What does Jow Forums think of Mathletes?

What does Jow Forums think of Mathletes?

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it's run by a mega defense corporation and they use it to weed out the "smart kids" so they can be labeled as such and bombarded with advanced brainwashing techniques instead of the bullshit they put on the rest of us

/x/ called, they want your schizo ass back

its abit unfair to have the negres compete with all those little kids, i mean who really expected her to win ?

i'd want to nakadashi the one in sandals


I'd fuck her.


your mom

Future Jow Forums posters when they realize they wasted all their time on meaningless math competitions instead of being social. I guess they can sleep with the cold touch of their medals and trophies instead of the warm touch of a woman.

im an orphan user..

That's fine. I own a shovel.

Dumb pedo incel.

Who cares about women? They're just bitches anyway. It's all about winning, and I've won 2 science-related competitions so far. What have YOU accomplished with your life, huh?

t. virgin

learn some banter you dumb motherfucker and quit shutting it down
>*target acquired*
>you belong to ${enemy_tribe}, ${buzzword_epithet}
>go back to ${enemy_base}
>*discourse terminated*
>*communication successfully crippled*
>*goyim cohesion undermined*

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t. dumb loser

t. butthurt virgin

>user claimed this post was a joke.

You're not worth my time anymore. Goodbye.

read this as mathlets honestly

t-that's a crime

>I've won 2 science-related competitions so far. What have YOU accomplished with your life, huh?
Absolutely nothing, and we're in the same boat since no one gives a fuck about your competitions.

While you were being a mathfag, i did my job as a member of a biological species and produced offspring. What have YOU done for the species?

Are you stupid? Math is essential in every piece of technology so I don't know why you are hating on me being good at math and being here on the Technology board at the same time.

whats the point of technology if you're a virgin

Good taste.

Why don't you have a seat over there?

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Can you imagine equating your own value based on sexual interactions. This is literally what teenagers do. It really bothers me that a lot of people retain this into their 20's. Same with watching cartoons, eating sugary cereals, and playing video games.
You getting your dick wet is as validating as saying you got a high score in Super Mario. It relates to nothing of importance.
Literal manbabies.

having sex is more important than math

The autism levels are off the chart on this thread.

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This hasen't been true in almost every era of humanity. We haven't been at risk for extinction like ever. Meanwhile simple math solutions can literally change the entire world.
You're going to have to give a pretty good reason why what is essentially mutual masturbation is important in any way.

>You're going to have to give a pretty good reason why what is essentially mutual masturbation is important in any way.
And the answer better not be "because it's all I have".

sex is more important because it's more fun than math, which is gay

You wont know true happiness until your 5 year old bursts into your room on a warm Sunday morning and thrusts his Arduino into your face, proudly proclaiming that he finally got the LED blinking. But sure, hold onto your middle school math competitions, that is true happiness.

having kids is for cucks

What a stunted way to think. Literally high school tier.
>Born 276 BC
>still relevant and respected in 2019 because of mathematical prowess and contributions to the species

>Literally who
>born ????
>had sex one time
>worked at McDonalds
>sons had to go on welfare
>entire bloodline contributed nothing of value to the species
>but at least they had fun

>thinks he is going to be remembered for anything.

Meanwhile you're a virgin bragging about winning math competitions on the internet as if people knowing your name when you're dead means anyhting

he was greek and fucked people all the time. for god's sake plato had a twink boyfriend. what is wrong with you

>missing the point
Mathematic contributions span millennia.

You know nothing of my character nor my contributions. Would my lack of virginity add merit in your monkey mind? What a shocker that someone could enjoy math and have sex. Unlike the majority of the species.
At least I'm not whining about the most important concept in our entire history that has been useful to every single group of humans that have ever existed.
>No stop liking what I don't like!

As if having sex somehow invalidates his accomplishments. Do I have to argue against 2 parties of equal intelligence now?

>the most important concept in our entire history
is not math

your post implied that sex and pleasure is bad so people provided instances of people who had sex and still accomplished things in life. learn2communic8

Whatever you say my man. It fuels everything you and the majority of the world rely on today. Without it you wouldn't even be spewing this trash right now.

