Anyone on here have experience in writing in Java with Eclipse neon...

Anyone on here have experience in writing in Java with Eclipse neon? Ive got a small university assignment that shouldn't be more than about 20 lines of code.
Its a simple math problem, If anyone is interested and wants to do it ill gift them a steam game up to 20$ U.S.

Attached: eclipse-800x188.png (800x188, 13K)

it's a fucking nightmare. also why do you fucking need an IDE? OP you should kill yourself.

I didnt pick it. Prof did

what's the problem?

I dont need programming for my major, I just have to write a few assignments and Im done forever.

Determine the speed (km/hr) of an Olympic diver when
they reach the water’s surface after jumping off a platform
of height 10m
Using the math class API


yo faggot tell me what's wrng with it, every retard I come across tells me it is the worst thing since Hitler. for school assignments it is good enough, although netbeans I'd slightly better. intellij doesn't have the option of showing multiple projects on the same window. which is a necessity for new programmers since would ideally look at their old code / assignments

I used eclipse every day for 3 years, never have a problem whit them.

It's because it's needless bloat. Any text editor and command line can do everything an IDE can. Learn things the hard way or learn nothing.

I have to use this in my uni's programming class, its fucking hell

I have Eclipse Photon if that works for you OP

just use bluejay faggot.

Just post it I'll do for free

if you must use an ide, use netbeans

>he drives a car with power steering

based and C pilled

Netbeans or IDEA. Eclipse can go suck a fat one


I'm in your class m8

The only thing difficult about this assignment was figuring out what formula to use.

And we had, what? Almost 1.5 hours of in-class time to work on this, after prof basically wrote 95% of the program for us. The only possible way you could be struggling with this is if you left immediately after the lecture ended and didn't bother sticking around for the lab and in-person help.

I think next time you should stick around and ask for help in class.

Eclipse sucks ass.
We had to make a database management project using MySQL and it sucked. IntelliJ is gay. stick to the command line OP.

Under Windows: Install the JDK, zip up the j2sdk_blablabla directory, uninstall the JDK, unzip j2sdk, use bin\javac for compiling, bin\java or bin\javaw for running your code.

Under Linux: Either install openjdk (make sure it is the package containing javac), or just download a blob from Oracle with the JDK and unzip somewhere in your home directory. Then proceed as in Windows.

For legacy software, I recommend up to JDK 1.8 (Java 8). Otherwise go balls to the wall with the latest and greatest version. Careful when shipping to production, apparently Oracle JDKs after 1.8 have a license that forbids you from doing that, but the corresponding OpenJDK doesn't.

For editing of .java files: In Windows, you can use Notepad++ (free). In Linux, I personally recommend pluma (and I will be shouted down by all vim / emacs fans).

I use eclipse daily.
Many people will say it sucks but honestly I have no idea why. I could say some things about other IDEs but better let others use what they want or used to.
So what trouble related to Eclipse you had so far op?

v^2 = u^2 + 2 as
static double velocity (double u, double a, double s)
return Math.sqrt(u^2 + 2*a*s)
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(velocity(0, 9.81, 10));

what a fucking degenerate you are jesus
i starting to hate Jow Forums

Official java IDE power rankings: I use spring boot at work edition:

1. VS code with git bash terminal to run gradle commands
2. intellij
3. suicide
4. eclipse

Eclipse is gigabloat compared to vscode

This is basic 9th grade physics. You should be able to code this in notepad and compile and run via command line.

tits or gtfo

>guys asks for help for a twenty lines school assignment
>not even a cs student, will never touch programming in his life ever again
>the IDE you're using is WRONG you'll never make it unless you compile with the command liiiine
this board is worse than /b/

I've written an entire 3d game in Java using eclipse, I don't see what's wrong with it. I tried the other IDE's but they all felt bloated to fuck

>calling anything bloated in comparison to eclipse
nigger wut

Why do you need an IDE to write 20 lines of code OP? Do it in notepad and the prof won't even know.

I dont get all the hate eclipse gets. I use it to develop software for big clients and it's more than fine.

t. fizzbuzzlet

It is because they never wrote a program with more than 10 lines of code and 90% of their work was compiling it on the shell what made them proud.