Why do they call it a pull-request?
Why do they call it a pull-request?
Because a 'git pull' is equivalent to a 'git fetch' + 'gti merge'.
It's a request for someone to merge your work into their tree.
I want to merge my commit into Mugi's repo, if you know what I mean.
Bro you are so right it's stupid as tits.
They could obviously choose a better name for that.
Anyone who argues otherwise is a mindless drone
Because you can't just let everybody push commits. Instead you let people request that you pull their commits.
you push they pull
request: pls sir pull my push
I really like this picture.
reminder that mugi fucks niggers
k now I'm aroused brb gonna fap
>hit it as hard as you can
you wanna die dumb loli?
not in my dreams so it's ok
What if i am one?
no user, dont fall into that trap!
Fucking jews posting those damn cartoons are degenerating fellow men
>hit it as hard as I can
>she goes through the window
Then you should go back to africa and die of malaria/aids/starvation/dehydration like a good little nigger.
she wants you to fuck her, dumb meathead
No shit, you fucking moron.
>mugi a loli
die newfag
i'll fuck her with my newfag dick and she'll love it
Mugi likes girl love though.
I want to stick my dick down her throat and piss into her stomach, if you know what I mean.