Go through 3 year comp sci degree

>go through 3 year comp sci degree
>$100k student loan debt
>apply for jobs
>only have to know the first year of comp sci to get the job

How the fuck has no one woken up and realized yet that college is a scam?

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you did something wrong, frogposter.

>go through 5 year comp sci degree
>$500 student loan debt

but I agree (mostly) with the second part. I have some interesting positions lined up (AI), but they required a lot of schmoozing, and basically being "on call" and ready to leave your existing job at a moment's notice.

The price of college is a scam. The education is not. America has fucked up since colleges realized that students could be extorted for as much money as they like, and the government got in with the deal.

>go through 7 month bootcamp
>learned everything I'd need to produce quality code
>can pass technical interview at google, with ease
>paid $30,000 after getting a $100k/yr. job

>CS degree
thank god im not a brainlet

We have, you’re just retarded

>We have
No you haven't. Then why are we not seeing college admins and profs rounded up and ____?

College is a scam. Most of the degrees people get are useless, but you can't get ranked in the list of people to call for a interview without having that god damn piece of paper.

A degree is a brainlet filter.
Some brainlets can get a degree, and some non-brainlets don't have a degree, but a person without a degree is more likely to be a brainlet than a person with a degree. The difference only increases based on college prestige and GPA.

it's also a commitment test. It shows that you can work towards something and stay dedicated for 4 years.

>100k student debt
what kind of third world country doesn't have free college ?
Sounds bogus if you ask me.

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>t. college admins

tried to take a bullshit degree. social sciences... Kept being harassed by fellow students and corrected by TAs for wrong think. Gonna try again this year, changed major to ESL (LOL) but it will pass the brainlet filter. Considering I speak english fluently without a issue, i guess Peterson would frown his nose at me for doing something that is hard but not as hard as my actual real goal.

College is an investment. If you won't get a good ROI, don't bother going.

When job ads specifically state they want you to have a college degree, some going as far as stating they dont care on what as long as it is a degree. It is no longer an investment but a requirement.

yeah, if that's the job you want, and it will pay enough to recoup school, do it.

I happen to live in a country where the cost of college is 1000 a year.. so yeah i will. ive wasted more money on worse things

>study law
>do a 4 year bachelor
>do a 1 year master
>only 1 or 2 subjects are relevant for the job
>couldn't learned what I needed in 3 months or so


What kind of third world country makes its citizenry pay for its ruling class’s 5 year vacations?

well, then my original post never applied to you. Maybe you should take an economics class while you are there.

My gf ran into this. But she dropped out after first year. Now she makes more than her old classmates who got their degree, doing the same job.

I'm just getting my degree to make my mom happy

I applied for a simple IT helpdesk job. Like "turn it off and on again" and "hey our computer died come replace this part or slap together a new one fast" and because I wasn't enrolled in college so I couldn't be called an intern.

It's all a meme. Figure it out yourself.