Anyone else completely hate touchscreens in general?
Anyone else completely hate touchscreens in general?
Not really, I clean my hands and have the mindset to clean off the screen from time to time.
No, but I hate touchscreen keyboards.
Not all of them, just the capacitive ones. I find it unfortunate no screen can beat my Nintendo DS's in terms of accuracy.
I think the idea of trying to make a device that does anything serious with a touch screen is absurd.
I have really sweaty hands, so they are a nightmare to use during the summer
No, but I hate Windows 10
No, but I hate sand.
Physical keyboards worked like shit on cellphones, you're obviously too young to remember this
The longer the time I have to use one the more I hate them, potentally reaching really extreme levels, but it goes away and I stop caring as much when I get to use a real keyboard again
what I REALLY hate is when they get put in places where they confer no advantage like a thermostat
they got pretty good in the early smartphone era
I had a really good sony phone that had a full qwerty keyboard, i miss that thing.
I bet you never had a BlackBerry Passport
my blackberry key2 doesn't have this problem
Best phone
Numpad keyboards worked just fine you anti-dexterous dummy
I miss click on things pretty often. Youtube in particular is bad for me, you can click on the little notification when you add something to a playlist and it registers it as clicking on the video behind that banner.
touchscreens are a good replacement for the mouse, not the keyboard
>what I REALLY hate is when they get put in places where they confer no advantage like a thermostat
Oh my god FUCKING THIS FUCK. My parents bought a coffee machine with touch screen controls. The retarded thing is that the buttons on screen never change and are always in the same position, so there's no fucking reason WHATSOEVER to have a touchscreen when physical buttons already do the exact same thing: STAY IN PLACE AND ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME FUNCTION. It fills me with rage when appliance manufacturers do this JUST to make their shit look more premium and expensive.
Never had this problem. They were pretty great to be honest.
I still remember being impressed with teenage girls for being absolute wizards with the numpads the same way boomers were when I typed on a keyboard. You don't see that on a touchscreen, everything is inaccurate, slow and sloppy.
I can type way faster on a physical 10 key than I ever could on a touch qwerty
I hate them on laptops since you can't point at the screen anymore. I've never seen anyone use the laptop touchscreen for its intended purpose either.
this, unironically
>pointing at the screen
>making contact
holy shit you're one of those faggots?
i don't hate them but i got the KEY2 because i hated pic related after heavy texing, i'm never going back.
Nokia also had a decent autocorrect unlike the pigslop in modern phones.
Dug out my G1 just to check, I still like it but I wish it was bigger.
it would be gay as fuck if you had to post on Jow Forums on a T9 keyboard, but something with a standard QWERTY keyboard would be better than the on-screen keyboard.
>anyone hate things for no good reason?
Nope. There's a variety of use cases out there. Sometimes touch is best. Sometimes M+KB is best. Sometimes you want both. This is covered by phone, computer, and laptop for me.
This, the keyboard on the Droid phones was shite and it took longer to pop it out than to just type something. For stuff like terminal usage, rdp, or anything like that some edgelords are about to bring up regarding "productivity" that experience is 100x better on an actual computer.
so basically touchscreens are for toy products. Gotcha
no because i am not fucking amerimutt that has fucking grease instead of bodily fluids
fucking shit, hold me Jow Forums
Touchscreens are for monkeys.
>everything I don't like must be america
I don't have a single one, have never had one and never will.
You know i wish the would make one that does not shatter or crack if it falls of your standard size desk. My 4 year old's switch takes a fucking beating but they can't put that shit in a fucking phone screen?
Touch screens have a time and place. But it's just annoying it's being rammed down our throats by companies wanting to put it in everything. Sometimes a simple keyboard will do.
>My 4 year old's switch takes a fucking beating but they can't put that shit in a fucking phone screen?
because it's a plastic screen, which doesn't shatter but does scratch more easily
No, they're fine but get overused. I just never buy that botnet crap.
>My 4 year old's switch
I hope your faggot kid drowns in the bathtub.
No. It's a useful interface.
I even like having touchscreen on my laptop and occasionally use it.
>i never had a blackberry: the post
If you're going to be a retard, at least be less obvious about it.
worked just fine on my motorola droid pro