How do i tell if my food's been spiked?

how do i tell if my food's been spiked?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Run a neural network, shit, idk.

grow your own veggies and shit and go 2

>Not building your apple pie from scratch

Have you started bleeding monthly from your penis?
If so, then your food has been spiked.

That image is the exact reason I keep all my food in the bar downstairs under lock and key, and away from my housemates.

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My piece of shit roommate tried to do this to me. I wish I was tall with a clearly masculine face, and I wish /b/'s feminine penis meme didn't go mainstream.
Also fuck pharma and their hormones drugs bullshit.

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>tfw no roommate to spike my food with hrt

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post cute feet

Thank god I love alone.
Then again, having someone living with me who thinks I'm cute would be nice too.
I change my mind, I hate living alone.

Fuck off. What the fuck is wrong with you.

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Don't be shy

>tfw no roommate to spike with hrt

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I'm immune to this gaslighting shit by this point.

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another gay ass thread on the technology board

Tamper protect your food.
Get a new roommate.

if i had a cute feminine roommate i would put him on hrt and spoon/cuddle with her, slowly stroking her hair with my left hand, while caressing her cheeks down to her chest with my right, moving to softly brushing her tummy before reaching and squeezing her buttcheeks; all the while telling her how it's all alright now and that we will be together forever.

Don't take food or drink from people you don't implicitly trust, when at a party as soon as you set your cup down its not yours anymore just abandon it, keep your food locked up if you need to, buy single servings. Also lock or whatever your shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc if you don't live securely.

suddenly passing out and/or dying may indicate that

The only way to know for sure is to send in your piss in for GC/MS multiple times a week.

What people don't realize is how easy it is to get ahold of t-blockers these days.
You could become someone's feminine sissy roleplaying cosplay bf and not even realize that you've been gaslighted into enjoying it until it's too late.

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Jesus christ. I need to find the archive for this thread.

Considering how everything is poisoned with BPA these days, I don't even know if you need to do anything special. I have a theory that rise of femboys/traps/trannies is a result of widespread BPA poisoning.

This is a good thing

It would be a good thing if it also wasn't killing us all slowly.
are you talking about this by any chance?

>hated by straight people
>hated by homos
>hated by trannies

how does it feel being a tranny/trap chaser

i still don't get the appeal behind completely disinterested sex, going to the point where the guy you're fucking is taking a PHONE CALL in front of you

see image
its fucked you up too though, maybe just not as much as others.

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>shitting on SEKKO

Even if you typed this out ironically, the fact remains that you typed this out. You deserve the gas chamber.

the original post came from /jp/, check warosu.
some faggot put Jow Forums - technology on it and made us look like pervs

KKB is cute.

Everything on that pic aside from Jow Forums, tumblr and discord is pretty cool though?

Wait I don't get the 250 games but 1.8 hours for only 2 weeks part

It's probably just another allegory for depression.
>have games
>don't play them for one reason or another even if you enjoy them

Don't share a house with a degenerate.

not really. out of that entire image, i only like serial experiments lain, end of evangelion and Jow Forums

>2 weeks
>played video games only 7 minutes each day

>the absolute state of the west

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god i wish that were me

it's not even that, some people end up buying games because they enjoy the idea of playing them more than actually beating them

then take HRT and fuck up your body in pursuit of it.

You wouldn t have friends in the first place fag

Who even needs friends if they aren't cute boys who are better at being girls than girls?

pretty good senpai

Certainly not some1 like you, now fuck off, back to reiko s harem with you

everything apart from that manga on top right, death grips and stem is gay shit.

I'm sorry for your problems in life. I know it's easy to be mean to relieve the stress, but do not give up!

Absolutely BASED progynova pills tasting like stale mint

Nah nigga I am being mean cause you most likely deserve it, especially if you are on of the retards that have spammed Jow Forums with the trap threads and pushed kids that needed help to fuck their lives over

I think he meant the spironolactone

n-not that I would know or anything...

Deep down, everyone just wants to become anime.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother coming to Jow Forums anymore, but shit like this is why.

Sounds bases and oldfag tier. I remember getting retarded girls to cut themselves for bieber newfag

You gotta any stats for those claims you're making? I think what is happening is that way more trannies use imageboards.

Nothing wrong with guys turning into cute girls. They only leave us with a wider selection of pussy and boipuci to fill. The more the better.

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I have a theory that it happened when newfags came in 2014

Yeah there's some pretty cool stuff in there Serial Experiments Lain, NGE/EoE, /jp/, le ebin vaporwave is unironically pretty good, floral shoppe is pretty overrated though.
I don't know how cool being suicidal and depressed is but it is what it is.
Momiji is neat but kinda sucks she was taken by the pedes

Maybe I did really drink too much from plastic water bottles.

Go back tourist

Don t get me wrong I am fine with some trolling but spamming for days on end, they shit up the whole board literally, they would have at the very least 2 different threads per page at all times and the mods didn t do anything about it.