>windows vista was the worst windows
>windows vista was bloated
Windows vista was the worst windows
I don't think there will ever be an OS designed as beautifully as Vista.
Nobody thinks Vista is bloated, specially in the age of the Windows 10 bloat mountain. I had good experiences with it, before moving to GANOO Plus Kleenex.
Frankly I don't get all the hate, only shitty versions i remember is ME and 8, jesus christ the whole metro thing was jarring.
>Windows 10 bloat mountain
This is fucking retarded, 10 light and fast.
Exactly. People mistake that just because it had more eye candy than XP that it was more bloated as well.
It's like the transition from KDE4 to Plasma 5: more eye porn and autism (bloat removal) porn in one.
This. I think that's a big part of the reason Vista is so hated: its style compared to XP's is as drastically different as Windows 8's to 7's. The difference lies in all of the actual bloat, telemetry, and overall change in method of use that Windows 8 added; whereas Vista is basically an XP reskin, interaction wise.
kys shill
Nostalgia is a bitch.
>10 light and fast
Wtf how can an os that reserves 7 fucking GB for future updates be 'light'?
Fast compared to what?
Vista reminds me of the raver girl I helped build a computer for. Vista was still in beta. We watched anime together and made out. I miss those days. Now I'm a fat neet Jow Forums lurker, like the rest of you.
7gb is nothing nowadays, when the average SSD for the OS is over 256gb.
The issue was vista was really in the beginning when hardware was still lacking for what the OS really needed
I new Vista PC was really better off with XP, I distinctly remember a friend having a vista laptop and helping him install XP and was much happier with it, it just ran better.
Vista did get better but it's name was already tainted
Windows Vista was a great OS as far as Windows goes, it got a lot of flack due to upping the minimum system reqs significantly and introducing UAC before it was really ironed out.
Vista was fucking awful on release
Because it lacks the aero interface and uses a flat design older machines actually handle it better.
Isn't Vista essentially 7, but without the backported botnet shit from 10?
7 is a refined vista yes
Vista was fine, the driver support sucked if you had old hardware.
kek speek for yourself
>the backported botnet shit from 10?
only present if you install """security""" updates
I remember i had an old shitty pc with windows vista starter and it sucked balls, nothing worked. It even had errors everytime i tried to decompress something on winrar for some reason i never found out
When I think back to vista I always remember the slugglishness. I had some core2duo and a gt6600 combined with an afwul Maxtor 320gb HDD PC, and now I have a 9600k, 1080GTX, and 1tb SSD. Windows 10 feels really fast, even though I know it's bloated as fuck, purely because the parts we have now are so much better, but Vista is to be faulted for not being made for the hardware of the time. When we had our first 2hp car engines in the 1890s, Vista would be a 3000kg heavy duty truck; a nice product, but the world wasn't ready yet.