Tell normie I'm a programmer

Tell normie I'm a programmer.
Normie then proceeds to tell me about their 'genius' app idea and tries to bug me to make it for them with 50% stake each. Worst part is their ideas are always terrible and it's hard to politely tell them that.

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then impolitely tell them that

I'm too nice and beta to do that.

Just tell them shit like "Oh, I am a different type of a programmer. Do you know what a byte is?" Nobody can't suffer through low level shit and stories about bit shifting

I once went along with an idea guy. But everytime I wanted to discuss the exact features that would be required he went off to do something else. So I never even got to making it.

Thank normie for his ideas, since now you can develop it and take all profit.

Tell them it's fine, they can keep 100% of the ownership, you'll gladly work for them for your hourly rate of X dollars.
If they refuse (and they will, cause they don't want to spend money on this) you're golden, if they actually do accept you've just found a well paying side job.

>an idea is all you need

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This is probably a good idea. Just hope they don't start pitching you ideas about microcontrollers inside fish or someshit.

Give me their number and I'll tell them for you, if i like their ideas I'll start a partnership with them.

>facebook for

>it's the tinder of x

These are actually good ideas.

Either tell them that you want an hourly rate because you would need to quit your job, or tell them it's not your area of expertise like "I'm sorry, I've never worked with that kind of technology, I develop for micro-controllers"

tell them they're a fucking idiot then shoot yourself for being such a pussy

An omegle app for hookups: Your tinderish profile is voted on by swipes and you're put in a tier list. Every tier list can send a certain number of in app phone calls to others currently online accepting calls in the same tier list.

You make the app we can split profits 99-1. I'm the 99. :)

Tell them that they should at least have someone sign an NDA when they disclose something like that.
If they don't want to patent it.

That way they can waste money and time on patents or just shut up.


Tell them that they are fucking idiots and to kts for waisting your time

The fish we will use will be gene edited GloFishâ„¢.

>tell them it's not your area of expertise
"just learn android bro stop making up excuses lmao"

Based and redpilled

Forgot pic

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My cousin, who rarely talked to me and often made fun of me when we were growing up, started really pressing me to make him an app and start a business with him after I chose to study computer science.
When he first suggested it, I laughed because I thought that he was joking but turns out that he was being completely serious.
I told him that I was still a 1st year student, I don't know anything about Android or iOS development, and app development was never my interest in the first place.
He persisted, telling me "Well, why don't you learn app development?"
Told him that it's not my interest, and he started getting annoyed. Started asking me "What kind of shitty college do you go to that doesn't teach app development? It's the most important thing (according to him, lol)".

What's wrong with people? If he wants to make an app then maybe he should learn how to do that.

Had this happen at work.
Am actually administrator but do off-site response sometimes.
Drive there with supervisor.
He tells me about this idea for an app that navigates you trough big stores like a GPS. You would scan a QR code at the entrance and sell this app to stuff like Ikea or Home Depot.
He goes on for half an hour.
Tell him I don't to app development.
"Well can you learn it?"
Jesus christ leave me alone.

These kind of people are just lazy.
They want you to do all the work while doing jack shit, and get like 50-70% of the profit from it because "hurr durr the idea is what counts."

If you can't tell your friend what you think you have absolutely no self esteem and maybe should consider professional help.

"I've got a life, bro."

Tell them to go learn android development themselves if they think that you can just learn something.
I can't believe how people think sometimes; like do they think you can learn android development in a day or something?


This shit drives me crazy.
>first off it's a bad idea
>second, why wouldn't I just make it myself and take 100% stake? What exactly will you contribute besides daydreaming


>t. used to say normies until a try hard poster for him btfo
>t. normie

It's not just friends that do this. It's relatives of friends, people I meet at bars, uber drivers. The cunts won't leave me alone.

You should take it as a compliment. It means they are impressed with you. Normies think you have magical powers that enables you to shit out million dollar products before noon. To them the stuff you do is black magic.

t. former "idea guy" now turned lurker and learning to make my own stuff

got so fucking mad inside when he told me this, but I only replied "I'll think about it"
like I don't even like java or c#, android development is fucking tedious (or anything with UI) for me and I don't have time to learn all this bullshit because of your shitty clone idea
fuck this people
also fuck people that think we cs majors are free technicians
why is the common perception of cs students so fucking wrong?

I've had my friends boomer cousin(who I have only ever met once) nag me on multiple occasions over the years to make his facebook for fishing app. Worse part is he is always desperate and pushy because I'm the only programmer he even somewhat knows and he doesn't have the money to hire one.

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He sees it as his one big chance to get rich and make it.

Yeah, same here.
I don't have anything against app development, but it's just not for me.
I took an elective course on web app development just to see if it's for me and not, and it was one of the most boring courses that I've taken so far.
I also tried learning android development on my own and didn't like it very much.
>why is the common perception of cs students so fucking wrong?
I live in the middle-east (in Jordan) and people here (mostly the older generation) have a very wrong idea about CS. Many think that CS is this really easy major that only school dropouts take. They think that just because it's "combutar" then it must be really easy.

My aunts always look down upon me, which is why I avoid most of my relatives; they're really toxic and pretentious people.
My aunt thinks that we learn how to fix computers.

Yeah, I thought so, too. The thing that got me the most, though, is that my cousin use to bully me a lot when we were growing up, and as adults, we rarely talk, yet when I started studying CS, he suddenly loves me now and wants to start a business.

>My aunt thinks that we learn how to fix computers.
This basically.
They get flabbergasted if I don't know why their computer broke.

I recon most people do it because they understand the meme of CS students being both somewhat smart and possessing a low self esteem, which in their eyes is a golden ticket as they can abuse you for the gibs while you never say anything about it.

Completely agree that app dev/ anything UI heavy is the least enjoyable part of programming. I have worked on a few mobile app dev projects and I never want to touch it again.

Your cousin is retarded, but the "facebook for fishing" is not the worst idea I've heard. If the fisherman I know are anything to go buy, they really like mingling with each other... but why he just doesn't enter a fishing facebook group is beyond you and me.

don't tell ppl you're a programmer

He wanted me to sign an NDA and I would feel bad for talking about it too much lol.

I tell people I'm a software engineer now.

Have you ever tried to make those apps or you just think those ideas "bad" because you're a prophet?

Like Uber but xyz
