i miss him
I miss him
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The prodigal son. I miss him too.
a hero and a true human bean
stop posting pics of this creepy ass nigga
Terry is the love I never had
he did what he did despite his mental illness. he is a modern job. god bless you terry.
so ultimately, did we help him or make him worse?
Ruhe sanft mein süsser prinz
god's man couldn't care less about mortals even less the shit smears of Jow Forums
You killed him.
Terry mentioned these smears in one of his later videos in passing. He just shrugged his shoulders. He had much more pressing things on his mind.
He would be alive right now if he never got that drumset.
If anyone here donated to that, they unironically killed this man
why? why the drumset?
>He would be alive right now if he never got that drumset.
No proof of that.
O so it wasn't the spoofing of Diana's email and making him believe she was a coal burner which made him go berserk towards his liberal parents about them defending the niggers?
So that's how it happened? Someone got him thinking Diana was putting secret messages to him in her videos?
Goddamn. That reminds of me of Perfect Blue.
He got arrested for domestic abuse few days after he got that drumset. There is theory it might be the reason why he got into an argument with his father but it's nothing confirmed.
Maybe he would have been alive, but he wouldn't be living.
Nope, it was the incessant drumming which is unbearable with a real drumset. It's like a group of people hamming nails into the walls.
>actually thinking they kicked him out because he hated niggers
They dealt with that for years. Why make a problem now? It's the drumset.
I thought they bought him a mini drum set. A toy.
I'm glad he's dead
They've bought him a real one later too.
"You wanna place yourself in a position to give maximum glory to your Creator. So you go out there, and you be somebody glorious, OK?" —Terry A. Davis
I'm sad he killed himself more than anything, and let's be honest, it's pretty clear he did.
RIP Terry A. Davis 1969-2018
has anyone actually tried to study his OS and HolyC? there HAS to be something only he understands but never had the chance to talk about.
Good Riddance
I'm so tempted to try. Aside from being slightly put off by his design choices (especially only using a segmented memory model with no paging, and for some reason 64-bit registers), maybe his work should be left as-is. Like he said, it's divinely inspired and not to be fucked with.
Further to...
I know you said "study" but there's just no way TempleOS would remain holy if those Linux CIA niggers got their hands on it.
how could one man be so based
Epic bro lets larp and act like this schizophrenic man is based and godly
could templeos be developed into a linux killer?
Why don't you neck yourself too, so you can join him in hell. KYS.
His last months consists of being harassed by some discord group which among other things took over his paypal account
nostalgic live stream:
I don't get it, is it the racism, the madness the meme potential?
OK now I get it he fell for the murica meme
You won't anymore once you hang yourself
Everything bro, including his talent
he had true ambition and what does he get? shunned
I don't. I'm glad the fucker is dead.
Shouldn't have drove him into downward spiral for fun then.
Nigga liked trains too much.