here's your gaming pc bro
Here's your gaming pc bro
/v/ is all just console warring retards arguing about exclusives n shit. if they were smart, they'd buy [spoiler] both consoles. [/spoiler]
oh yeah isn't this one of them boards where ya can't spoiler shit? dumb but senseful feature, i guess.
What a fucking awful thread.
Hey thanks for starting an actual rig for me, I'll just cannibalize the useful stuff and build a decent PC.
agreed. let us never speak of this thread again.
What sort of set up is this? What interface is the graphics card attached to? Why? Why? WHY?
>What interface is the graphics card attached to?
It's called PCI Express. The same interface they've used for over a decade.
not that guy you replied to but i wanna know why the fuck the PSU is connected directly to the GPU. what's even powering the rest?
can't you see the 2nd DC connector connected to the PC?
>this is your brain on /v/
Slight difference, Jow Forums isn't one of the boards where you can spoiler shit
High end graphics cards always take their power directly from the power supply. The rest of the pc is powered by the battery to the left of the case, which looks like it's made for mobile phones so the computer won't last long like this.
>The rest of the pc is powered by the battery to the left of the case
No, it's powered by the DC input in the bottom right of the case.
that's not a battery, it's an m.2 ssd enclosure
I always liked the idea of custom "console killers" or whatever you want to call them.
One of the high end Latte Pandas with a 1050 Ti or something, could literally fit inside a normal PCIe enclosure, with the power brick.
This, fucking blindfags.
model of motherboard?
surely you mean SBC
That's not an SBC you mong.
Anything (computer) with a soldered on CPU/GPU or SOC that does not need anything else than power to work is a SBC, even laptop boards outside laptops.
It's an Intel NUC.
almost though its a raspberry pi
(that icon in OP's pic)
>Raspberry Pi
>SODIMM slots
>Intel I/O
>5 watt core m3
>"high end"
That's only a "console killer" if you're competing with Xbox 360. You can get a bare NUC board with a faster 15W processor for a similar price, and not be limited by soldered memory.
>integrated arduino for """ultimate hacking"""
Lattepandas are the most soi of all SBCs.
If it runs DOOM I'm happy
What nuc is that?
Is that a PCI express ribbon cable?
what am i looking at
Could I use raiser for VGA in this $60 chink pc instead of wifi card?
m.2 to x4 PCIe to x4 to x16 PCIe riser
>m.2 to x4 PCIe to x4 to x16 PCIe riser
well that is certainly weird, I guess it would work if you could get the drivers and shit situated
>m.2 to x4 PCIe to x4 to x16 PCIe riser
so is that a USB hard drive attached to boot it? where is the HD
There's nothing weird about it. PCIe lanes are PCIe lanes, no need for special drivers or anything. It's plug and play, just like the slots on your motherboard.
You can even extend them these days over wires with U.2 or Thunderbolt and they still work out of the box. People have been using MiniPCIe and ExpressCard on laptops for external GPUs for over a decade.
I guess so, another user mentioned that.
any small computer board is a raspberry pi, rertard
0/10, nobody is that retarded.
>There's nothing weird about it. PCIe lanes are PCIe lanes, no need for special drivers or anything. It's plug and play, just like the slots on your motherboard.
It's weird because the processor lacks cooling on par with it's video card and there is going to be no good way to boot the machine if you use up the PCIe lane. It's going to be a very inefficient build with bottlenecks
Here's your X bro threads are one of the best things right now
Friend of mine had a 270x nigger rigged to a laptop with an adapter to the wifi card for years. Bottle necked to hell and was highly prone to shitting itself and dying, but at least it worked, I guess.
I've always wanted a slim form factor case that was built to use an ITX board with a GPU on its side connected with a riser like this blowing directly out. Too bad whatever I would end up making myself would look like hell