here's your OS bro
Here's your OS bro
When will MacroShaft Wangblows finally understand that they are a bunch of KEKS?
Pic related is the average measurement of the gap in the anus of a Nadella's curry cock worshipper a.k.a WINTODDLER.
Call me when GNU+Linux has a proper file manager
you mean one without cloud ads in it?
gnome files
winjeet BTFO
show me a file manager that supports thumbnails
did you time travel here from 2007 accidentally? all of them have thumbnails.
show me a windows file manager that doesn't have ads
Dude, I love curry.
literally all of the ones listed and then some and then some CLI ones even show fucking thumbnails you fucking leper
explorer blows every ganoo+loonix file manager out of the water, it's also both the file manager and file picker contrary to the retarded linux system
>wincucks pay to see ads in their system
good thing only normalfags pay for it
>i get taken advantage of for free instead of paying for it
congratulations fucktard?
i've never actually even seen the shitty ads you post anyway
why the fuck are people even using this operating system in 2019
I'm sure you haven't.
1. Muh games
2. To dumb to install normal os
3. Work
>meanwhile on Narcissa's ToyOS
they are too afraid of change to switch to something better + they have been brainwashed to believe it's good
this is literally the OS these "people" use, isn't it sad
> Muh games
This. My gaming PC is just an extended console nowadays, UWP+Win32+DS4 support, I don't care about ads or anything anymore. Laptop is on Linux, that's where I work.
works for me, no ads, no problems. you must be retarded.
check this out, they even get ads on the lockscreen
>Like what you see?
m$ flat out mocks winjeets but they are too dumb to even realise it
do NOT bully winjeets
You can turn them off you retard millennial
wasted trips on a wincuck
That's why you use LTSC if you have to use Windows.
>that's why you eat shit with a fork and knife on a plate if you have to eat shit :)
a handful of the programs I use at work either don't have linux clients or they're horribly gutted feature-wise. I'll do a full switch as soon as i can but it's just not feasible right now.
which ones?
HikCentral Control Client for managing security cameras, FileWave for MDM. They technically have browser support, but its shitty/clunky/damn near featureless. I can use just about any RDP software to remote into our ESXi VM's, but I use the former 2 so much it'd be annoying to have to always remote into another machine to use them.
I assume you've tried wine?
Using Win10 Pro since it came out. Never seen this kind of retarded shit.
Yeah, they don't play nicely at all with them. Used to be a bit scuffed about it but I'm used to it at this point. Fuckin way she goes
every file manager listed in the post you replied to
there are tabs, split screen and kde's dolphin even has a command line panel in the file manager
what do wincucks even have?
I use Windows every day and have never seen this
>Linux fags don't know about Windows LTSB or how to make a bloatfree ISO.
YIKES, and you're suppose to be posting on a technology board? Get the fuck off, you dumb nig.
>pays money or breaks law in order to use an OS that restricts him and tells him what and when he can use it
>calls out others for posting on a technology board
Dolphin, Konqueror, Krusader, Nautilus, Nemo, SpaceFM, Thunar,...
Video games
Everything else is GNU for me
dont worry the chinese can still see the cameras even if you can't
will vary for people but most games I play work on linux so I only boot into windows once in a while
Ubuntu and a bunch of others I'm sure are easier to install than windows, last time I installed windows (few years ago) it literally took HOURS of waiting for the installer to finish, popular distros are up in few minutes
Sure, my company provided me work laptop with Windows as well, are you implying you do everything on your employing company's computer? I have lignux on my own PC
like this one?
I have literally never seen this.
t. EU
forgot to mention, I use GNU/Linux
You have to go back.
absolutely fucking disgusting
kys self
i think you meant
>google chromium
absolutely fucking disgusting
kys self
Literally all of them wintard. I've never used one without them. Tell me when windows explorer supports basic features like tabs.
Windows 7 was the last time Microsoft tried making a good desktop OS.
There is literally no reason to use 10 other than muh vidya gaymes.
Absolutely disgusting.
ITT: freetards circlejerking.
>looks at poster count
Correction. ITT: brain-damaged autistic samefagging.
Windows 10 is a disgrace.
i do hope they are at least paying you for shilling botnet 10
you aren't... doing it for free.. are you?
