Just get oled bro. ;)
Just get oled bro. ;)
It works on all my machines.
Thats not a burned screen, its broken glass.
That's a reflection of the ceiling you fucking moron.
>Chinese quality control
Oleders BTFO
satania is CUTE
it dies sooner than any other display and has little to no advantages over any other. QLED is way better.
Lower half of right side. Double moron.
Qled has a backlight dumbass. Enjoy your bleeding lcd tier dark colors.
I've never had any dysfunctioning oled.
That's a yikes from me. You can get a new Mi Mix2 for that.
>tfw no ULED XD displays yet
>tfw no microled displays yet
How do I travel time faster than 1 second per second?
I'm a bit puzzled by the OLED burn in problems
on the one hand it seems to be an actual problem with many reports online, on the other hand absolutely no one I know personally ever had any problem with it
mg GF still uses her OnePlus 3T and despite very frequent use that thing has no visible burn in, not even the notification bar
what's going on?
>reports online
Never seen a 10bit VA panel before? Colors are brighter, VA blacks are darker. However, a black background will reveal backlight zones.
I have literally held in my hand many yellowed OLED smartphones, mostly from Motorola. I think some manufacturers have shittier OLED displays than others, but the fact that it will eventually get yellow and/or burn-in is just a matter of time.
despite the drawbacks of OLED no one can deny that perfect blacks are really nice to have, especially on a phone that you might often use during night time or generally in the dark
I'm still a bit bitter about CRTs dying off because of the same reason. Sure, they have around a thousand draw backs but I really miss those perfect black levels whenever I watch something without lights on
laser projectors seem to be the only solution with near perfect black levels and no significant drawbacks as far as I can tell, and I'll certainly get one as soon as they become a bit more affordable. sadly that's obviously no solution for phones or monitors
So what is preventing them from implementing anti-burn in features into the display software stack? In the past they were called screensavers but they could easily detect damage areas on screen areas nowadays and send some slight color shift to the affected area. It would be barely noticeable and fix that shit for good.
>I don't know what shadows are.
Not really. I have a Q9FN and it's the best TV I have ever owned. I also own an OLED TV I have in my bedroom and it's just inferior in most ways due to the garbage brightness of OLED.
I understand why some people prefer OLED, but if you want a TV that has vibrant colors you should not go with an OLED.
I love my s9!
Samsung OLED > LG OLED
Samsung has expressed themselves that OLED is a disaster when it comes to TVs but seem pretty confident in keeping OLED in their phones.
Been using OLED phones since 2012 without issue, but maybe that's because I'm older and still do most things on a PC while the phone sits idle. The 24-hour clock thing on the newer ones is really handy and not possible with LCDs.
> the best TV I have ever owned
Maybe. Still, an LCD panel will have LCD flaws
> I also own an OLED TV
lol why did you buy that.
it's impossible to actually detect the amount and variation of burn in. there are no sensors for it. you'd have to literally display 50% gray and put your phone in a high dpi scanner to get that info
that's obviously not impossible to do and could be automated with rather straight forward algorithms to get color shift data per pixel. that way the phone could compensate. probably not perfectly, and you might have to redo the process every year or so, but it's not that stupid
of course such a thing will never be supported because it would be akin to advertising that OLED has massive problems. they would like it more for you to buy a new phone every year anyway
>LCD flaws
We have survived LCD "flaws" for almost 20 years already. I think most of us can wait for replacement to mature enough to not burn in.
Yeah, i'm thinking of just refreshing static content with a slight colorshift depending on how much time a pixel needs to actually complete it. It should be quite easy, all modern compositors implement damage areas that get refreshed individually. You can see those with an effect plugin in kwin for example. I think gtk also has that concept and you can see it with introspection. It doesn't take much cpu use and can be used to calculate stale areas that need refreshing.
LCD flaws can be engineered away, proper FALD implementations are so good now we are approaching a level where it would not be an issue even at maximum nits output. OLED brightness issues on the other hand is extremely difficult to engineer away, the brightness levels remains consistent on their TVs for the last 3 years with no noticeable improvement.
