/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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screw you guys Gnome is great

Gnome is shit that eat your CPU.

you're thinking of Gentoo

Was thinking the same a few minutes ago.
I like when everything works outside the box.

I need my laptop for work tomorrow,so I just installed Ubuntu 18.10 in like 15 minutes.
I feel so comfortable right now.
I just want to get up and dance.

>this is an achievement in linux

Linus is a person.

uiSUlWyeslY: Downloading js player vfl-jbnrr
ERROR: Signature extraction failed: Traceback (most recent call last):

youtube-dl is up to date. Any ways to fix this? I got it working again temporarily, but I didn't do anything except open a new terminal.

I installed Ubuntu to an external hard drive on a laptop that has Windows 10 installed on its primary hard drive. I can boot into either OS fine. But I can't access the Windows hard drive when booting into Ubuntu.

I can't see the windows hard drive with `fdisk -l` or `lsblk`, I only see my external hard drive as /dev/sda. Does anyone know what to do so that the Windows hard drive will show up?

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Two ways using GNU sed.

Search for a regex and append after it:
$ printf 'a\nb\nd\n' | sed '/^b/a c'

Insert at line 3:
$ printf 'a\nb\nd\n' | sed '3i c'
If you have a huge file, you can get the line number using wc -l.

Install GNU/NT.

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tfw no medium tiddy goth gf who uses linux

I'm torn between Linux mint xfce vs Majaro xfce for my college thinkpad. Which should I go with?

I need a simple audio program for Linux, basically to cut up albums into individual songs.

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i did but not through the store
and it's arch btw

Tried to get both a ps3 controller and a nintendo pro controller working on linux. Well, actually, they work flawlessly. Problem is, my wireless magically stops working when either connect. Any ideas?

install gentoo

Why should someone do this over vmware?


those controllers use bluetooth, right? try using 5G wifi so the signals dont get crossed.

Debian is for cucks.

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Windows is dead, install Arch/Android.

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I'm having issues with screen tearing in KDE with an Nvidia card. I've tried enabling triple buffering for KWin as per the Arch wiki's instructions but that didn't do anything. My tests for tearing are Firefox and mpv.

The ForceFullCompositionPipeline option works, but I've heard it's very brute-force and a major performance drain.

>android is a kernel

Attached: wojak.jpg (900x900, 143K)

I don't think it's interference, even while I'm trying to connect before they actually get in the internet seems to be fine. I can't see anything to connect to as soon as one of them gets hooked up.

Does it have Systemd?

I didn't say it was.
I don't think it has any init system. It's basically just chroot.

between Debian stable and Ubuntu 18.04, which would have the newer packages?

screen tearing means vsync is diddled, can you mess with the KWin repaint settings and see what happens? What does Full screen repaints do?

Why can I open my windows folder from my Linux, bit not Linux folder from my windows?

because Linux supports NTFS, the Windows filesystem but Windows doesn't support Ext4, the Linux filesystem. There is Windows software that will allow you to access it though

Maybe mint would be better.
This is just my opinion, but mint is extremely stable. You don't want the OS breaking when you have an assignment due tomorrow, or a project, or an exam.

Is arch a meme? I have no idea what's the appeal



Because Linux is a nonshit operating system that supports many different kinds of filesystems. Windows is a garbage operating system that only supports it's own filesystems.

It has a ton more software than the default termux repos. Before you even get to the AUR which has any software you can imagine (but requires a patch file to work in termux under root, weirdly.) And it's way more up to date. E.g. youtube-dl will fail all the time in other distros. Because it's a year out of date to the current APIs and bug fixes.

Arch or gentoo with i3 or dwm.

Is Cloveros a good meme or a bad meme?

Attached: gentoo-chan.jpg (520x729, 77K)

You're a faggot.

you okay there bud

linux is a operating system kernel

This literally happened to me last semester. I was doing last-minute readings before an exam and had 12 pages of notes to go through just as updates borked my pc. Wasted time trying to read the file from the emergency mode terminal only to realize you can't do that with .docx. Noob me couldn't figure out how to transfer it to my flash drive either. Don't be in that position.

You are now aware that NT means New Technology.

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NPC Technology*

So oddly enough I changed it to full screen repaints and it worked fine, then changed it back to automatic and it continues to work fine. Just need to see if it survives a reboot. Thanks user!

And yes, I mean that connecting the controllers stops my internet from working.

>plug sdcard into thinkpad
>nothing shows up
I swear it worked last week.
How do I even begin to debug this? Yes I tried inserting it and ejecting it a dozen times and nothing.

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rebooting fixed it

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So, I've got a gamepad I never use. I was thinking if is it possible to map the gamepad buttons to specific clicks on XY coordinates?
Xorg, by the way.

Has anyone tried Artix, or given it a real look? I'm quite new but I'd like to in to Arch, but Systemd sure is a sore point around here. Any hands-on points of view?

you can use xdotool or something similar to script mouseclicks. Then run the script when a button is pressed.

So any of you had to deal with random system freezes? Happens every now and then with a Lenovo v510, it's gotta be some hardware shit

fuck linux devs
why don't they fix the filepicker

I would like to interject for a moment...

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Fuck you, why don't you write me a fixed filepicker.

I have a folder full of .gz files wil text files in them. How do I use parallel and fgrep to make use of my 8 cores and find one line in them as fast as possible?