-Native FLAC and MKV support
-Actually being able to click on a button to go up a directory
-Mounting disk image files in Explorer
-Better file transfer dialogues
-Native notifications (and related features to manage them like the focus stuff thats been expanded to more use cases as mentioned in this artcle)
-Modern design scheme (I look at it all day, it should look decent)
-Multiple desktops
-Timeline (very useful for going back to a doc I was working on for example)
-Better multi monitor support
-Better touch and gesture support
-Windows 10 store and related apps (lighter, sandboxed apps, easier updates, same features and some even add native integration for things like VPN functionality which is way slicker than using a separate client every time. only downside is troubleshooting games is tougher due to your limited access)
-Actually solid (if no frills) native mail, AV, photos, and video software
-SSH from powershell (fuck you putty)
-Better sound control (per-app settings, easy switching sources)
-At a glance calendar and weather views in start menu and lock screen
-Quickly turn off/on wifi, change brightness, etc. via touch
-Far more update options, though this certainly didn't start out that way.
-More native drivers but that should be expected in a newer Windows version
-Better built in features for checking things like storage usage
-Very good native game screenshot tool
>as mentioned in this artcle
Sorry Pajeet, but copying and pasting someone else's work won't get you any rupees.
You are scraping the bottom of the barrel with most of those.
Unfortunately for Microsoft even the features that would be neat to have like the unified notifications are half baked.
Speaking of the modern design, yes the theme is nice, but the functionality is complete ass.
A lot of settings are duplicated across the new settings menu and the old control panel making it a complete mess of modern UI elements and others dating back decades.
>Error from almost 3 years ago.
Try harder winshill.
It wouldn't be a bad os if it didn't fucking spy on you. No idea what the fuck they were thinking. Their market share is only going to decrease because of 10.
yep, this, that's why i switched fulltime to GNU/Linux
Come use the revolutionary alternate OS with no support for hardware introduced in this decade, no ports of productivity software you rely on to do your job, Clinton era screen tearing, (not that it matters because your scroll wheel doesn't work worth a shit anyway) and other problems that Windows and Mac OS solved in the 90s
the Winjeet defense force is in full swing today
> that tray
>look mom! I didn't have an argument so I used a racial slur instead!
stay mad, currynigger
Grow the fuck up, why would anyone downgrade to linux?
>still no argument
How does that CoC(k) feel lodged in your ass?
The font rendering is utter shit too.
You tell me, Rajeesh
Imagine the smell.
>he'd rather have mental illness and self genital mutilation than a few brown people
Why the fuck do sand niggers refuse to bathe? Don't they realize how fucking disgusting it is just to be around them?
>unironically defending curryniggers
As much as I hate Microshaft, using Linux is like masturbating with sandpaper.
>unironically using software developed by people who have no interest in software development other than remove all the offensive words
>As much as I hate Microshaft, using Linux is like masturbating with sandpaper.
This. Windows is a total shitshow under the hood but it is a stable desktop OS. As soon as there's a Unix-like alternative that works just as well I'll switch in a heartbeat. Windows will probably be running on a Linux kernel in 5 years anyway.
>Why the fuck do sand niggers refuse to bathe? Don't they realize how fucking disgusting it is just to be around them?
Why the fuck do neckbearded incels refuse to bathe? Don't they realize how fucking disgusting it is just to be around them?
>you mean one without cloud ads in it?
Welcome to Jow Forums where tips that appear in software are now ads
Nice try. I have to deal with your kind on a daily basis. Every other human being I work with is able to keep themselves well groomed except for fucking pajeets. I'm sure half of you don't even wipe your ass after you shit, and if you do it's with your hand.
HAHA this is so true. Everyone here thinks their so cool hating on Windows 10 and Non-mechanical keyboards. I appreciate other OS's with the best of them, but truth is, I love my Thinkpad, I love my Windows 10, I have an IT job, I support other Windows users and I pay my taxes. (also lgbt). If you want to spend the time working with a linux distro and prefer loud clickity clackity keyboards; cool, that's awesome! I just don't understand people who are so bored that they take time out of their day to troll an imageboard? Like dude, go change your oil or snovel the show. ya know?
Cool blog post. What's your twitter handle so I can follow you?
Have you tried wine recently? it's always improving.
because they don't know how to LTSC
Is anyone else getting nagging messages from WIN10 LTSB stating that your "licence" is about to expire?
Is this a nagging message enticing you to move to LTSC?
>his os doesn't play games with him on his lock screen
>wincucks do something illegal to see ads in their system
>no thumbnails on filepicker
get rekt
>Can't even do tabs or PDF thumbnails
>Copy paste same shit in 2 threads
>Still uses their instead of they're on first line
You truely are stupid