Dont you have any hobbies other computers Jow Forums?

dont you have any hobbies other computers Jow Forums?
looking at computers all day can get very stale

ive picked up needle felting and drawing cute girls. what about you?

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I play multiple instruments and record music
I’m kinda into fashion
Watching anime with my gf

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I don't, computers are so much fun !
programming got stale a while ago, these days I focus on hardware
low level security is something I wanna get into in the future

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I've actually been feeling this same sentiment lately. Will probably start picking up reading again as there are tons of scifi books that I haven't caught up with in ages, and I'll probably start working out as well.

fashion is great
sounds good
reading is fun!!

work out 3 times a week and im getting more into music and reading. i do psychedelics on a semi frequent basis

i still work and study in front of the computer though
my main hobby is learning about netsec

i have tons of ideas for things i'd like to do, but no money to do them with. so shitty laptop where everything is free it is
gr8 manga btw

How do you get into reading? There are too many choices.

i almost exclusively read non fiction so i just choose a book with good reviews on a given subject. ive read books on psychedelics, politics, early christianity, theosophy, philosophy, psychology, etc because they looked interesting

either that or I read books that have become timeless like religious texts or classic literature/philosophy.

Where do you get recs? I bought an ereader like 6 months ago because I thought it would force me to start reading again but I haven't done shit. I used to be such an avid reader, too.

reading, climbing rocks, street racing, writing, photography, and cooking are all hobbies of mine

unironically /x/ and /lit/

if there's a subject you're interested in you can find book recs on google, just read around for some reviews or some wikipedia article

I'm an electrical sign contractor, run a shop and do permit work too. Have a vinyl and watch collection too if that counts

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ride bicycle


when you read an author you like, look up their information on Wikipedia or whatever and then find all of their influences and then read who influenced them and repeat the cycle with the new awesome people you find

The only other talent I have is music. I wish to draw cute girls but I can't draw.

>indoor climbing.
Fun as shit, good exercise, nice chance to socialize.

On the weekends if the conditions aren't trash.

Supplement in if I'm not worn out from the above

Otherwise vidja/music/programmin/weed.
Then work for the remaining hours.

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I've been getting into Jow Forums recently

Post drawings desu :3

did you draw that?

I do two different podcasts with friends. With all the junk we've accumulated trying to get into serious video game streaming, podcasting was an easy leap. We're terrible at it, but at least it gets us together to talk intelligently instead of grunting at each other over discord about boss Mechanics. Predictably, we talk about video games and movies. I'd like to start a 3rd podcast where I talk about books eventually.

I'm not sharing the podcast name because it's early days yet. Maybe when we have a dozen+ backlog