloat

> That fuckling ugly titlebar
> Inconsistent blur around the GUI
> Metro UI

Attached: 1531486289746.jpg (613x531, 36K)

>muh edges

the thick bezel around the cmd window reminds me of corndogs, or maybe that's the color. Finding buttons on 10 coming from 7 is almost as bad as finding buttons on the iphone they gave you at work when you're used to android. Fuck 10, fuck the government, and fuck me for responding to you.

nice meinkampf server

Das ist gut

Windows 10 looks alright I guess, not sure why people complain about it. Oh right, privacy.

Attached: Windows 10.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

Still looks like flat horseshit.

>GNU IceCat
>Windows 10
Oh the irony


Use a better wallpaper!

Attached: 4k_uhd_highland_sunrise_wallpaper.jpg (3840x2160, 3.81M)

>distracting as fuck sunglare

Show me the myriad assortment of mismatched control panels next!

>Unironically believing anything other than Vista is even remotely aesthetically pleasing

Attached: Vista.png (1920x1200, 2.06M)



what's wrong with virtualbox?

shit performance and no features

what do you recommend instead?


Make your windows borders smaller you fag

sure but he's probably using windows

>windows borders smaller
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
BorderWidth to 0
PaddedBorderWidth to 0

That's a windows 10 issue as 8.1 almost always primary brought up the control panel first.

shilling vista but not using it as your main os

>but this is faster
placebo 101, this shit isnt like 7
8.1 embedded is literally 8.1 desktop version

1. There's open shell
2. It's Windows 8.1. It works with latest Classic Shell unlike 10 because it's not getting any "feature updates" that might break it anymore.

8.1 is deprecated performance wise. Unfortunately.

flat UI design is done wrong 99% of the time and microsoft was so fucking bad at it it's not even funny

The OS that showed me the light of Apple computers

If he's using Windows he can use Hyper-V.

sadly its dead jim (in that modern browsers wont run on it)