>Requesting purchase advice
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>Requesting purchase advice
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oratory1990s eq profiles have ushered in a golden era of value in headphones. Now a $150 midfi headphone can sound better than any over ear at any price without eq. What a time to be alive.
I think your picture is cute but it doesn't change the fact that midfi+DSP > * no DSP.
harman sounds like shit though
I tried both TrueFi and Oratory's EQs and it sounds like shit and changes the sound of every headphone to sound like a HD650 with slightly more bass. Haram = shit
You probably just bought into the cheap out on amp meme or you don't know how to actually use an EQ. There is no way someone can apply oratory's EQ and honestly say it's anything but a dramatic improvement. I think you're just being disingenuous.
Isn't sounding like an HD650 considered good?
>HD650 with slightly more bass
>n-n-no this can't be happening
>how could people dislike my target curve based on SCIENCE *tips le fedora*
Idol trash here. What's your setup like, user?
I'm not upset but I am disappointed. I guess as long as you're enjoying your music though...
What is that logitech for?
did you apply oratofag's mud to your hd600?
we get it, you like a curve. this is a headphone general. we buy and discuss headphones. get out.
It's a webcam. I use it for job interviews and voip. Generally audio only. It has the best mic I have here.
Most of the time, like right now, it's simply not plugged to USB.
I played with it. It made the HD600 sound horrible no matter what I tried.
No EQ is best after all.
I noticed there is very quiet hum in my headphones. This hum stops when I touch the amp or the DAC. Is it a ground loop? Both are connected to the same power strip.
I am discussing headphones. Your headphones sound like shit. Mine sound like heaven. Sup nigga
Are you sure you aren't cam whoring?
no, you are discussing an EQ preset
it's because their driver is shit. try a decent headphone like the 58x or dt1990.
post your headphones
for some reason I don't remember a single haram poster showing his headphones
Is loli feet safe to OP next time?
Please don't
sup nigga check out my headphones
Absolutely. I'm also positive there's no easy to find pics of me in the Internet (I actually never managed to find any).
I could consider cam whoring as a virtual youtuber like kizuna ai (chou kawaii!), but so far I haven't.
I doubt you would dox yourself
post your actual headphones
and nobody who owns an utopia would mud it with haram
Just feet no nude
don't means don't, /hpg/ doesn't need to devolve further
Not yours anyone would with common sense wouldnt buy a Utopia it sounds like garbage though the sound of the HE1K is pretty good though the build is kinda dubious
B-but loli feet
Anzu a cute. A cute!!
throughout the years I have discovered that when it comes to 2D images as OP /hpg/ images the line is somewhere between half areola and zero areola. lolis up the standards and you can only have zero. cameltoes are okayish as long as they are not too visible (think kentaro yabuki style of censorship). clothing has no apparent affect on deletion. art style has little to no effect on moderation. context has a slight effect but it's mostly the above two.
Harmantardons on suicide watch
Idol chan are you a naughty girl?
I have a p0n00s.
Cocks are better than icky vagoos
I tried it in Japan. It's shit.
not them but i strongly prefer oratory1990 with hd660s
that's because you own a bunch of junk
Imagine that everytime you watch a Zeos video, just out of view there's a nalf naked fattie with weird shiny gym pants and a camera strapped to his head.
Is it at least feminine?
It's a good thing I don't watch Zeos' videos then.
so oratory users are mentally ill people who keep 990s, m50x and two of the HD6 family in the same timeframe
only junk are ancient m50 and dt990
>unironically believing this
its an m50 not an m50x and i bought it in 2009, the dt990 is from 2013. im not going to throw them away. i use my lcd2, he500, and hd660s. everything else is just sitting in my closet.
either way though if a fat person tells you to eat less calories to lose weight theyre still right
Thanks for the tip
standards are higher when not posting as OP btw. you will more easily get moderated for being off topic
When is sapphire going to make like Nikita and off himself?
never. hd600 and er4sr are objectively the best headphone and iem respectively. all of your dt1990 and stax and hifiman are absolute shit. headphones are solved stop wasting money
What else have you tried?
of course its shit but its driver good
in stock form its unusable but all headphones need eq
calm down bud don't want your high blood pressure finishing the job before your 12 gauge
>headphones are solved stop wasting money
why do you still post here then?
STAX L300, 500, 700, SR-007/009S.
HD650, HD660S, HD700, HD800, HD820S
k702, k712
DT990, 1990
Others I forget.
Most of it was shit.
reminder that the main difference in sound between the L300 and L700 is the seal. you can get dirt cheap stax setups on buyee.jp or mod an L300
just get a cheapo stax setup for $400, then sell it for the same price you paid. then when you move to japan you can get your L700 setup. it's obnoxious seeing you not buy any headphones even when you're interested in one when there is no monetary loss or risk
HD800+sdr+eq/L700 and although not listed a good planar are muh end game.
Did you already post what you liked and what you didn't and why? link
K7xx vs Fidelio X2's at the same price
From the headphones you tried, wh as t were your favorites and why?
As I said before, I could get L700 right now, but I'm not doing so, because I have other life priorities.
L700 will be something I'll get in Japan to celebrate moving there, most likely :-)
I did, but the TL;DR, save for L300/L700, everything was definitely worse than HD600.
