When where you when Android died?
When where you when Android died?
Oh no, carrier branded phones that are garbage already will be even more garbage, what the hell am I going to do?
>not wanting that "0$ for a year and it's your" plan
this explains the 20 apple FUD threads on Jow Forums currently
android users gotta cope
It's never FUD, only harsh facts.
That's a burger problem
I won't have that problem boyo.
This spreads to EU and Asia too, you dumb fuck.
>mental gymnastics
Oh no, a locked phone with dual SIM will be locked for both slots. Who would expect that?
>has to cope because carriers are locking down muh android even worse
No such thing as carrier phones in my country.
I don't even live anywhere near the bakagaijinner hellholes where carries do this shit, you kiddie autist.
Then you obviously live in the GLORIOUS Mother Russia. The only land of TRUE freedom of living, action and speech.
I'm a third worlder.
>things that won't affect Europe
Who the fuck buys carrier locked phones
I want castah to leave.
Who's Castah?
Anyone on a plan.
You need to leave.
>Carrier locked phones will only work on carrier approved towers
>Carrier locked phones with dual SIM slots will be able to stop you from using the second slot if you don't have their SIM in the first slot.
Literally none of this is an issue. If you've got a carrier locked phone, the only time your phone should be accessing other carriers for calling would be for calling for emergency services when you don't have signal with your carrier, which in most places in the world they legally can't block the other carriers in that situation. And oh no, you'll have to keep your carrier SIM in your phone when using a dual SIM phone... Uh, if it's carrier locked, then you're not going to be able to use any other carriers SIM in the first slot anyway, so your options already were carrier SIM or no SIM in slot 1. Now they're just removing the no SIM option.
Go on you imbecile, is it one of your anime references?
Brainwashed marketing victim.
>When where you when Android died?
Canada moron. The US isn't all of NA. Locking phones to carriers was made illegal in 2017.
I'm from a completely another, VASTLY SUPERIOR continent, you underage imbecile.
This is illegal in some countries. Like locking phones and IMEI changing.