*cracks open monster*

*cracks open monster*

Attached: those were the days.jpg (250x228, 13K)

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It looked bad even in 2003.

A Triumph of modern design

Attached: 41hN91MrWhL._SX425_.jpg (425x326, 19K)

Ah the toilet seat iBook

Those things are downright hideous

terrible looking computer

*cracks open red bull*

Attached: xperia-games-front.jpg (1200x900, 93K)

Man they shit the bed with that. All it needed was more space


Attached: IMG_20190115_165606.jpg (2560x1920, 2.21M)

woah, sorry, didnt see you there

Attached: 17a8721db60995772b5a91757897bf35.jpg (2400x1745, 554K)