>your post implied that sex and pleasure is bad
When the hell did I do that. Please point it out.

you listed out positive traits. then you listed negative traits and included sex. the implicit conclusion is that sex is a negative thing. if you included sex in both categories the implicit conclusion would have been unsubstantiated. learn2logic

>It fuels everything you and the majority of the world rely on today
so does sex but you're still a virgin

>not putting sex above all is somehow implicitly stating that sex is negative
That's not how this works at all. Simple stack rank my dude.

The existence of virgins disproves your own claim dumbass.

Every single one of your ancestors managed to reproduce and if they didn't you wouldn't be here

man you must be great to work on projects with

Math is nearly useless unless your job uses it
It's "useful" but don't expect to need to know anything more complex than multiplication tables in your life unless you specialize in math

What point are you trying to make? There are people that died virgins who have made contributions that benefit us today. Same goes for the gays who didn't reproduce.

What are you arguing for sex or reproduction?
Sex is meaningless without reproduction and masturbation is nothing to laud over people.
Reproduction itself is arguable worthless if it's simply for the sake of persistence.

Think of it from your own perspective, the disdain you have for me, would you think it valuable that I reproduce or not?

I get along great with my co-workers. Why even insinuate otherwise? None of the people I have ever worked with have acted like children. Probably because people that act this way don't work in this field.
Is it so outlandish that someone would have different preferences than yourself? God forbid.

fuck math, and fuck books

>Sex is meaningless without reproduction
no it's not, sex is meaningful for its own sake

>Is it so outlandish that someone would have different preferences than yourself?
I guess this isn't the actual issue though. More that I threatened the only voucher of faux superiority these people have in their entire life.

>at least I'm not a virgin!
>at least I had sex at some point in my life and I'll use this for the rest of my existence to validate myself. If you challenge my worldview you must be what I consider arbitrarily worthless even if I have no basis for this.

Like I said it's about as meaningful as mutual masturbation. If this is really what you put above everything else, then by all means. But don't act like it's ridiculous for some people to care about things that they themselves feel is subjectively more meaningful. And more importantly, more meaningful to more than 2 individuals. Some people care about the entire species, not just themselves or their sect.

For me personally, I put my work above getting my dick wet any day. You can not know a greater sense of value derived from being responsible for something a large percentage of the world use on a daily basis. I know not everyone has such an opportunity, but still.

>Like I said it's about as meaningful as mutual masturbation
no it's completely different
this is like explaining color to a blind person

Not sure who you're trying to convince my man. But it aint me.

You can't convince a virgin of the meaning of sex

You're going to keep re-using the same joke. It wasen't funny the first time and it's still not funny. Yeah I get what you're insinuating, it's just not funny. I stopped caring about sex in my early 20's. Literally the only reason I had it in the first place is because of people like you proclaiming it's god's gift to man. Spoiler: it aint.
It wasen't the first time, nor the Nth time. It is what it is, self satisfaction more than anything else.
>no it's a bond between...
Nah dude. Not with casual sex.
>well relationships
Not all relationships have to be between a man and a woman based around sex. Sex is not what makes relationships meaningful. It's an activity, that's all.

you're not fooling anyone
you're been replying to low-quality bait posts for an entire thread
clearly you feel insecure about it
professional achievement is never a substitute for having a girlfriend
especially when you're deluding yourself into thinking you're gonna make an important math discovery

>low-quality bait posts
God forbid we give people the benefit of the doubt. And come on now, you're going to pull the "I was just pretending card"? I'm not buying it.
It's bad either way because if you're that desperate for attention, I doubt you're sexually satisfied yourself.

>clearly you feel insecure about it
Is this more "bait"? Or is it projection?
To be calling people out for being virgins is peak insecurity in my eyes. I stated what I think of you people right here clearly It's not only annoying but sad to witness it.

