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Big tru

Sounds like someone got roasted on Jow Forums for his most recent PC purchase and OS choice.

wtf i hate Jow Forums now
thanks for opening my eyes op

1. How is RGB good.
2. How would a person who is stuck in their old-ways support LGBT?

woah....... POWERFUL.

HAHA this is so true. Everyone here thinks their so cool hating on Windows 10 and Non-mechanical keyboards. I appreciate other OS's with the best of them, but truth is, I love my Thinkpad, I love my Windows 10, I have an IT job, I support other Windows users and I pay my taxes. (also lgbt). If you want to spend the time working with a linux distro and prefer loud clickity clackity keyboards; cool, that's awesome! I just don't understand people who are so bored that they take time out of their day to troll an imageboard? Like dude, go change your oil or snovel the show. ya know?

It's funny because it's true! This was a fantastic post, OP.

faggot, go back to normalfag-land (reddit)

Is this pasta I think it’s pasta
That is fucking good pasta though.

Good observation sir! I am a faggot, I occasionally partake in anal relations with other men! Usually younger and more feminine than myself but that's just a personal preference.

good post

You know, the more energy you have to worry about this shit should be an indicator you're not busy enough. Fill your schedule with things that matter and let the losers discuss identity politics

RGB is the same ricer cancer you expect from console users and normies. Turning their towers into a honda civic from the early 2000s

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good post


>hating on car ricing

HAHA this is so true. Everyone here thinks their so cool hating on Windows 10 and Non-mechanical keyboards. I appreciate other OS's with the best of them, but truth is, I love my Thinkpad, I love my Windows 10, I have an IT job, I support other Windows users and I pay my taxes. (also lgbt). If you want to spend the time working with a linux distro and prefer loud clickity clackity keyboards; cool, that's awesome! I just don't understand people who are so bored that they take time out of their day to troll an imageboard? Like dude, go change your oil or snovel the show. ya know?

check your cis privilege, transophobe

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Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you subhuman shit smear.

Monochrome for life

imagine reacting like this to a joke posted on a hungarian electrical engineering mailing list

I hated rgb until I did lsd
the sober masses will never understand


Kek RGB is dead.

Attached: EFED9647-9A0E-45FC-8F49-52CB680B1853.jpg (2529x1761, 968K)

>1. RGB has always been cool. I still have the RGB shoes when I was six, it makes me run fast.
>2. mainly pr value, someone they care is LGBT, and honestly I don't know. I still hates transgender, when you call them mentally ill they mad. But when they commit crime, their defense is having ill mental and punishment get reduced.

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uff, this

IN WIN or Fractal ?

No CRT, No Coax card. At least try and pretend

>snovel the show
Shovel the snow you f-
10/10 pasta