My HP bar is dropping near 5G towers

>my HP bar is dropping near 5G towers

Attached: 1548082492012.png (633x729, 76K)

Cover yourself in foil so the signals bounce off

Gamers rise up

everyone knows that 5g radiaton is literally on par with gamarays and lambdarays ok?

>my HP bar is rising near 5G towers

Attached: African American Gentleman Holding a Pistol.jpg (326x326, 40K)

Sure thing Einstein

whats up with all the 5g shills today?

>claims to be worried about 5G
>doesn’t wear sunblock when he goes outside
>uses a 4g Cellphone and WiFi


dude, stop being an npc
everyone knows alpert bergstein is dead

Schizo tinfoilers are fascinated by 5G for some reason.

>he doesn't even mention stingrays
Crikey, those are the deadliest of them all.

>implying that stingrays flying through the air wouldnt instantly kill eveyone faster than a nuke in japland
yea alright jenius

nsa is using 5g to install non free software on my brain

It's Jow Forums crossposters.

Got a genuine smile, thanks op

We live in a society


guys, it's literally like microwaving your brain

I never thought this meme could become more garbage
but here we are mixing it with another garbage meme "brainlet"

Just strap on that boomer and zoomer shit onto this and shutdown this website

I wish 5G would kill me already