You're confusing the right of someone to criticize developers with the right of someone to modify software.
Please keep it straight.

I need some easy/idiot proof method to install and use waifu2x on ubuntu.

If it maters to you that much use Firefox in Suse, or Falkon. Thay use KDE's filepicker wich has what you want.
Personally, I don't think it maters. I can find whatever sumg anime girl I want faster in a image viewer and clack and drag with my mouse.

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oy gentoomen,
how do I go about slimming down an arch install, I have been running the same install for the past couple of years but my root partition is starting to shrink, and I barely use my system for anything other than browing the web, a file manager, and playing a few media files.

Can I list packages based on their size and how frequently are they used on my system, I have a little bit over 1400 packages installed.

Wait, I'm a retard that didn't know that bluetooth uses 2.4G just like my interface. But this doesn't explain why my PS3 controller being used with wire (and not bluetooth) doesn't work.

Im trying to get video thums working in gentoo but when i go to install ffmpegthumbnailer i get this, ive done some research but ive only become more confused

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For some reason Dolphin is not showing some data of files. Like resolution have only one picture in whole folder. How to fix it?

OK, when I copy file on NTFS partition everything is fine, but on ext4 Dolphin is blind and doesn't see image resolution. What?

libav was an autismfork that didn't really go anywhere. Install ffmpeg.

pacman -Qi? No idea about frequency though.

You just need to disable the libav flag. You already have ffmpeg installed.
You can either disable it just for the ffmpegthumbnailer package by itself or you can do it system-wide, which probably the better choice, by adding -libav to the use flags defined in make.conf

>by adding -libav
thank you very knowledgeable anons

exactly how does one "rice" their desktop?

1 grain at a time

Should I use cmus or ncmpcpp with mpd for my music player? I have cmus working now and its pretty comfy but it seems alot of people here use ncmpcpp is there any reason for that? also what terminal should I use? I'm currently using QTerminal because it came with my OS, thanks user

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>is there any reason for that?
>also what terminal should I use?
I don't think there's any perfect terminal at the moment, at least by autistic standards.
rxvt-unicode (urxvt) is probably the most popular choice 'round these parts though

I can run gedit as root no problems, but if i try to run it as a user, it just does not function. gdb shows it exits fine, and nothing in the stdout when running it f rom within the terminal.

so what's your point?

What did AMD mean by this mysterious message output by their amdgpu code in kernel 4.20.3?

Attached: kernel-4.20.3-mysterious-amdgpu-message-fs8.png (2983x1997, 1.25M)

Change window-manager, wallpaper, fonts and icons. Bonus points if you remove systemd.

Attached: rice-desktop.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

ranger+kitty can do perfect non-flickering non-disappearing thumbnails! It even resizes them on the fly as you resize the terminal window

I have never heard of the kitty terminal before just now when I read this and it inspired me to look up new terminals.
I'm already lovin' it

Attached: ranger kitty.png (611x362, 218K)

i just use thunar

isn't gzip decompression faster than the bandwidth to the hard drive? It may not help much.

Torch is literally a single shell script to install on Ubuntu. It installs to your home directory and modifies your bashrc, super ugly. Slightly more complicated to install the CUDA version if you want that. Then you have to just use luarocks to install the necessary dependencies which is like one line. Check out the arch wiki page on it.

are there any tools to help with kernel config on gentoo, like scripts and what not?

du -ha / 2>/dev/null|sort -h
will show you all the files/folders that are taking up space. You can look at access times of files to see when the last time a program was used, in principle.

but user, that's an image preview not a thumbnail

i have never heard of this terminal, cool

Playing with it now.
This will be the new default term for my i3.

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i miss being new to gnu+linux and still enjoying life

>I can find whatever sumg anime girl I want faster in a image viewer and clack and drag with my mouse.
this is a workaround for a missing fundamental feature--a good filepicker meme

What is it with the linux !!!

youtube-dl broke again and debians shit repos dont have a remotely up to date version of it
I remember getting a more up to date version elsewhere the last time this happened but dont remember how. help?

how do i switch between tiled and floating windows in bspwm? super + h/j/k/l doesn't work

download it through pip

super+s for floating and super+t for tiled

thanks bud

Finally committed to Linux, where do I find resources on learning everything I can on the terminal and linux as a whole.. Do I look into the LPCI-1 ? Linux Fundamentals?

I wish to be a master wizard

thanks but i worded it wrong. i meant how do i switch focus to a floating window

Hmm, there are some downsides with it though.
For one it's made in python, but it's still really fast so I guess I could live with that. But another thing I don't like about it is that it uses OpenGL, which means it's constantly redrawing the screen many times a second and that doesn't sit well with me for a simple terminal application. I prefer them to only draw to (a portion of) the screen when something updates and otherwise just idle.

It should be possible for a terminal to still do perfect images without the flickering, even without having to resort to OpenGL rendering.

no idea then, you could focus with mouse though

man-pages : manuals! built-in in every distro, example:
$ man ls
bropages.org : lots of user-submitted examples on using commands
cheat.sh : quick help and examples of commands in plaintext fit for curl, example:
$ curl cheat.sh/ls


Ok so I wanted to install a theme on my xubuntu laptop and it’s not in appearance and I can’t open the folder.

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.79M)

You need to access the folder as root