HD650 and HD660S were disappointing. HD800 was ok. K702 was ok, so was ath2000x, K712 was meh, the beyers were garbage, HD700 was a bad joke, cd900st is way better than 7506 but still meh, HD820S definitely not worth its price tag.
I tried my HD 600 with both Oratory and Sonarworks EQ, and I didn't like them. For my ears, it sounds best without any equalization.
By the way, when the DT 880 were my main headphones, I used to suffer loud tinnitus at the end of the day. I'm not joking. Sometimes I wonder if these headphones have affected my hearing.
>As I said before, I could get L700 right now, but I'm not doing so, because I have other life priorities.
what does buying headphones have to do with "life priorities"? just buy and sell used. you take little to no loss financially, and there is little investment. and if headphones are such a big time investment enough to affect your "life priorities" then why are you posting here in the first place? I have some rare items on the way from japan. here you are talking about headphones but not actually doing anything interesting
You seem obsessed with buying headphones.
I'm quite happy with my HD600. I don't want to switch to L700 right away, and I'd keep HD600 in any event.
it's a grounding issue, your case is acting as an antenna. get a different amp that is properly grounded.
You have to slap this bad boy on it
Where can I buy these in bulk
how am I obsessed with buying headphones? you haven't bought a headphone in like two years now. I like to try different things and there's no replacement for hearing them for yourself. this is literally /headphone general/. I try new things, if I dislike it I sell them for what I paid for. simple stuff.
Did you try the amp without the dac first (just connect the amp to the computer out) to see if it's not the dac having an issue?
Also, make alice cry again and I will gas you
My Topping DX3 pictured here: Has one of these silly things. It's embarrassing.
It hasn't even been a year since msr7, and I just got the dx3.
Chifi slaps that shit on everything so aliexpress is your best bet. Good luck user, they instantly improved my frequency response.
Amp is srm-252s which is connected to DX3pro that I'm using in DAC mode.
I guess I'll try just PC out to see if I got chinked with DX3. However I don't hear something like that when using it as amp+DAC with my other headphones.
>he bought one or two cheapo beater headphones since his hd600 over the course of 2-3 years
just buy used and sell used, user.
the 252 is properly ground for sure, it's your dx3 usb causing a ground loop with your computer. try spdif, it should solve the problem
>buy used and sell used
dirty motherfuckers
Any time you just immediately apply an EQ while listening you're going to hate it because your brain wont like anything that is different. Until one day when you forget you have it on and find yourself wondering why your headphones sound so good.
people like you add nothing to this general. if you want to try to keep up by buying new every time and making up for horrible losses each time you go to sell them then by all means
Thanks user, can't wait.
I'll sell you my used, unwashed underwear
where's my reply? you don't have a good excuse idol trash and you know it. the most you had was to ad hominim me by calling me obsessed but I'm right. get the L700 later, whatever. try some cheaper lambdas.
>Thanks user, can't wait.
Based and Redpilled. Post pics when you get em.
I tried them, I liked them, I'll get them (L700) eventually. I've decided I'll do it after I move to Japan.
My HD600 are being enjoyed atm. I do actually use my headphones. Nice as they were, I feel no urge whatsoever :-)
>schiit magni and modi
lmao you wont hear an audible difference with the topping.
you've tried the L700 and two oddball lambdas that are ported. the L300/L500 don't count as lambdas unless you seal mod them. I already know you like the L700, I don't care. try some older cheaper lambdas that aren't the L300. there is little risk. there is little reason to wait to buy stax when you can buy cheaper models that you can easily sell and don't cost the same price as a used car
I don't know why you keep bringing up your hd600 either or how happy you are with it. I own L700s. I still enjoy trying new things and try vintage gear. other L700 owners here do the same.
Idol chan why are you so level headed? No need to upgrade like a mad man!
he has this stupid idea in his head still that he needs to pay $1.5k to get an upgrade to his hd600. it's wrong. he still thinks that because he tried a ported L300 and doesn't yet understand how little the difference is between different lambdas. he can get a cheap lambda for $400-$500 but thinks he needs to get the L700.
also, the reason he's doing this is because he is cope posting. it has nothing to do with being level headed. he hates spending money and feels guilty about it so he tries to find excuses to buy stuff (i.e. holidays or celebrations). he doesn't want to believe there is something better than the hd600 for less than a large sum so he doesn't have to spend money and can delay the purchase for as long as possible.
This is me but poor. It's either eat rice and potatoes all month or upgrade. Im just too poor to save money otherwise.
learn to buy and sell used. headphones hold their value quite well. their market value tanks at first after release but then it's solid and doesn't depreciate any further. buying rare stuff is the way to go. hell, the stax omega sells for $10,000+ now
L700 new is the best. Used shit can go rot just like girls.
I have 2 broken superlux 668B's and one old hd600. And a superlux hd330. And got 200 bucks to spend atm. I just can't buy anything nice. And i live in a greedy as fuck country, so it's less common to find good deals used or new.
Dutchies are often seen as jews when it comes to money.
I'm not trying to be mean but you're in the wrong place both in physical location and in this general
Is this a good buy if I don't have any dac/amp but I have a pair of 80ohm dt770s? They sound loud enough from my computer but I wonder if they can sound even better
I know. Give or take 60 more years to go.
>if you don't buy the stax then you can't be posting here
ok gramps
where did I mention stax? I brought it up with idol trash because it's something he likes
this is starting to not be headphone related images ;-;