How exactly is slapping two miniature screens onto a pair of goggles in any way true "VR"? When will interfaces that connect directly to the brain be leaked to the public?
How exactly is slapping two miniature screens onto a pair of goggles in any way true "VR"...
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>When will interfaces that connect directly to the brain be leaked to the public?
Not any time soon
Why do you think your popculture sci-fi definition of VR is the absolute?
Why do you think strapping a pair of screens onto your eyes in any way constitutes a virtual reality?
because anything on normal lcd screen is already virtual reality, i could call it double virtual reality experience with 2 screens :^)
Ironically Microsoft got it half right with Hololens approach.
VR feeds should be using your real space instead of feeding them into your eyes.
We are years from getting a technology that will make us able to perfectly interact with visual projections
Better than 1 screen.
a fucking 2D nintendo game is a virtual reality, just not the kind of one the '90s thought we'd have by now.
seriously though seeing real depth and scale in a game is fucking mindblowing
the current reality is virtual already
That's Augmented Reality, not Virtual Reality, retard.
This post shows you're too much of a poorfag to actually afford a Virtual Reality headset and so just scream on the internet like the autistic kid you are.
I can afford a pair of headphones and two monitors user.
ok but to have a VR headset with that you'll need to attach them to your face and give the computer the ability to track how your head is turned.
it's not just muh stereoscopic three-dee
I've got a Wii-mote and some duct tape ready.
The fact that you think that's the whole experience shows you really haven't tried anything besides maybe Google Cardboard. Try something that actually tracks your movements before speaking as if you're an expert on the subject. Otherwise, go back to your mother's basement to watch Sword Art Online or whatever it is you degenerates watch these days.
you know the virtualboy did actually display stereoscopic 3D, exactly like modern devices, right?
>interfaces that connect directly to the brain
you're in one right it's the mass media matrix and the entire broadcasting industry coming at you through the airwaves that your brain decodes and experiences a manipulated simulated automated reality and the really sad part is guys like Zuckerberg and his occulus think they're doing something new with VR.
we've been living in VR since the first military radio broadcast.
I know you fucking dingleberry, I am stating merely that even Super Mario Bros. on the NES is a virtual reality of a kind and that being "in 3D" or being able to physically look around in it doesn't qualify a virtual reality.
it'll be really heavy and shit and you'll have to cross your eyes to see stereo, but it'll probably be less blurry than a rift lmao
oh fuck off back to your own thread you nutball
>directly to brain
already exists. I believe 9mm is quite enough
HMDs have been synonymous with VR since the 80s. Do zoomers really not consider HMDs to be VR anymore?
>literally asking for proprietary software installed in your brain
>Jow Forums
motherfucker what do you think the word ¨virtual¨ means
Okay sure it's just two screens strapped to my face, but its still fun as fuck.
This is bait logic because its not like videogames weren't enjoyable on static flat moments. Is VR the matrix? No. Does it need to be? No.
vive or oculus lads? I want to walk around
have you tried the Out® Side™? i hear it's good, but i haven't tried it myself
Back in MY day, virtual reality was any computer simulated environment whatsoever.
Hell even the Internet was briefly considered VR.
they made you believe VR was like in your japanese drawings but no it was something like this.
Still , playing games like subnautica in VR changes the whole scale of everything , you could actually see how big the monsters are.
Same happend with glados on that tech demo , people were surprised by how big it was
it's a good experience actually.
Its going to be(or already is) like how HD was in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Where businesses just slapped the term High Definition on every electronic and didn't have a real meaning until the mid-late 2000's.
oh shit subnautica has vr
Nah VR is pretty well defined now and has been for a while. You are the one and only person who thinks VR means neural interface.
That post had nothing to do with neural interface you dunce.
How is two tiny screens in front of your eyes VIRTUAL REALITY
Cool gaslighting friend
because your brain get's tricked you are in a virtual reality
educate yourself before spouting your retarded opinions
Very few games actually incorporate walking around. I mean, it's possible, but mostly unnecessary
If it's really important then Vive has better tracking for larger spaces.
Rift is better product overall
Also keep an eye on Oculus Quest, wireless standalone VR. To be released later this year