
what the fuck did I do

Attached: worried.png (219x79, 3K)

Try renaming the drive.

install gentoo

Attached: 15113169901.jpg (2048x1536, 541K)

You tried to wipe the drive and it has some moonspeak characters in it.

Rename the drive with in a real language and delete/ wipe it.

>257 TB


rip your 257tb of lolis

Obviously something is corrupt. Could be anything.
The dll responsible for interfacing with drives, some bit in memory, some table on your disk. Who knows.

you did a goof and now the drive is corrupted and showing garbage data, it's even flipping you off at the end

You installed Windows 10

It's fucked.


Call a witch doctor.

have you tried turning it afw and awn again?

I hope there is no important data on there. If there is. put it in read-only mode and copy the complete contents. make sure you're manually selecting how many sectors/cyllinders etc the drive has to prevent duplicate data.

I accidentally 257 TB of ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) files

is this dangerous?

Its just a partition right?

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (250x248, 15K)

>trying to use a volume bigger than 16TB on windows

that's when ya lost

put in microwave.

i would initially clone it with DD to keep an undisturbed copy that may be eventually restored, and then try to mount it in a Linux environment, or poke around its first few sectors. no way its 257TB, the drive's firmware is fucked or your machine trying to mount it is; or is it some weird esoteric filesystem on there?


I only use FAT16

but where will you store 257TB

Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang.

I think the drive isn't really 257TB large

OP here
on phone, shits fucked

Ya dun goofed

testkisk can probably fix it if the mbr/gpt is just fucked up