Is this a good keyboard?
It's the K70 MK2
Why would you buy this as opposed to filco or something?
which model is comparable to the k70 mk2?
>rgb meme
Get this one instead
>tiny right shift
Get a ducky, OP
>He uses the right shift
what's a good model? anything comparable to the k70 mk2?
>he doesn't use a 104-key board
what's wrong with rgb?
Old people hate new things.
only good keyboard is 20$ red clone from china.
mechanical keyboards are literally as cheap as membrane ones and people that shill "key feel" are crazy.
just get a MX red clone. the patent expired years ago.
>no numpad
Only absolute retards would buy a keyboard like this, anyone who works in a professional environment understands why number pads are important.
Phew. Crisis averted.
Absolutely based
Fuck I wish I had one and I'm not using it for professional reasons. I never realized how much I used it until I got this Logitech G410, it is a slow fucking mental drain. Every time I want to tap out numbers fast I have to fucking hunt and peck for that top row.
I have the K95 which is basically the same except mine has a left row of macro's and an extra line of rgb lightning on the top.
Its great quality and i love it, would recommend Corsair keyboards over the Razer meme anyday.
>Only absolute retards would buy a keyboard like this, anyone who works in a professional environment understands why number pads are important.
Implying anyone who would by an rgb keyboard would use it for professional environment purposes
But i do agree, that keyboard looks uncomfortable as fuck
>a keyboard and a bluetooth numpad instead of a full keyboard
its genius my dude
Well I'm an old man and i like rgb.
I need rgb on my guns now.
Rgb guns actually sounds like a cool concept.
No. Corsair's new keycaps are cheap and will start to fall off while typing. Buy an older K70 off of eBay or some shit.
No more clutter, easier ergonomics, left hand users benefit, and when you need to use the numpad connect to bluetooth, bash out your digitals, and when done throw it in a drawer. No more clutter, no hassling with plugs, just turn it on, connect, problem solved.
mediocre, probably a better investment to get something like a ducky one/shine or a leopold depending on whether you want rgb or rock solid build quality
It's not even hard to use the number row.
>but muh sonic speeds
Get a 5 with a bump on it.
Just build an Iris.