Best terminal emulator bros

Alright Jow Forumsentlemen what is your preferred terminal emulator and why?

I'm currently using xfce4-terminal. It's really fast and has transparency which is what I need ( also a good font and colors so I don't want to rip my eyes out ).

Attached: 2019-01-20-233931_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 1.43M)


What are you gonna do? Ping him to death?

Oh shit better unplug the cables

terminal transparencies are bullshit
only people who doesn't actually use the terminal a lot do them

>has transparency which is what I need
>need transparency
To watch your stupid wallpaper?
Wallpapers were a mistake

Whatever comes installed with the distro is fine.

transparency without blur is shit and Unaesthetic. anyway to answer your question, use st.

i can barely read the red and purple

I use st with the following patches:
alpha (for the transparency meme)
iso14755 (typing in unicode codepoints)
scrollback-mouse (scrolling)
visualbell2-enhanced (a visual bell. will probably remove this tho)
xresources (for consistency with the rest of my setup)

>preferred terminal emulator
I don't want to talk about it. The subject just makes me mad. I used to love aterm. but it's "deprecated". So I used mrxvt for some time. It's also "deprecated". I could go on but this subject is just so depressing. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Transparency is comfy as fuck, niggers

terminals terminals terminals

>using emulators
Not authentic.

Attached: 2BC4BFE1-ED5D-47E1-B38F-6C41A6CF27D4.jpg (821x781, 50K)

Don't listen to freetards saying anything with features is bloat. Unless you're running Linux on a fucking calculator it doesn't matter.

Sakura because it is easy to change the colors and fonts

Attached: 1548023152938.png (331x671, 220K)

Konsole because I'm hetero

I like sakura but transparency doesnt work easily on awesome wm.

I like urxvt but im having troubles getting ttf's to work. Other than that it's the best i've used.

Install Alacritty for those GPU-enhanced optimizations!

Attached: womm.png (1600x1548, 441K)

mlterm, because I'm not a fan of st and too lazy to look up how to customize urxvt.

Attached: mlterm.png (804x493, 68K)



i tried several terminal emulators and the only one that doesn't hog cpu like a motherfucker when you run Cmatrix with 0 delay is urxvt

Attached: terms-latency-debian.png (883x495, 16K)