>professional achievement is never a substitute for having a girlfriend
Why act like they're mutually exclusive? Also why assert your preferences on to everyone else? Who are you trying to convince?
>especially when you're deluding yourself into thinking you're gonna make an important math discovery
I never made such a claim at all, you're making hasty assertions like you keep doing.
Today, as in, already. I work on a project that you yourself likely use in some fashion.
But, as has been my whole argument from the begging, what difference would it make. This is anonymous discussion. My points stand on their own irrelevant of my character. This is the entire point.
My merit means nothing here, in the same way someones virginity status means nothing. Clinging to these things is legitimately pathetic and a sign of insecurity to me.
If this is your only claim to fame then I feel bad for you. It's fine if you prefer it but you shouldn't seriously talk down to people like that about something so subjective and insignificant. It's childish.

if it's so insignificant why are you writing novel-length posts about it

>why are you discussing things on a public forum
Gee I wonder. It's probably not for the sake of pasttime like everyone else.
Why are you making posts at all for actual hours? What do you seek to gain out of discussion with me?
Also a few paragraphs is hardly much for the typical Jow Forums typist. I type fast as shit.

future $300k starting posters

I've just been calling you a virgin and you've been typing out huge well-reasoned replies as if there's anything intelligent about my posts to argue with

>sex makes people, including yourself and everyone who's ever done math
>math is more important

virgins cope

It's mental exercise on a topic I feel confident about. As mentioned earlier I'm not about to argue like this so vehemently with people I know. We have that liberty here and it's kind of expected. This topic isn't something you talk about with normies.

It's really petty but it's for recreation and as you stated, well reasoned. Nobody loses.
Not me, not you, not the readers.

I really do hate when people use "virgin" as it feels needlessly cruel from 1 perspective (if directed at say an incel) and just plain unnecessary from another (if directed at people who have different values). But most of all, it's tired.

Also I'm not about to hear people shit talk maths. Cube up nigga.

Math exists irrelevant to us. We discover math, we don't invent it. It inherently will outlast us as it is nothing but a construct anyhow. We are insignificant in the face of mathematics.

>tfw played football and hockey in highschool and actually went to parties and got laid like a chae
>wish i competed in informatics olympiad and joined the chess club instead
I'm not even memeing, anyone else know this feel?

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I too spend alot of time thinking about people calling me a virgin (totally not a virgin btw just saying)

>We discover math, we don't invent it
Math is an invented language for a discovered concept

I'd literally be dead if I didn't turn down social obligations in my youth to study computers. I don't regret it for a second. My options in retrospect where
>keep socializing because it's what people tell me to do even if I don't see short term relationships as valuable or interesting
>do what I personally enjoy and see as the future of myself and the world

Picking the latter has basically afforded me the former but better and longer term.
I'd either be broke and soon dead by 20, or successful as I am today for the rest of my life.

That's my life though. Everyone has different priorities and situations.
You could always find a chess club today or do informatics exercises for your own sake.

My city never really had any kind of debate club, look at what I spend my free time doing right now. It's never too late to change your ways.

I spend a lot of my time on the internet reading the perspectives of people from all kinds.
I have arguments prepared for "traps aren't gay" despite having no dog in that race. Mainly because I browse /v/ and witness salient points between the garbage first hand and it branches out to something I personally find interesting. The association between fantasy and reality in general and how that relates to any kind of fetish.

Really though, I just enjoy discussion, even if it's with metaphorical brick walls. It's for my own satisfaction. Also I'm procrastinating.

I can accept that.

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>You could always find a chess club today or do informatics exercises for your own sake
I still work in tech as a developer though, just wish I put more time in during my youth because I always found it interesting and I'd be miles ahead of where I am in my career today. Being a semi-chad in high-school was not that satisfying in retrospect, plus sometimes I worry about CTE

>Not the one in blue sneakers

I think a lot of people can relate to such a situation.
I have my own regrets from my youth. For as intelligent as people pegged me for then, I was a real dumb ass sometimes. But you learn from it. About yourself, about the world. This may as well be what life is.
A lot of people say not to regret things, but I feel like regrets are the milestones of your growth. At least if you change your ways like you seem to have already done.