I torrent over tor and I'm not ashamed
I'm a distrohopping wretch who only knows that he prefers XFCE.
I can't write 10 lines of code without using google
I'm trying to use the machine learning meme to make a waifu. If it fails, then i'll feel incompetent. If it succeeds, then she's read the entire corpus of wikipedia and she'll be smarter than me and I'll still feel incompetent.
I pretend to know my shit on Jow Forums but I have to google things to make sure I'm right
I still run windows 10 on my desktop PC despite everything else I own runs various GNU/Linux distros.
You better be posting the results if successful somewhere
I recommend Debian to others, but personally run Xubuntu.
Me too, friend. That's nothing to be ashamed of, you're just using what works best for you
I still have no clue how github works.
Imagine git but with a youtube comments section.
No clue how git works
i will create a giant benis in code
I game on TN 1080p monitor
I'm constantly upgrading/tweaking my 'gaming' rig but I don't actually play games.
Git is simply a tool that lets you download files to a folder with an http link.
Github is one of the main websites you cqn use to dl sources , but with a youtube comment section. , and an option to not use the git tool at all.
i'll unleash the mommy upon the world user, DW.
I write C++ in Sublime.
I love hackintosh, I just wish I could play my favorite games on it
I'm a hackerman who doesn't know how to write his own exploits...I'm a script kiddie
Good taste
Making Waifus real
I've have never given back to open source
I run Debian stable since I'm too lazy to set up and maintain Gentoo.
I installed Archlinux only to play TLoZ: Breath of the Wild
ubuntu is better than arch
I like using GUI better CLI
I eat grapes from the produce section of the local supermarket without paying.
I'm an AMDpoorfag whose video card died and bought the cheapest GTX 1050 non-ti a week ago.
Anyone who likes that anime is a degenerate, probably a tranny, and is most likely an incel
I am an incel degenerate who wants to be a tranny, yet I have this anime too.
I paid $369 for a 3gb GTX 1060
kill me
Paid $350 for 8gb pooga 56. Feels good man.
I unironically wish I could be friends with some of you Jow Forumsentoomen. I'll never find people irl who shares as much in common with me as the average Jow Forums user.
I'm not lonely and have a gf. I'm not saying that to brag, just saying it to assure you know that I don't want a Jow Forums friend because I don't have any friends and am desperate, but because I just genuinely like you guys.
its a shame board meetups aren't a thing anymore. I'd go to a Jow Forums LAN party.
>I just genuinely like you guys.
aww, thank you fren
i am a brainlet
I know that feel. I can fake it so people will like me. I just don't want to because I'm genuinely weird while also being funny as fuck. I feel at home in Jow Forums
I was lazy and used an installer to install Arch. (Not Antergos)
just follow ur dreams my dude
I have a job and am nearly done my degree yet worry I'm woefully incompetent.
Ehhhh, some of you guys are alright, but the fucking Intel/Nvidia/AMD consolewar faggots are insufferable.
i have an irl friend that i met from other site who frequents here and /lit/. We sorta shitpost each other over IM almost daily.
Its one of the "closest" friends i have to the point where i think almost daily think "how can i outsmart him if he shitposts like me?"
And i haven't even seen him in almost 10 years or so.
same here, mein neger. I work in an office full of half competent js programmers who only use apple shit and they're just so fucking normal. No one's got a home server, or plays with electronics, or whatever. The most Jow Forums shit they do is:
- one had a self-assembled gaming build for years, but gave up and went full hipster with normie hobbies
- 4-5 of them have mech keyboards... with cherry browns. Lame. One of them couldn't be assed to solder, so he gave me his 300$ kit for free.
- the only one actually able to use a terminal is doing management work
- I'm the only GNU/linux user of the entire company
- 3-4 people actually like programming and actively research shit around
I mean, most of them are actually nice and likeable people, but almost one is actually interested in technology.
Who's up for a european Jow Forums meetup?
I masturbate to shota getting fucked in the ass by futa women with big dicks.
git is a software that makes programmers remember how shit their code is by using a history log and the possibility to go back to see how shit it was.
and what would you like to confess?
i cant learn real code i use existing methods and libs to solve my problems
also asked for google all the time
Im a total brainlet i should never post her
Terry forgive me
user, that's not how machine learning works. You don't just throw in data and get intelligence out. You have to train it to solve strictly mathematical problems.
You're essentially trying to invent AGI, which just isn't possible in 2019, let alone on your measly little Windows PC.
My dotfiles have had uncommitted changes for months.
I use the proprietary Nvidia driver.
>i prefer vapin instead of smoking
>i prefer arch based distro instead of arch
>i pretend to know what i'm doig but i only fuck with config files
>i have just installed an aur driver believing it could resolve some things without knowing if it was the best thing to do
>i am an hikineet
>i scream inside of me when i hear people who dare taking loudly when walking in front of my house
>i prefer 2d and young girls
>my cat has now full authority in my house and shit all over the place
>i am an alcohol
>i believe xanax and AD will save me from this, i have just started the treatment
>i have exposed my shitty life on Jow Forums just now
No, that's not what Git is...
I would too. Is it feasible to try to have a meetup in 2k+19? How would we organize it exactly, and where would it best be suited?
This, though
Kinda cute, genuinely smiled
I prefer Clang over GCC toolchain
Technically it can download shit via https but yeah.
So does everyone who actually uses them
>>I mean, most of them are actually nice and likeable people, but almost one is actually interested in technology.
Most people aren't and never will be. Shit got easy enough (and salaries got high enough) to let the masses in though. Every refuge for non-normies eventually gets ruined in this fashion.
I just kinda assumed that any attempt would be dogpiled by a bunch of "fuck off to /soc/" people. For me it's just idle wishing anyway, since I live in flyover country.
I use try/except to deal with my errors rather than deal with the underlying problems.
I be nigger
I use windows 8.1
Good thing you are on your way to abuse Xanax. Hopefully you'll drink too much while on it and die. Pedoscum
I'm a pajeet and I get sad that I get shit on. I'm good enough to hang with the crowd and decent at what I do but when virgin weebs who only game and don't actually program shit on me, it hurts
Pajeet doesn't necessarily mean Indian. Pajeet just means Indian with very basic/shit IT competency.
I feel like that is how it is used here. I've been in the USA since I was 4 years old. I had burger education since Pre-K and went to a decent uni. Always was top 10% of my class but I get treated like a retard here. I worked with many people and saw people of different races be shit at programing. The smug white sôîbōys were always the worst.
based and onionpilled
unironically best Windows at this time
is this bait?
I'm a Reddit moderator of 5 subs.