These are fairly nitpicky issues however, both QLED and OLED give really good picture quality no doubt. But if you are looking for a TV that can do HDR properly, you will not go with a OLED ever.
LCD still has shitty off angle viewing and haloing though (will be better with mini LED obviously). HDR is relative. My old LG B6 is plenty bright enough in a darkened room. Biggest issue I have is with highlight detail, slight black crush and crap motion compensation. Most of which have been fixed in the newest models. No burn in whatsoever after two years use.
you're fucking blind you daft cunt
teens very often have keyboard burn-ins on their samsung s series phones
Mate and I have note8's. He had his about a year longer than I have, neither of us have any burn in. Literally haven't heard anyone complain until I started browsing Jow Forums again.
Don't buy shit phones
I zoomed in the image for you grandpa
my entire family has the Galaxy S7 Exynos. On Christmas I tested all phones and none of them has any signs of burnin after 2 to 3 years of use.
Its a meme.
Still a reflection nigga.
what a hopeless retard
user, that is a reflection
Don't listen to them, it's a piece of plastic holding the phone up, like in a vending machine
Samsung damage control. The real reason is that LG has a patent on the WOLED scheme and normal amoled has to use pentile to balance the color degradation which is unacceptable to the home cinema crowd who would be paying thousands of dollars for a Samsung OLED TV. They're autistic in the same way Jow Forums is about MUH FREEDUMBS AND AYYYMD. Samsung proposed qd-oled, which is their quantum dot filter over blue OLEDs to produce native blue light and have the photoemissive QD filter produce red and green
Oled is the only one that can do hdr proper you tard. The contrast spec for hdr originally called for 1100 nits of brightness and 0.05 blacks. That's a contrast of over 20,000. Only the samsung q9f can hit that among cmconventional lcds and that's with an overly aggressive FALD implementation that also highlights zones.
Most 4K TV's (and even 1080p TV's) do not resolves the full resolution during motion anyhow (anything static just gets repeated each frame). Sample and hold makes motion even worse. Black frame insertion helps but results in flickering. Interpolation results in artefacts. Newer HDR OLED's implement a tone curve for 1000,2000 and 4000 NITS. LG's latest high end models will also include inbuilt color calibration images for use with Calman and a decent colorimeter (about time too). TV's are always evolving. Until QDmLED comes along OLED is still the best for PQ and off angle viewwing. Burn in only becomes an issue if you watch a lot of the same content with static logos, ticker tapes and HUD's (I hear subtitles can also cause burn in if you watch a lot of anime although I have never experienced this issue).
Both wrong
how fucking retarded are you guys like actually fucking spasticated mongoloid fucking niggers
the X900F TV shits on OLEDs
it's a reflection of the phone's stand
How come the QLED picture has better colors on that sea animal? It looks punchier. I thought OLEDs produced the best colors?
the fuck is that
OLED is garbage
The samsung's reds are so oversaturated, the hippo looks like it was honey glazed and baked. Or perhaps a jersey shore spray tan - not sure which to go with due to crippling indecisiveness.
Hard to tell if it's the TV's fault, or how the picture was taken - they publish anything about how they're calibrated, or are they going for the usual BS marketing trick of "MILLIONS OF COLLORS" and maxing the saturation?
Looks like the reflection of the stand starts lower, than what I'm going to go ahead and say is a crack as well. The reflection of the ceiling elsewhere on the phone just curves up - but not where the crack cuts across the bottom reflection, which you can see doesn't sharpyl curve up like the other ceiling features/lines above it.
Granted, it's possible it's just the reflection of a crack in the ceiling too. Either way, fuck paying 350 for a phone with a damaged screen.
IF you consider how most retail stores try to jew you on pre-owned electronics - it's probably a 64GB model.
You could buy a """certified""" refurbished 64GB S9 off Amazon for about the same price.
Took a peek at what it'd take if you wanted to just fix it up to try and save a bit; the replacement displays evidently costs more than half the price of the damaged phone. (Never mind the screen is likely a factory reject or RMA bought from an alley market in Shenzen)
Samsung has 10-bit panel and saturation cranked up way to much.
Production yields are far better on small displays