And the hits just keep on coming.
what a nice and cheap chinese led string they got there, truly INNOVATING
Why would you willingly bend your computer?
what did they expect from a low quality chinese laptop?
Why would you willingly buy a macbook?
There's a surprising amount of overlap here.
I mean, Itoddlers btfo as points out. But can we get better names other than everything gate?
Always, bendgate, antennagate, analgate, buttplug gate, dragon dildogate.
Well do you remember microsofts billgates?
blame Nixon
Brought to you by the "form over function" geniuses who continue after literally 10+ years, to sell cables that fray like this because they refuse to reinforce the ends. Because the one thing Apple can never do is thicken something. ALWAYS THINNER. IT'S GENIUS.
Easy enough to compare the way corporations operate with the story of the three little pigs.
>they start off small, making their house out of bricks, then they get bigger, exchanging bricks for cheaper(for the consumer) sticks, and finally, we have what intel and apple are currently dealing with, the big bad wolf blowing their paper Mache houses down, and they've only themselves to blame.
>those comments
Even Macfags are done with this shit
at this point, jony ive is worse than a french pedophile.
based but fakepilled
I don't know. There are few saying the solution is to make sure to buy AppleCare for an additional $400.
>a few
>This is why I ALWAYS buy AppleCare. Some people cheap out on it and then this happens and what would have been free is now $600. ALWAYS buy the extended warranty.
Minee edoeesn't have ethis problem
I don't own an apple product but I don't understand why people are upset about electronics breaking when you forcibly bend them. Also some flex is good for ruggedness, see older thinkpads
From the looks of the problem it'll only be a matter of time if you use your Macbook at all. Even opening the screen to a normal viewing angle stresses the flex cable.
absolutely alkaline
So what are you going to do? If you are in your first year, you can pay an additional $400 now and extend your warranty for an extra two years and be sure that your repair is covered.
Or do you gamble on Apple doing an extended repair program and risk a $600 repair if they don't.
The thing is, it's a design flaw like says so even if you get it repaired, it's going to fail again in the same way so your resale value will be gone by the end of year three. That brings you to option three which is sell now and replace it with anything other than a Mac.
that is not what this is about
>Why would you ever open your laptop?
Why indeed
You kid but this is an actual post from a cult member in the macrumors thread:
>Mine lives mostly docked. I plan on keeping it this way. I look at the fact that it’s a mobile workstation for emergencies only.
I almost lost hope
apply the same force to a thinkpad (even a new one) and see if it breaks
The defense rests.
lmao classic Apple sheep
Yes call it bendjobs, giving the macbook too many bendjobs will make it blackout.
The sheer magnitude of cognitive dissonance and self disinterest in defending their lord Apple here could make Jim Jones jealous.
Apple's masterplan is to launch an iDrink with cynaide and kill all the fanboys
This is karma for moving the iPhone manufacturing to India instead of the U.S.
wtf i love apple nao
What a waste of money.
I'd have more respect for him to buy an iMac and carry it around in one of those faggy purses.
> It's stylistically designed to be that way
> It's a funnier flex than we have ever had before
> We can't remove the flex, but we can diminish the effects of it
> The flex we exhibit in our professional products are bold
It's gonna be great
too keep reminding apple how much billy g. fucked them over
Buying 30% of the company was a great move, indeed. Bill is the real OG.
The future is around the bend
Why do none of my lightning cables do that despite owning them for years? Am I just really gentle or something?
Yes. Most people tug and pull on their cables. Thing is, most cables are designed to take such abuse, whereas Apple trash falls apart like the chinkshit it is.
>Pajeet is the key to all of this
I guess like with my thinkpad it will come with an out of the box 3yr warranty
Can't we just get a laptop that works? I mean it's 2019. Jesus Christ apple.
>Apple is just a really elaborated death cult
Based indeed.
can you guys look at competing brands for once its 2019 jesus christ consumers
My laptop stays docked m'lads. I would not want to mishandle my precious devices you see.
>usb c only, #likeapro #donglelife
>keyboards breaking
>screen breaking (with the cable being part of it, that makes it the whole screen)
>but at least we have emoji bar yaaaas
three consecutive years, just shitting itself. wow.
at this point even simply not using an Apple device after buying wouldn't protect you from hardware failure.
they have the pre-bent technology now.
I was reading about the state of apple yesterday.
So, it took 10 years for the loss of Steve Jobs to start stinging? Is it really the beginning of the end, or just a price cut will fix things up?
Considering that what kept Apple afloat was Job's vision, I always thought his death would also take the company down with him at some point.
Hardly surprising pro-Apple sites have such aggressive Apple paid shills on them.
based and debiru pilled
nah, they do it for free
I think THEY pay apple to shill. As always.
>the affected MacBook Pro models are often outside of Apple's one-year warranty period when they start exhibiting symptoms.
How do they keep getting away with this? They must have known the cables will last barely past the warranty period.
In many countries the consumer protection laws will require Apple to cover this under warranty, despite their one year warranty statement, because it is reasonable to expect it to last longer than that under normal use.
Why would anyone else ever be fed up with it? Are you dense?
> tfw bought a 2014 15 inch retina model with no dedicated graphics (Iris Pro only)
literally no issues in 4 years. 2014-2015 models are the most perfect macbooks ever (unless you got those with dedicated graphics).
>sloth gpu good
It's fine if you don't need GPU acceleration.
The Iris integrated graphics can even accelerate some application tasks.
hah. i was just reading that. I can't believe how people can be such fucking drones.
dedicated graphics on laptops are destined to break. Integrated graphics lasts forever.
Iris Pro 5200 is pretty great tbqh.
> pay $2400 for the base model macbook
> "cheap out"
Based, based indeed
>>> maybe people are opening it wrong
>> in this case i believe it to be true
typical mindless apple drones
You are using it wrong.
As we see again, the apple fanbase is policing itself.
Apple doesn't have to release statements about their products' problems.
There are isheep out there who tell those who are getting seperated from the herd, that they are wrong and that they should just join the herd immediately.
This is the greatest example of the stockholm syndrome.
that's orange.
That's some next level brand-cuckoldry right there.
>Extended warranty? How can I lose?
Blue-pilled or blue crayola'd?
based and satanyapilled
Americans are the only people who keep their toys in boxes and don't play with them. It's not far fetched to keep your tech devices in boxes and never use them. Apple devices would be a very good choice for such behavior
He's right tho. It's the best business concept for Apple to drop the full OS approach which is just extra baggage if they can make their clients realize that they actually don't need anything besides some slut/messaging apps.
Holy shit, Rossmann was right.